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Show WORK IN ONTARIO Water in the Mine Continues to Rise Slowly. Special to Tho Tribune. PARK CITY Utah, May -The latest reports re-ports from the Ontario drain tunnel are to Ihe effect that the men are making excellent progress pro-gress with the vvoik Of opening up the cave-In cave-In At rftxui today they were eloul twenty feet through the e-iiv e. un.l the work Is petting no moro difficult os (hey proceed. In the minx the watet continues to rise, but at a lOWOI rate ut first It Is now about eighteen Inches below th. fourth ret above the 1300 level. Last night there was a fall of about lx in. Ii.' of snow here In the Park, and today Ihete Is a cold, chilly wind which a. Ids lo Ihe VV T .hi.. SIountu7fichapter. O. E. 8., gave nn Intei -est ing social session at the close of Us regular regu-lar meeting last night After the rendition of a short muslual and lllerar.v programme, various vari-ous amusements were Indulged In and light refreshments served by tho committee In charge. |