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Show I WHERE WAR RAGES J iMMMMHIt f-H-fr MM -HH- TOKIO, July 2S. Tho Russians abandoned aban-doned Ta Tcho Klao at noon on Monday, July 25, retiring beforo the advancing army under Gen. Oku. Thoy applied tho torch to Ta Tche Klao and surrounding towns, and when the JapancHo arrived they found tho flames wero Btlll burning. NEWCIIWANG, July 23. United Statee Consul-Genoral Miller Is to continue In offlep under tho Japanese ndralnlatratlon. HoWatched JapaneBO tntcreGts hero during dur-ing tho Russian administration. NEWCHWANG. July 2S. Tnkaynma, tho Japanese admlnlatrator of New-chwang. New-chwang. has arrived here and haa Issued notification to tho population that New-Chwang New-Chwang and Ylnkow aro now under Japanese Jap-anese control, and that lives and property will bo protocted. ST. PETERSBURG. July 28. A telegram tele-gram received today from Gen Kuropat-kln Kuropat-kln announced that the position at tho front had not changed. It Is generally believed hero that Btartllng developments aro Imminent. CHEFOO, July 2S. Chlncne refugees who left Port Arthur thlrty-slx hours ago nay that threo largo Ruo5lan worships havo left that port. The Chinese cannot glvo tho names or the typ of the voascls. TIENTSIN. July 23. The Tenth and Seventeenth corps of tho RuHilan army have arrived at tho front nnd Joined Gen. Kuropatkln's forces. GIBRALTAR, July 28. Tho British cruiser Hcrmolno has sailed for Tangier. It 1g prosumcd that her departure 13 connected con-nected with disturbances at that port. |