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Show iiLD kick Awful Suffering from Eczema Jould Not Hold Her - Tore land Arms Almost to Pieces Hful Mother Says: ICURA REMEDIES I SAVED HER LIFE" MB my little pir! was sir months bad eczema We had used Mimsauid all kin-" s o! remedies, rJMfg did her at:-, poo., in fact, lif getting worse. I used to Kriunds up, uu when I would MM had to put heron the table. HBjla not hold her. She would mi scream, and when she could, JBld tear her fare and arms P pieces. I uVfd four boxes of fcOmtiiH-n'. two caKcsof Cuti-JPJP. Cuti-JPJP. end gave her the Cutlcura IBat, and she was cured, and I rtcesoflhc humour left. lean My say that thev have saved k nd I should advise any one Ku she did, to give Cuticura Mr.. G. A. Conrad, Lia-Feb. Lia-Feb. 7, 1898." E YEARSUTER P Irs. Conrad Writes I E?J)lfasure that I can in-I in-I IS41 th cure'has been per- M now mx years since she 5 tbere ha9 bepn nore- I K?I?as" "in- I have ad-ten,. ad-ten,. friCIi.d8 to use Cuticura "eases of the skin." t 2hcfJfl?d "freshing sleep I fcUrcd Jics. nd rest for 'ffSfn SaPanJKentleanoint-gLutieura SaPanJKentleanoint-gLutieura Ointment, the great Ff-fhia,, the purest, sweetest, JEEnln? C;mr'Dcnl and cconotn-ttent cconotn-ttent f0r torturing, d.sfigur- P.kinrD'n' fira1 CrUd 7kin and scalp humours. VWftfft. a h, V ' T" -!rm Corp Women in Out Hospitals Appalling Increase in the Number of Operations Performed Eacri Year How Women May Avoid Them. Going thronfrh the hospitals in our large cities one is surprised to find such a larpe proportion of t he patients lying on thosa snow-white beds women and girls, who nre either awuitingj or recovering from serious operations. opera-tions. Why should this be tho case? Simply Sim-ply because thev have neglected them-selves them-selves Ovarian and womb troubles! are certainly on the increase amonpf the women of this country thoy creep upon them unawares, but every one of those patients in the hospital beds had plenty of warning in that beartnf---down" feel inf, puin nt left or rirrht of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of tne back, leucorrhoca, dizziness, diz-ziness, flatulency, displacements of the womb or rrrep-ularit ies. All of those symptoms are indications of an unhealthy un-healthy condition of the ovaries or womb, and if not heeded the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous opfera1 ion W'h.-n t In st-symptoms manifest themselves, them-selves, do not drug along until you are obliged to go to the hospital and submit sub-mit to an operation but remember that Lydia tS. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved thousands of women from surgical operations When women are troubled with irregular, ir-regular, suppressed or painful menstruation, menstru-ation, weakness, lcncorrhnea, displacement displace-ment or ulceration of the. womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, hackaehe. bloating (or flatulency), flat-ulency), general debility. Indigestion, aud nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, lassitude, lassi-tude, excitability, irritability, nervous- ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all-gone "all-gone "and "want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, feel-ings, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. The fol. owing letters cannot fail to bring hope to elespairing women. Mrs. Fred Seydel, 412 N. 54th Street, West Philadelphia, Pa , writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " I was in a very serious condition when 1 wrote to you for advlon I had a serious womb and ovarian trouble and I could not carry a ehdd to maturity, and was advised that an operation was my only hope of recovery. I could not lx'ar to think of goinc to the hospital, hospi-tal, so wrot you for advice I did as you in- I stni' ted mo ami took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , and I am not only a well woman to-day, but have a beautiful baby girl six months old. 1 adviset all sick and 6iilTering women to write you for advice, as you have dono so much for me." Miss Ruby Mushrush, of East