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Show jpdalioR Large Scale let a Feeble Demand for Bfoldings Pressed on ,e Jlaiket. Hay Liquidation was fry large scnlo in today's U a very fccblo demand bo absorb tho larg. off' -obvious from tlx flings nnd the movement hc sources of this liqui-BOthe liqui-BOthe for It the. indica-O indica-O clear and too laments mad.- tho most of in the 0 of stock markt t p. r-to r-to the habit of I hai i lass. Eercnco that th- i'-i n.in-Soentrnted n.in-Soentrnted charot tt r and dosing out of some Ian,-, Ecounts held by : few Ernabh- also of p i r the financial world The m of this charm tor tak- decisive effect on pcntl-bpposcd pcntl-bpposcd that very largo had been withheld from Ug-the demorallz.n Ion oi Enday. wore no v. to take ndvont k ' l Hi' of price. At liquidation the most important II-Smpleted II-Smpleted and that the Iced for was n dull and ' Confidence In thi Kill professed in a large -renewed weakness In led some question of pi pin th. g neral sit ua-Kvealed ua-Kvealed to the general trade n porl - Ils loi the te of production In that Overtaking the ptci ,-ion, ,-ion, :inl price i ondltlons 1 ar- not firm Railroad jjjxnit b falling off from the Mori h a n it v and Sinn a fter i nili ad ..irn-ROt ..irn-ROt eo ro pid tern raiir I Itual on Die itiot Immedlatt fac-nim fac-nim k :is It ha - been Eflfteon-point break In MT stock on the 'lav Hi" toed Ua mandate for the Fcnmp.in v which was ginning for the prest nt curiti'- case was I Liked Igaln t"d.o ilf" inni'T-f inni'T-f Ehe i 'nion Pat Iflc n UJO.i'.uo r fi it. il stock a. lepri ; lnfluenc fie Lake Shore annual K of that compan tog stock hnil been dis-ark- t g ive a hl'l to the amunlt of interest of IS being constantly ex-llroads ex-llroads generally. She Chicago strike had Umental mill., m e on the ;'be observed, however, gelling and the heaviest long st i -k t hat wniil.l boon fl lot growing out of gorth-rn Pacific control policies concerned In it. Itockx and In a number tig a considerable list of to three points or up-I up-I up to th.it tK-ui e 1 i Knout i 1 li be one (.., tw i points was K last fifteen mln it-irallv it-irallv droppi .1 to i he ,.w Bl closed only slightly 1 ?. i k ton. Bf. TnUi I sales pal ' lited Stat. .- l.iiiU u . i 111. )RK HON . !.!T Mil JaKir. ..- e.-rl msl L & . uf.trt. .t IW Manha' . ItHi Hex Cent 4 Ik! l-l In. .1 Minn & St i. i Mi ll X & T If 1024, Ml aid ' l it of XI tu s y o jj X J c.'hi c- i Xor Pnrlfl.- 4. l-.'.'j 16H Nor Pa Ifli : . IgWli Norf .. W con la 1"P-Mi 1"P-Mi O S 1. i t r (a, :: j HflPa conv c1 BJ FU-sdlric K'-n" I I'f.' 6 St I. .V 1 Mer.n r.s 11"".' IKHl St L 6 F fK l!- 89 31S s' l S'weet i Sii Seafa i t . ( - s ; t tl ?o r-a.- r.. i - BW South R it lit PJBM Tea & Ia lata 1 3' T Si L a. W t- M MK.Cnlon Pacific i LpH'l' P e..n 1K. WOi r 8 Steel :m Sa.. WWi Wal . nc 7&V Wabuh Uti) i : IMVw-.i M.i Whet I ft L E 4 Eft G 8TOrK 1.1 ST I Sjllca Hllth. LOW Cr.i. fc... :.90. i M 14 M, K. 3,100 102 101 1, 10U4 Ho. 6.S.V, i.vi'i 151 101 Kr. S.4i 1",U 1M' 3 loj'j B- 86 i. UJil US' Ui u. K .... V,', 1:.. ' ,..;( 3. 4si- r. b- 100 13 33 " M Hi- 4.700 i r. ). B. S.R0O 223 B... 51, IW KPj if.s' p;v.. R-T-.- '(' i7' i7', r. Ua.-- 3"i -p', iK f--. 1 I'm :r, b. .-. .t-.i .-.7 -.7 w w 34 -.4 ?.i ton.. 500 ir, 82?4 ,v;lj I... 1,600 370 m a Mti n 1 700 M&j, s-.i, s.-.u 51.501 4V, 41V, ir.t It"- 70 7.,, 1 "'i ' ! r.i .t E" DM t"' l SS !M i v i:,7 M' l'J 26 ijV- 5t B... 1,500 -;i, 3 1, y-. Z.40 On", -,x A, B- 145 1424 in'. & 1.400 K. : K: Ki. 3,i 7si. 7.,', 77', r."'