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Show Light Bills Pass New York Assembly Six of the Seven Measures Aimed to Alleviate Gotham's Condition Go Through ALBANY. N V.. May 4 The net result re-sult of one of the most sensational dnvs In thf Senate for many years was the defeat de-feat of one and the passage of six of the seven bills proposed by th Stevens special spe-cial joint committee, ns the fruit of Its conclusions after Investigating for several weeks the lighting conditions in New Fork cit. Fixes Maximum Price. The bill Hxlng a maximum prl( Ol en? to private consumers in the several boroughs bor-oughs of New York n; VTKt tirst amended, amend-ed, without opposition, so as to make the rate cents n thousand Instead of 7"i cents as In the original bill, and then was defeated The hill ilxIncT nt 75 cents the maximum rate to the city of New ork was passed The other bills provide for the Btati Gni and Klcctrli Ity commission- for the dally Inspection of gic by the New York City ''ommlssloncr Of Water Supply Gas and Electricltv. and for certain flxel rates on electricity supplied to the cltv Passed Without Change. The State commission bill, the hill fix Ing a rate for gas sold to the eitv of New Yo"k only (not to prlvnte consumersi. and the hill permitting New York to Utilise Its water supply to generate electricity for municipal purposes, were passed without with-out change from the form In which they srenl through the Assemblj yesterday and now go to the Governor The others, which have been amended, must return to th Assembly |