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Show VICE-PRESIDENTS HERE. Bancroft and Cornish Back From Pacific Pa-cific Coast. Vlce-Pruldent V l c;.,inlnh ,.f the lbiril-man lbiril-man system and Vie..--President llanciofi ..r the Oregon Short Line arrived In Sill !.-,;.. v evlerdov sflerno .11 In Ihvlr special train fioro I the coast. Uoth officials have been In Call- f..mln during Hie pnsl week. Tln-y spent .im-lime .im-lime In Ang"es nt the time the Salt Ijike R.iute directors held tln-lr last meeting Hah Kentlemen wll 1 busy In this city during the nr-xt day or two Oil mutters of Importance connected with th.- sMitein i present Improvements. |