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Show X AMONG THE POLITICIANS tH HtlllttHHHIIimH Whllo it Is early to urgo tho matter of registration, many of tho local politicians arc planning to glvo this mattor unusually unusu-ally thorough consld-Retristrafclon consld-Retristrafclon Davs oration thlH year. i thl vt' The post has proved and tho Votors' .h(J unwied0m of Qualifications, not seeing to 11 that every voter Is registered. Several candidates havo been defeatod by a voto so small that It was easy to uguro it out that tho unregistered unregis-tered votera would havo chanced the situation. sit-uation. .... . From thrco to a half dozen votors to the election district fall to register. Thero aro ninety-two districts In alt Lako county. Registration officers have already been appointed. Theso officers will open a registration offico in each district dis-trict nnd register the votors on October 11. 12 and IS and on November 1 and i No voter in Utah can voto unless he has rcgiotcrcd. Election day Is November S this year. Tho voter must have lived in tho State ono year prior to the day of election, four months ln tho county and sixty days in tho precinct. An entirely now registration must bo mndo this year. This applies to thoso who havo voted hero before, as well ns to tho newcomers. Thoro la absolutely no exception. Tho voter must apply to his accredited registration officer at the ploco to be announced later. Thero will bo no house-to-house canvass for votors. It Is a good rulo to register tho first days. When this 13 dono much of tho anxiety of the campaign managers Is relieved and the voter Is safeguarded against possible sickness, absonco or emcrcency. Democrats of tho Twenty-fifth district will organlzo a campaign committee nt tho homo of Benjamin Gullvcr, CCO West First South, tonight. Ono of Iron county's most prominent political leaders reports that Secretary of Stato Hammond will havo tho solid voto of that county :n his gubernatorial race. Thomas Wler. the mining man who Is now touring Europo with his wife, writes that the British Foreign Interest have taken lively in AmprtVnn interest In tho in American .American political Politics. situation. He en closes tho following editorial from tho London Express: Thero was a flerco and rowdy struggle for supremacy at tho Dcmocratlo convention conven-tion yesterday, cables tho Express correspondent corre-spondent at St. Louis, with tho result that no progress wns mado toward tho selection of n candldato to fight Mr. Roosovelt. Tho heat was Indescribable, and tho perspiring delegates debated without coats. At times tho chairman was quite powerless to keep order. Concerted cheering was mot by equally concerted groaning. Tho proceedings were an Intensified form of a lively Irish night ln tho House of Commons. Things were electrical when Mr. Hill, Mr. Bryan and Congressman Williams, who Is a moderate, wore appointed a spo-clal spo-clal sub-committee to fight It out In private. pri-vate. What happened Is not known, but tho three chloftnlns reappoared looking blown and exhausted, and reported In favor of omitting the financial plank entirely. en-tirely. Tho larger committee adopted tho eomnrnmlsA linnjilmmmlv. The probability Is that tho date of tho ratification of the Republican nominations nomina-tions will be changed Irom August IS to August 26. Tho Young Men's Republican club, which will take tho lead ln this matter, has undor consideration this change, owing to tho fact that tho Stato convention will be held August 25, and If the date Is changed to the 20th the party at tho same time can ratify tho work of tho State convention as well ns tho nomination nomi-nation of Roosevelt and Fairbanks. Tho ratification will be held at Saltalr, and It Is tho purposo or the club to make the Saltalr meeting one of the most cn-Joyablo cn-Joyablo features of the campaign. Members of the Women's Democratic club held a meeting at the Democratic club rooms Wednesday afternoon to discuss dis-cuss somo plans for tho campaign and other mnttera Interesting to the mcmhora. Salt Lahc county Republicans mean to prepare for a vigorous campaign this year and at a preliminary meeting held at Murray to tako steps to organize a club ' a call was agreed on Bait Lake County and. signed by O. W. 1 Republicans ar,,?ontraJn11 C: n. A D. M. nalgh. Mur- Wide