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Show PLAN GREAT DEMONSTRATION. Socialists Threaten Armed Resistance if Interfered With. ST. PETERS BFRG. May Z, 3 a m -1'ndeterred by the complete order which prevailed ln St. Petersburg on May day. according to tho Western European calendar, calen-dar, and the energy and potency of the Government's measures to prevent disorders dis-orders the Soclul Democratic committee 16 going ahead with plans for great demonstrations on May 1 according to the Russian calendar, which falls on Ma J U according to tho Western calendar. Tho committee has placed tho public and polico In possession of Its plans In a widely circulated proclamation Issued today, but doubt Is expressed In well posted Liberal and Industrial circles of their ability to occompllsh much in tho line of demonstration and disorder which they desire. Threaten Armed Resistance. The proclamation announces a number num-ber of parades ln various Quarters of the city, converging at a central point. It alto declares the Intention of offering armed resistance If the police or troops f ndeavor to disperse parades, but, though the most active revolutionists and anarchists an-archists arv provided to some extend with bombs and firearms, tin great mass of the Industrlul population, on which they rely for the success Of the dsmonstratidn, aru said to be unprovided with weapons. Much depends on tho temper of the worklngmen. which varies from day to day. At present the worklngmen appear to bo disinclined to a programme of rioting riot-ing and pillage, hut It Is epitte probable that n strike on a large scule will be declared de-clared on May 14 Railroad Men Plan Strike. Railroad strikes especially are anticipated. antici-pated. The employees of the St Petersburg-Moscow railroad are said to be planning plan-ning a tie-up. and on the Trans-Caucasian as well as on the Trans-Siberian lines strikes are so probable that the Government Govern-ment is now sending trained men from the railway division of the army over the roads to acquaint themselves with their operation In order to be able to step In in case of a strike. Pillaging Is Expected. Reports of disorder in European Russia Rus-sia as well as In Poland continue to filter In The latest dispatch from Slm-ferpol Slm-ferpol said that a renewal of pillaging was expected there last night and that the stores had nil been closed and boarded up. No further report had been received re-ceived up to 3 o'clock this morning |