Chicago, Ind.', writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham- "I havo been a great sufferer with irregular menstruation and ovarian trouble, and about three months ago the doctor, after using the X I lay on me, said I had an abcess on the ovaries and would have to have an operation. Mv mother wanted me to try Lydia E Pink-ba"m' Pink-ba"m' Vegetable Compound as a last resort, nml It not only saved me frrm an operation but made me entirely well " Lydia E P nkham's Vegetable Compound Com-pound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. Her advice and medicine have restored thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fall. TEA Good tea, good breakfast; poor tea, poor breakfast. Unless it is coffee. RuCGUOT I CHAMPAGNE The Banquet Brand Yellow Label Gold Label I A. VIGiNIER CO., Distributors Riegcr & Lindlcy, Distributers, Salt Lake City. WINE of CARDUI FOR WOMEN Bya eVj YOr.NG, MIDDLE- B I IBM 1 a;i-:i AND ELDER- D I -,' I l Y if you uro lejcually I'll HI t a weHk- n" '"Hitter (1 , rn I I H BB B n 1, 1 1 undevel- v VaLJ ope.1, have stricture ' 1 W varlrocole, eto., MY PEiiKECT APPLIANCE will euro you No drujpi or electricity. 751,000 cured and deveJopod. 10 DAYS' TRIAL. Send for free booklet. Sftit sealed. Guaranteed Write today. R C. Emmet. 233 Tabor block, De.nvjir Colo. MEN AND WOMEN. PfnilKlfefl l ''.Ke 1 for unnatural HTli 1 utdijkWj dl- Ijui 1 1 u flu In uiul lout, BtMm ijiM.-i l in n.it, ,iii or ulceration! F M !' mi CMIIm. rainiest, nnd not triD IflVnu Evans Chemical Co. geot or poS.onnue. Vgg ClhCINHATI 0.UM Mold by DrDlitl, HHW e. S. A. B ot lr) r-l'ii" wrapper, 'vHMkPW ,1y '"r-rr"" prepaid, fr -.niiaasByJB i ri 1 $2 m ir,.i-lur t'ut on rojueit. W. 6. LYNE, I DLalerW00L c and Wool-Growers' Supplies ) j 151 STATE ST. ; ' 1 " x eu a 1 1 v 0 s"1 1 Asidn from the ecoDom- i 1 ical feature. ; ' There's every other rea- W ' son why you should wear ff m (iardner fclothps. . Tho desire to ho well 1 i dressed is the incentive i i that prompts most moii to , i . wear them. Let that be your reason . for buying the spring sun i , , here and vour every re quirement will l"- grati" , lied. Y The price will ho what- ever you say, from $10.00 ' , ' i i. 35.00. ' I ONE PRICE. 8 j J. P. GARDNER I t 136-138 MAIN ST. I THE QUALITY STORE. Good look at our pianos before you decide de-cide on a purchase. You will And thr-m a tempatatlon of price and quality co;n-blned. co;n-blned. The- tone is smooth, even and har-ninnious. har-ninnious. We carry in stock s4s,noi i different prices from the cheapest that Is good to the highest type of Instrument that monov can Ivjv t":irstensen & Anson An-son Co (Incorporated) Temple of Music, 74 Main Et. I FRiZZlED liADS I H Wo are selling for one. wf-k only D i oir 35, 40 and 50 cent combs for Qj I 25c I I all rnli-.r? shapes and pIzcs See B H i,ir window. I Dayton Drug Co. I Hj Cor 2nd South and State sle. Tel. n rkkkp. to ni'R Nn:.m:" i -- cdBKBVZr f "h. '": . "." '.7: . v THE IDEAL TAiLOSING CO., (Boehmer & Rothschild, Props ) 149 SOUTH VVtST TEjYIPLE ST. I 'j' Continue to make all-wool reliable. A Y suits 10 order for r $15.00. (; Eve-ry stitch done right here on $, 4- the premises. A g BEWARE OF FAKIRS. I- a What's Your Excuse For not having your eyes tested and fitted with gla??e-.j that ar satisfactory to the eyes? That's the only kind we make. If you don't nved glasses, we'll tell you RUSHMERS 73 W, First South. Phones: Bell, 1763-K; Ind.. 1763 H ELASTIC 5T0CKINGS Abderninil Bclti, Knre Caps, ir 1 Spfi AnUetl to ororr Scientific mcanrt- HB DC f- i ' f.jirintfcJ Pricr rijht. Truiri fitted tn u ,o ifford the inn- all Lnum easfofl and benefit. DRUEHL PRANKEN, ; S. E. Cor. Miin nd Third Soalh Sli., f llll'illl't '-"V. t'Ult. W IJ. W. CURRIE, ASSAYER. 70 W. 3rd South, Salt Lake City. 1 From Ogdeu, Portland, SbS " ' Butte, San Francisco, Chi- m$&-1 cago, St. Loulti, Omaha, Syr-end Syr-end Denver ... 8:40 a.m. MR! t From Ogden and Interuitdl B' ,'j ate point 8:20 ajn. fjfe From Ogdcn, Cache Valley, Sra ' and Intermediate points 11:55 a.m. -Pf From Ugden, Chicago, St. u Louis. Kansas CMty, Oma- Waf ha, L?civer arid San Fran- I cisco 4:45 p.m. mje-r From Ogden, Cache Valley. Bg? St. Anthony, Portland and jcT... San Francisco 7:10 p.m. DEPART. L??