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Show I TFA . There is better tea than you suspect; and yours is probably worse than you sus- ! pect. We can show the very finest :ir,e of Imported wall papers In the city. Alo Leathc-role, the new wall covering. W. A. Duvall. 110 W. 2nd 'So. P.oyal bread is made by machinery, and machinery does not sweat Our Crown label on every loaf r 1 HEALTH The man who insures his life la wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both for his family and himself. Ycu may insure health by guarding guard-ing IC. K is worm guarding. At the first 2ttack of disease, which general I y approaches through the LIVER and manifests mani-fests itself in innumerable ways TAKE- And rr.v.- '--I- aithe The Mine & Smelter Supply Co., 121 TO 125 WEST 2ND SOUTH ST. We carry a complete lLne of DODGE WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS, SHAFTING AND COLLARS, DROP HANGERS, PILLOW AND POST BOXES. WARREN C. BOGUE, LoemJ Manag-er. I NEW PRIVATE WIRE SERVICE S I JAS. i. POLLOCK & CO. I Bankers and Brokers I 6 W. Second South St. SALT LAKE CITY. H Orders Promptly Executed in B Stocks, Bonds. Cotton, Grain and Provisions. Private leased Wlre9 with LOGAN & BRYAN. Corre- N Bpondente, Members New York a Stock Fxch'nKe, New York Cot- ton Ex hange. Boeton Stock Ex-jw Ex-jw change Chicago Board of Trade. ft W handle all prominent Utah B Mining and Commercial Stocks Turn your ac- counts over to us If Vvi 3u wnnt t0 realize & 9a 0n nem' k 1 H American Mercan- (jMnj tile cV. Reporting V?vf Top floor Atlas 'vTm it.1'1' "Put" colloct j' W. Q. LYNE, j D?naifrW00L! ( nnd Wool-Growers' Surjplies mSTATE ST. j E' ASTIC 5T0CKINQS Abdominil Brlti, Khcc Caps, jnj gsjT' Benlt, I n guaranteed. Prlcri rijht H '1 ' . '-- t.'r.I . , , , iff.,, - ,, mi VJ1 unuin rorntcri anj benefit. DRUBHL &: FRANKEN. S. E eor Main an.l Third South St.., T & alt Lakx City, Utah. r t Good Clothes Make a Ha some Man Handsomer Just as pleasant surroundings rnakj $ happy man happier. Mayb: wc "caJ help to improve your looks. Try u. j f STEIN BLOCH SMART T f I CLOTHES and OTHERS 4 V tO $1 j 220 JVIAIN STREET. 0 ARE YOU AWAKE JL To the fact that it ia going to be piping bd D most any day and that you want to get a 1 2 ...HAMMOCK,., j Ahile wp havo Tho slock to match hnth vt Jl complexion and pocket honk n All si.PB. colors and varieties, at prices thi JT arc unusually low. j I United States Smelting SALT LAKE CITY, T'TAH. Lead and Copper 0 The United States Smelting Con Is now In the market for nil klnels of load and copper ora si P VORAHLE TO SHIPPERS. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS To Salt Lake City. Utah CONSIGN ALL SHIPMENTS AS FOLLOWS. I nlffd StxtH tM BINGHAM JUNCTION. UTAH. Whon shipment in mael please NOTIFY US PROMPTLT sfl LIC SAMPLER Is preferred. DESIGNATE W IIH,1I u.N'E; ilM luwZ 4NEW01 Romney Dependable SI 238 S MAIN STREET. Stains and varnishes in one operation. eJuv""'f jk things about a home from "cellar to garret" E,8UWj BENNETT GLASS PAlNlj 67 West 1st South. M YOUR EYES Need attention? Do not te iik many nth-m ho h;io M. , i.-l it until TOO LATP:. DO IT MOW Hnve your VoS teste-d an.l ...r-re.tly ...r-re.tly tltted with jflasse? thai please and May fltt.-i RUSHMERS 73 W. First South Phop.N. Rell. 1763-K. ind.. JTC3.- J Elliott. Williams The Hust Mines anJ Mlnlnf stodW arn Reported on. JH Reliable Inforn ut l; ; , JM Tonopah and W'JJJ GOLPFlSkD' W. F. BONO! Ask for our W I |