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Show BUSINESS "NOW" ALMOST NORMAL I Vel Strike Promises I to Spread. H Leaders Less Enthusiastic I About Meeting President Roosevelt. Little Hope That He Will Take Hold of This as He Did Anthracite Labor War. CHICAGO, May large depaVt- ment stores and the express companies H today resumed business OH almost a hoi- mul basis. The) - nt their wagons into J the extreme parts .,f the city, In some J instances without police protection, and transacted their business without Inter- ruption or trouble of a serious character H Sixteen hundred teams wire at work to- H day, and the number win be in. ceased to- H morrow Notwithstanding this apparent H gain, however, there ate strong inrlba- H lions tonight that the strike will spread 1 within the next few days no! onlj among H tile teamsters but will I nvolv'e other H as Well. H More Drivers Go Out. The drivers of th- Wonts Teaming mm- pany. a large concern chiciiv engaged hi H delivering flour went out today wik-n one of tbeh number was discharged fm H fusing to deliver Hour to boycotted H house The Wcnig company Is a strong H factor in the Team Owners association, H which bus heretofore sided rather with H the Teamsters' Qnlon than with the Em- B plovers' association. Its stand In line H with the latter organisation was some- B thing of a surprise to hotii sides in the Crane Tiouble Settled. Pot some time this afternoon it was reported that a strike of iin- teamsters HBVJ employed by the Crane company was im- JBVJ mlnent. This i oni ern Is mi Immense BBVJ manufacturer of elevators and plumbing HBVJ supplies und Its shut-down would be HBVJ serious detriment to many building uiifC- HBVJ now i' progress HHB The threat to strike whs caused by the HBVJ discharge nf two teamsters who refused HBVJ to make deliveries as ordered. The offfl-dais offfl-dais of the union sanctioned tiie strike, but It did not occur as expected. An ad- HBVJ Justment was reai bed of some kind, but JBVJ the statements of the i 'nine com pun., and HBVJ of the labor leaders differ as to its chtr- BmJ Numerous Clashes in Streets. I There were numerous clashes In the streets today between non-union men and HBs the iHjIlce and union teamsters who at- HBs tempted to block the passage of tb wagons of tlii Employers' Teaming com- JBl pany. There were also a numbei of at- HHH taiks mi non-union men by workmen In BBV buildings, who pelted tb.-m with all sorts JB of missies from a safe distance, Theso fights were hi In the character of rear- HBV guard attacks, and bore no resemblance HH to tho open violence committed riming HBV Formed a Blockade. The most serious fight of the day . way HBV at Lake and Clark streets, where union teamsters formed u blockade ami brought HB about B congestion of traffic and a series SBVB of tights that blocked the streets In that - section of the Ity for th' greater part of an hour Nobody was seriously hurt and numerous arrests were made by the Coal Teamsters Attacked. Coal teamsters In the business section of tho city were an especial object of at-tack at-tack by workmen In buildings near which Ih.-v drove. As soon as they were ,11s 1 i coveted mlssb s of all sorts were showered upon them, and in several Instances It was necessary for the wagon guards and fJH the police to send u volley of Indicts tlv-Ing tlv-Ing toward the windows Nohodv, how- H ever, was shot during the day. Hearing on Injunction The taking of evidence relative to the granting of Injunctions Issued temporarily1 by the I'nlled States Qlroull court in favor of the Employers association and the seven express companies commenced today before Master In Chancery Sher-man! Sher-man! Witnesses for the employers told of the trouble that led up to the strike and testified concerning assaults on non-union non-union men. |