.; ' SI" 800 114'. in ' j'n -MM! !)7 p; , ., . . --7 C4 K" 2? f '- 'i W" m 1 . ;' B.7W r.l'i 4S Vj s P;;- .4M 77', 7 " By- M-fi"" is', lis ' nil, B" "SS 'IK H;; w 90? HlOO -v" 1;: i : ; . B" 500 2214 , l.J0 5s "7 :,7 4. 8ILVSH New York S6'c -4- San Franclieo 5Sc 4. 4- LEAD. 4 , -V New T-.rk ExehanR $4.54.60 4 4 COPPER. 4 4 Nrw York Fx. hnngn $14. VJa IS. 25 ' 4 4 4 4 444-4-4444-f ?outhrn Porlflc . . 20.S00 u; tr, sS'j preferred 600 117 117 116Ti South rn R&iiav .... 4,300 3ot :4 :' preferrad . 300 9 k 954j Toxas & Pacific 1,400 32 S03 30'a r Bt L I West 400 37 M jfrafarred 400 5s 55'i 55 Lnlon Pacific 211. Six) 119'- llOlfc 117 preferred 200 97', 974 974 W'Qtjash SW 19 19 19 prrferrrd 2.0i 41 39', Wheeling J. f.h ... KM U ISH U Wlcionsln CVntrnl . . 1..W ?n :n', prfforrvsl firt) 46i 4:. 46 Northern Pacific r-.w 1T9' i7-. 177 Expre.Ms Companies Adams 246 American . 4' 2ttM 23 4 236 T nltd Stateji 100 124 124 122 Wells-Forgo 240 Ifiaeti Ian mih Amatiram'.l '.-pp-r . :1.7'J .';j 77-; 7S, Ameiican car & P. 1,900 U 3'. 33 prcferrel 700 97 97 96 American Cotton oil .Mn 32'i 32i preCnrod 95 American Ico .. 800 G 4 4r, preforrod 3S Amerlran T,lnsed Oil 17'i proferrcd ... 42 Amer IxKOmotlvo 27,000 474 K 45 preferred 400 114 113 112Vi Arncr Sm Ref .. 2:. .000 113 100 U.0 preferred 3.300 UOH il9 11$ American Sucar Ref. . 11.: 134 133 133 Amer Toh pfd. eei-t . 2.700 97 96 AnnconJa Mining Co.. 500 110 10S 17 Rrooklvn Rapid Trnnelt 17.4' 90 5S 59 'oo re & Iron.. . 14..VO 46 41 42 Consolidated Gas :.7.3'kJ ivn 1S7 193'4 Corn Products 1,200 13 12 12 preferred 400 61 60 60 Distillers' Securities . 7.100 42 40': 10 General Electric 1.090 14 173 173 International Paper ... 700 20 20 20 preferred 8W 79 7S 78 International Pump . BOO 31 30 30 preferred 100 $2 82 si National Load 6.600 43 43 43 North Anterlran 2.000 101 1"0 100it Pacific Moll 2..VM 3i 35 3-. Peoples Oft-i . ... . 5.30.1 103 1112 b'3 Pressed Steel Cff. $00 SS 37 37 preferred 92 Pullman PalBce Car... 101 23$ 23$ J5 Republic Steel 2.900 1S 17 17't preferrrd S.M 7.3 71 7Ht Rubber Goods C.S! 31 30 11 preferred ;n0 104 104 13 Tenn Coal A- Iron. . . 10.2o M 7S 79 I'nllKd Slates Leather. 2l 12 11 llLt preferred 108 Cnlted Stales Kralty.. H0 R7 S7 s; I nliei states Rubber.. SOO 3S 37 57i pr.-ferred 3.ie0 I11S 105 K5 United States Stel ... 71. 7M "1 10 30 preferred 70.100 !""' M !"' n Qarollna Chemloal, l.SDO 34 31 34 preferrd -. 105 Westinchouso p;ieo . l.ioo 171 170 117 Western Vnlon IM 93 93 91 Silver and Drafts. NEW YORK. May 4 Bar silver. 55c. Mexican dollar? 44'tc SAN rKAN'ISCO. May 4 Silver bar?. 6Sc. Drafts, fluht. Be: telegraph. 7c. Money and Exchange. NEW YORK. May 4 1 lose Money on call. Arm. 2fi3 per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent, offered at 2 per cent Time money, steady; sixty days. 3' per cent; ninety days and ,lx months, 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 3J.i4 per cent. Sterling exchange. Ilrm with actual business busi-ness In hankers' bills at ll..Mi4.$!.65 for demand and at fl. 84.505 4 S4 6i for Mxty-.Uy bllla Posted rate.,. M.SS04.8fiU and f474S7 Commercial bills J4 S4. New York Metals NEW YORK. Ma 4 The I,ondon tin market mar-ket was decidedly ..asler with spot closing at 137 Ms and futures at 133 10s. locally the market Is quiet with spot held at BSB.SfitJ 0" '.. 1 'opper was eaer In London, closing at (65 for spot and at 63 2s 6d for futures Locally the situation shows little Improvement and quotation, are VOmewhat nominal. Iakc and Klectroljrtlc are quoted at $l"i 'i 15. 