Awake. ray; D. o RIdcout, ' Draper; James W. Cahoon- Murray; W. W. Wilson, Sandy; J. C. Mnckay. Granger; W. n. Halgh, Taylorsvllle; James Nlolson. Holllday; J. II. Roberts, Bingham; Wllllnm Pan-tor, Pan-tor, Union; Sf-th Plxton, Rlverton, and Ernest Burgon, West Jordan. Tho call Is ns follows and Is nddrossed to Republicans under dato of tho 23th Instant: "Tho Republican party ln nntlonal convention con-vention assembled has defined Its policy and position on every vital political question ques-tion now beforo the voters of the United tates, as well as designated tho two men who shall bo Instrumental ln seeing that thoso policies are carried Into effect. AVe. as Republicans, are proud of our platform and doubly gratified and confident confi-dent of success ln going before the ioo-plo ioo-plo with such a platform and with the names of our Illustrious President and that other sterling Republican Fairbanks Fair-banks of Indiana. "Utah must poll a heavy Republican majority. Salt Lake county is the chief fflPtflr In n n rvnlltlnil CI t, . I -r. t Victory Is ours If wo will but seize tho opportunity. Towards this end there Is a movement on foot backed by an unanimous unani-mous sentiment, to organlzo a Republican club In tho county similar to that now existing ln Salt Lake City. Wo arc all awaro of tho magnificent work that such an organization can accomplish. Wo havo but to look to the Young Mon'a Republican club of Salt Lako City for the proof of such an assertion. Tho country south of Salt Lake must organize. In. union thero Is strength.' "As a Republican you owo It to yourself your-self and to your party. You ean glvo It support and enlist tho support of your inimedlato .friends and all good Republicans Repub-licans in your neighborhood. Will you do It? Tho movement must havo your support. ' "On Friday. July 29. at 8:00 p. m., wo hopo to seo tho fruition of our labor and tho organization of such a club. Thero will be hold on the above mentioned dato a rousing Republican meeting . with a good speaker, an excellent quartctto and unprecedented enthusiasm. "The Murray opera houso has been rented for the occasion, and all arrangements arrange-ments made to tako preliminary stops to organlzo. Wc will flro tho first gun of this campaign. "Kindly mako It a point during tho week to speak to all your Ropubllcan friends concerning It. Wo wish and must havo representatives from every precinct ln the country In Salt Lako county, and we have appointed ourselves your committee com-mittee to tnko tho initiative, but it is absolutely ab-solutely necessary that you na a prominent promi-nent Republican bo thero and lend support sup-port to tho movement by your prcsenco and experience. "We wish it distinctly understood that this movement 13 not for the purposo of furthering tho Interests of any candidate or any man. It Is a Republican pnrty movomont for tho bonefit of tho Republican Republi-can party. 1Xfn,h!: lTJ1011' e.crctary nnd treasurer treas-urer of the St. George "co-op.," may become be-come a candidate for Representative on tho Washington county Republican ticket. If bo docs, there Is a fooling among Republicans Re-publicans that Mr. Harmon's popularity may pull him through. Washington county Republicans will moot at Washington, August 10, to oloct delegates to the State and Judicial conventions. con-ventions. State Auditor Charles S. Tlngey wa seen to leave town yesterday with a balo of barbed wire under his arm and a pair of nippers and a hammer ln his pistol pocket, HJa friends t;ayr hc Js dntcndlng to build a fence around tho nomination for Secretary of State. Nothing Is so absorbing at thio tlmo na the S for Governor both on the Ropubllcan Ro-publlcan and on tho Dcmocratlo side. Organizations aro being forn Cd a'?10,"'; evwy county and prcc net by a omo of tho candidates, and the.