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Show CONCEALED A RAZOR. Prisoners at tho County Jail Are Detected. De-tected. Not only a sevore cutting 9crape at tho county Jail, but what might havo developed devel-oped Into a Jallbrcak was prevented last Saturday by tho Sheriff's officers, and Prisoners A. McCarthy and J. J. Staccy aro serving a term of several days in the dreaded "hole" for trying to conceal a razor In their cell. Wcdnesdavs'and Saturdays aro tho regular reg-ular days for shaving at tho Jail. On Thoso day3 a razor is handed to every two men after breakfast, which has to be handed back before dinner. Whon tho Implements were counted last Saturday It was discovered by Deputy Sheriff Cur-hldgo Cur-hldgo that one was missing. Whon this vns found a demand was sent Into the Jail among tho prisoners for the razor. All of them denied having It. But tho Jailer examined all those that had boon returned and found that tho two prisoners prison-ers now In tho "hole" were tho culprits. Sending out for help, ho had the Jail searched as soon as tho deputies arrived, and tho missing razor was found In these men's cell. With this weapon In their posscsnlon there la no telling what might havo happened hap-pened If they had run amuck among the Jailors. But by the tlmo thoy come out of tho "hole" it Is thought that their spirit will havo been chastened. |