25 and casting at $14 757i It 00 Lead was lower 111 I ...n. Ion. closing at 12 l.'s Cd. but remained unchojiged at $4.504.t0 In the l'val market. Spelter whs easier at lfi.6O06.7S locally, but unchanged at 23 12s 6d In lxndon Iron elofeod at 52s M In Glasgow and at 53s In Middles!) OTO, The domestic sltuatl-.n shows n material change. No. 1 foundry Northern It. miote.l nt $17 IS 11 No. 2 foundry foun-dry Northern. JK..7.V; 17 . 50; No. 1 foundry Bouthern end So 1 foundry Southern soft. $i7 ...1177 .. No .' foundry southern, $17 17 LIVE STOCK Chicago. HIi 'AG'J. May 4 rotteK celpis. 7'V0 market steady; goo-1 to prime steers fn 60f5 6.75; poor to medium. 4.40ti3.40. Mockers ond fee'lere. 2.75'55.oil; rows, $2. 7515. 3.2-5; heifers. 12.5096.60; ennnera, 11.60492.410; bulls. 62.6004. "S; calves. IS.004M.00. Hi .gs Receipts. 12.000; tomorrow R0)1, market mar-ket 10c higher; mixed and butchers'. tr..3ixfi 5.37'-. good to choice heavy. BS.t6Q6.6S; rough heavy, f5.004f5.30; light, f5.254j5.50; bulk of sale-. -, t'.'ir, :" Sheep Receipts 13 000 she.-p and lambs, stead) ; good to choice wether.-, shorn. U 100 T..i": fair to choice mixed, shorn. f-3.50-'iT4.2j; Western sheep, shorn, 14.00496.00; native lambs, shorn. f4.0f6.00; Western lambs. fSS.JJ), St Joseph. ST. JOSEPH. Mo . May I -Tattle Receipts. SiKi. generally l"c lower, na'l.j. 64.6496.16; cows and heifers, $2.005.25, elockerti and feeders, t2.75tj4.75. Hogs Receipts. 3700: 5'&7'2c higher; light. J" ...i'. tu; medium and hcavv, 15.8606 1 t-U $1 "".' I .-. Sheep Receipts, ISOO; ntronger; lambs. $6. so.' Kansas City. KANSAS CITY. May 4 Cattle Receipts 3"f0; market strong to 10c higher. native teeta. M.60O6.B0; natle cows and heifers. 12.25496.60 stockers and feeders. S3 26'o(6.CO; bulla, 62.75494.76; calves, IS. 60496. 26; Western fed steers, f4.60.25; Western fed cowa. t3 25 06.26, Hogs Receipts. fiiW; market 510c higher; bulk of sales 66.S0496.42Hi heavy, 65.0085.45; packers, t'j ZftfJb.V:?. plg and lights, I4.40O Sheep Receipts. BOOOi market 5c higher; muttons. mut-tons. 64.25496.26; lambs, 65.S0O6.i0; iang.- A. lhers, 64.60494.66; fed ewes. $4 I ... Omaha bODTH OMAHA, May 4. Cat lie Raceldtk, ! Otsxkel thfldi HtroiiKer. Native stecrv 64.26496(21: cns and bottera 66.40496.10; Western West-ern steers. 3.r.O;i .', 1 anners. $1 73 stockers and feeders, I2.76O5.00: calves. 63.004S 6.00: bulla, stags, etc, 6S.50O4.60 Hogs Receipts. 7500; market 6074(0 higher; heavy, 66.20496,60; mixed. 46 j 2'.. light ::. 30; pigs, 64.ls.i4i5.00, bulk of sales, ., !. 495.27. Sheep Receipts, 3.0Q0; market slow to steady: Wexlern yea 1 lings'-, fl 7.'. 1 5 2". wi thers, th-ers, ohom. 65.35435 63; lambs, shorn, 66.0006.00. St Louis Wool Market. FvT LOiAq, May 4. Wool 6 tr on g medium giades combing rind clothing. 25 v 29 . light fine. 2O493S c; heay fine, is-1(j. , tub washed 31 '. 0. New York Sugar Market. N F. W Vl'KK. May 4 Sugar IU firm; fair refining. 4c, cntrlfugnl, is? test, 4c; molasses sugar, lc Refined itaady, Dried Fruit Market. NF.W YORK. May t The market fr evap-Oratsd evap-Oratsd apples l quiet Common to g.,o 1 ajn quoted at 4U-4c. prime. J". 23 '."1 .', .311, choice, 606tyc fancy, 7c Prunes continue ,i.h recently quoted With demand quiet so far as the local spot situation Is concerned. Quotations range from '"v- to lc Aprlooti remain iuiet. CTholca are quoted at l0O10CJ extra choice, llr; fancy. 124916c Peaches are als quiet, with price unchanged, un-changed, at lo'ulo'v for choice. l.M.'.i (ic for extrn 1 holer., ll'j'ul.'r f,,r fancy. Raisins are In moderate Jobbing demand and rule steady; loose muscntlfc nr.- quoted at 4 (;''.' seeded raisin, b'.yu,. , London lavers, IL0649L20, |