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Show UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. COM-PANY. Special Meeting of Stockholders. To the Stockholders ot the Cnlon faclflo Railroad company: Notice Is hereby givn that a special meeting of tho stockholders of Union Pacific Pa-cific Railroad company will bo held at R?i5rt.,a.t-Il" c2Wpany. at Salt Lako City. In the State of Utah, on the 6th day of May. 1N6, at m o'clock noon, for tho purpose of considering and acting upon 1 a proposed amendment of tho Articles of Incorporation of said company, Increasing of J1CO.000.IXO. and of authorizing the L-sue fnu. l'eonf 6uch additional smck and of ntfm!2?bl6 aCtln in that beha,f Tho books for the transfer of stock tfn.rt fo0rmmn and Pr,forred) wil be S!vf i? th Purpose of tho meeting at LSceli?ii l,lm: on the 19th day of April 2fDnnntLWKbS rcPn'' at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 6th day of May, 1K; By order Of the Board of Director, ALEX MILLAR. Secretary. |