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Show Chinese Will Attack the Exclusion Laws By Means of Confidential Circulars Minister Is Gathering Data for Damage Suits. WASHINGTON. May 4 -Sir Cheng Tung Liang Cheng, the Chinese minister, min-ister, has issued a confidential clr-cidar clr-cidar or proclamation to all Chinese In the United Siutca requesting that lie bo furnished with reports of all csSes Of applicants who have been denied admission to :hls country, nnd of nil de-portationl de-portationl Otl the ground of non-reglstra- tio:i which have been decided nine,- the expiration ot the exclusion treaty of lh!4 Wants Estimate of Damages The circular asks also for an estimate of the dam igis to tho applicants tor such deportations, holding the ar ts of the official offi-cial of tills country, under the law and In view of tho termination of the treaty and after '.he rejection of the proposed coi. sent ol tin- Chins..- linMrnnii'iit to reasonable exclusion Of Chinese, 10 be hostile to a friendly nation. Basis for a Suit. The circular, which Is written In the Chinese language, wus Issued through the Consul-General t)t China at San Francisco. Its obj.-i t. as understood by the United States Is to facilitate the collection of evidence In order to base a suit against the United States to test the validity of the existing Chinese exclusion laws in whal particular the attack upon the laws Is to be made Is not known to the Government officials They hold that tin-power tin-power of Congress to enact laws to exclude ex-clude Chinese or anybody else cannot bo assailed successfully. May Not Stand Test. It Is held by some lawyers of repute, however, that there are phases of the Chinese exclusion law which will not stand a test in the courts and It Is understood under-stood to be the Intention of one or more of the Influential Chinese organizations In this country to Institute legal proceedings proceed-ings by which the rights of Individual Chinese will be adjudicated. |