-o is notelllng at this 1 Gubernatorial lcjonff older of Race a Pretty tnoJ UtQn politicians ) Contest. thoro Is an opinion that tho presont raco bids fair to bo one of the mpst Interesting Inter-esting nnd complicated political contests ln the history of Utah. ; All agroo that It Is imppsslblo to sa who may head tho two lead ng 1 tickets. On tho Republican sldo there is a plentltudo of opinions, but no ono has nnythlng tangible on which to mako an esUmate. Friends to ench of the candidates candi-dates say tholr champion will win. nut they all speak In tone of anxiety. Mayor Roylanco of Provo and Attorne James H. Moyle of this city aro tho acknowledged ac-knowledged contestants for tho Democratic Demo-cratic honor. In Salt Lako Roylanco lias developed no considerable following, io important lender has taken up his tlgiu so far as can bo seen. There nrp Mo o men on every corner and they talk Movie as though they really bcllevo ho will bo the next Governor. Some of tho wiser ones, however, who are for Moyle ipr tho nomination, way privately he will never bo elected. They say that their Judgment Is not based alone on tho unlikelihood un-likelihood of Democratic success, but on the fatality that follows Moylo as a candidate. can-didate. Mayor Roylanco Is behoved to be strong in central and southern Utah and no-whero no-whero else. His friends would llko to seo Col. Wall enter tho raco because they know It would weaken Moylo in Salt Lake City. But tho colonel has no thought, his friends say, of going up ngalnat a ticket headed by a national candidate as popular ln Utnh as Is Prcsldont Roosevelt. Roose-velt. They feel that only a miracle would land a Democrat in Governor Wells' berth and Utah Democracy banks nothing on miracles. Unless National Committeeman Pccry can coax Tom Tnggart to dump a bjg fund into Utah, ns ho Is believed to confidently con-fidently oxpect, tho local Democrats know that there Is no probability of carrying moro than four or flvo counties out of twenty-seven. And tho wise ones look for nothing from the new national chairman. chair-man. The Republican gubernatorial contest 13 of such a character, It is believed, that the winner will have few votes to spare. Tho sharpest Issue Is 'between the Governor Gov-ernor and Senator Smoot. Tho Governor Is directing his own organization and tho Junior Senator and Charles DeMolsoy aro looking after that of Mr. Cutler. Each sldo, It Is claimed, believes victory must bo won from the other. The result Is that tho work of tho managers Is to pull tho pins from under tho opposition structure. struc-ture. Tho battle is a battle royal, which friends to Secretary Hammond are watching watch-ing with one eye and with tho other nro directing the construction of a building from the wreckage. . President Roosevelt has coined oome epigrams epi-grams in his speech of acceptance that will bo Republican watchwords. His declaration that tho party will stand or fall on the record it has made will find a response ln every loyal heart. Tho record rec-ord Is all right, and thero are few who feel that tho party will not withstand the firo of tho opposition this year. Champ Clark, tho Missouri buzzsaw, the Democratic Congressman who can say more mean things about tho Republicans In thirty minutes and ln prottlor language than any man In tho country, may speak at Saltalr August -1. Tho Young Men's Democratic club's entertainment committee, com-mittee, with Georgo Blair at tho head, has boon working very diligently for sovernl weeks to secure a speaker of note to address ad-dress tho crowds on "Parker day." but none has nccepted. It Is bolloved Congressman Con-gressman Clark may bo present. r Mayor T. J. Jones of Cedar Cltv Is ln Salt Lako, tho guest of Edward M. Ash-ton. Ash-ton. Mayor Jones has been talked of as a probable candldato for Represcntatlvo from Iron county on tho Republican ticket. ' Democratic friends to Joo Monson of Logan are about to Induco him to mako the raco for tho nomination for Secretary of State. i7..KiiJV,lon. ofuProY0' a well-known Republican Is in tho city to attend tho funeral of Judge E. A. Wilson. Judgo W H. King will bo tho mnBter of ceremonies at the Young Men's Democratic Demo-cratic club outing at Saltalr, August I. The following local speakers havo been Invited to participate in the exercises and deliver five-mlnuto speeches: Chairman I-rank J Cannon, Judgo W. W. Powers. Moses Thatcher. Johna Groenwood. Brlg-n.am- Roberts. Robert W. Sloan. Apostle Apos-tle Charles W Penrose, Aquila Ncbekcr and W. E. Rydalch. " o Judge Weber of Nevada, who Is on his w.a?i h,om,c fora th0 SL Louis convention terday DemocratIc headquarters yes- County Clork John Jnmcs visited tho oung Men s Democratic club headquarters headquar-ters yesterday and. with other visitors was invited to sign the roll. Ho did-not. did-not. ,u jijiiiii.ii. |