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Show Thousands of Children Guests Senator Clark Every Child in Silver Bow County Entertained by Montanan at His Summer Resort. Special to The Tribune. BUTTR, Mont.. May 9. -Thousands of children were the giu-sts today of 'United states Senator w a Clark ut the Columbia Co-lumbia Gardens, the Senator's mountain rsort three miles southeast of Butte Every chlltl In the county was tendered Bll Invitation to enjoy Arbor day exercises at the Gardens at the expense of Senator Clark, who turned over the street car system sys-tem of Butte to the youngsters. Special trains over the Butte, Anaconda and Pacific. Oregon Short Line, Great Northern and Northern Pacific gathered up the children from all points In Silver Bow county, bringing them to Butte, where they were met by cars for the gardens. gar-dens. At the resort everything was free for the children, from soda water and- Ice ream to merry-go-round A snow strum somewhat dampened the ardor of the day. but the children bud a gbdd time. |