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Show SAW BIG ORE BODY. Mining Engineer Tells of Latest Disclosure Dis-closure at Alta. Tho nw ore body which has been opened up In the o. 3 shaft on the properties prop-erties of tho Columbus Con. of Alta. Is characterized by Louis A Jeffs, the ex-pert ex-pert mining man and engineer, who has Just concluded an examination of It, as the strongest hp has seen in that camp, and one of the most Impressive he has seen In the Slate. Tho crosscut, when he left had been run Into It for thirty feet, with but a single wall exposed, while th". sampling of the ore te.veals that all of It, practically, Is first clnss n.nd ready to add materially to the company's eain-Ings eain-Ings as soon as the roads shall permit the management to reach the furnaces with It. Copper predominates In the new ore body, as does It In the lower workings throughout the properties of the, company, com-pany, which ha done so much to re. generate tho camp, although assays cer-tlfy cer-tlfy to good values In sller and gold. Of the mill Mr. left's reports It giving a most satisfactory account of Itself, under tho efficient BUperlntendency of Mr. Whit-more, Whit-more, while conditions throughout foretell fore-tell big results the present season |