- . For Ogdcn, Omaha, Chicago. Denver. Kansas City and EJ!'' St. Louis. 7:00 a.m. tfr.y For Ogden, Portland, St. An- thony. San Francisco and w. I intermediate points .. '10:20 a-m. H:- For Ugden, Omaha, Chicago. B..- Denver. Kansns ( lt . Sc. f. I LouIh and Ban Francisco... 1 :40 p, TO, & For Ogden, Cache Valley, Rt". Denver, Kansas City, Oma- ha, St. Louis and Chicago . 0:40 pan. igf..- For ugden, Cache Valley, Bfj Butte, Helena, Portland, fi S.m FTanclaco and Intermt- ipr diate points 11:40 p.m. m 1 M. SCHUMACHER, Traffic Mgr. K D E. BCRLEY, G. P. T. A. D. H. SPENCER. A. O. P & T. f - ritv Ticket office, 01Main street. Telr-phone 250. -JJ".' In Effect January 30, 1905. $K LEAVE SAi.T LAKE'dlfV. No lb For Heoer. Piovu and Maiysvalex 8.00 a. m- No. MB Po; Park City S:15 a. m. mm No. C For Denver and East :a0 a. m. H No. 6 For Ogden and West. .10.05 a. rr- No 1 Fo Ogd.-n and West, . 1:45 p m. No. 2 For Denver and East 3:15 p tp. No. 8 For Provo and Eureka... 5 ni p. m. No. 11-For Ogden and local p'ts p, rn No. 4 For Denver and Best 8:05 p m. No. s For Ogden and West.... 11:40 p. m. No J1C For T-Ilnham S:10 a. m. WM No 114 For Plntrham M r. m BjjBjjm ARRTVB AT SALT LAKE CITY. WM No. 6 E rbm Ogden end toe w est s.-iu a. m. No, 13 From Ugden and local points 9 50 a, m. ppH No. 1 From Dureka nnd Provo.lo OO a. m. No. S From Denver and BUisI .10 25 a. m. ppa No 1 From Denver and East.. 1 3S a. m. No. 2-From Og len and West S:0i p. m. ppfl No. 101 From Park City 5:15 p. m. MM 1 No 9 From Heber. I'rovo and ppfl llarysvalc - fi.oo p. m. pppl No. 4 From Ogden and West.. 7:S" p. m. pppfl I No 3 From Denver and East.. .11:30 p. m. pppj No. 113 From BlngHem 10:00 a. m. Mmw No. 115 From Bingham .... 6.40 p. m. I All trains r-xcept Nos 1 to 6 stop at In- I 1 term' dial pplnl - Ticket office. Dooly block. 'Phono 205. I A T S fl A P - I San Pedro, Los Sl Angelz & Salt ASfA Lake R. R. Co. r ) I Time Table. nsL EFFECTIVE MAY 1ST, l&Oo. DEPART DAILY. From Oregon Short Lino Depot, Salt Lake City. M No. For Stockton and Tlntlc district 7:45 a.m. WM No. 33 For Provo. Mercur. Mantl and points on San- pete Van. 8:00 a.m. No. 31 For Provo. Nephl and Lynn 5:00 p.m. No. 1 For Los Angeles and Int. .... 8:30 p.m. No. 35 For Nephl and Inter- medlato points 11:30 p.m. ARRIVE DAILY. No. 2 From Los Angeles and intermediate points . 6:30 a.m. No. 32 From Lynn. Provo and Intermediate points .. 9.50 a.m. No. 86 From Mantl. Nephl an.i Intcji ediatt points . 1:30 p.m. o :-,4 F?om Nephl. Provo and Intermediate points.. 5:40 p.m. No. 6 From Tintle district HBb and IrfUrftnedlate points 6:00 p.m. IBb Standard Pullman Service Dally be- H tween Salt Lake. Mllfo'rd, Callente, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Direct Stnp- Connection for all Mining Districts In Southern I'tah and Nevada, Including Bul!froK HBw City Ticket Office 17 W. 2nd So. St. Telephones 19S6. E W. GILLETT. J. L MOORE. BAl Gen. Pass. Agt. District Pass. Agt COLORADO-UTAH SHORT LINE TO ST. LOUIS.. Through car. bait Lake City to St. HHV Louis and Kansas City. Only. 0110 chango t New York, Buflalo and prtuclpal points t;,,' Low iat'.-s foi .unuiiur travel. Especial attention to ladles ufsd chll- aatatataj Tourist sleepers through te "Chicago. I Boston and other points without change. BJBVJ Two trains dally H Inquire st ticket office. 10.1 Ddoly block. pSVJ Knit i ill.- Cits Any Information cheer- r .1 H. C TOWNSEND. G V & T A Missouri Pactllo Ry.. St. The Lagoon Road H Salt Lake ft Ogden Railway. Time Table in EflOcl Sept. 6, 1004. LIS VE SLT LAKE. C.3) and 9 a. m . 'tVBXBMINOTON AND LA- OOON ; SO and 10 ... m . i S Extra trains nt 11 n m. and 1:30 p. ro. on Sundays and holldays. Mm A. D. PIERSON. Gen l Pass Agt. J B IiEAN. Excursion Agt. OFFICE 161 MAIN ST, DRUNKENNESS CURED ' mnm Thousands j I 1 1 miuUo hap- I .1 JfroA jfejH Vi ftVery I tlJtjlL ,k &j jj K ejAlaBM . thi Y iw' tA vS.rtJgnW y S" Ireetnient I UBoflSrnB Address hHPHdn 4!flRBlSaHflRn Kceiey In- UKjjjjmbW VTiraTajHfl smut. u I Ossil m v ( ' w so. mm I BfiB&fiiLVwflBsViflK Temple, P SaSMHj Salt Lak |