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Show will save the dyspeptic from mnny days of misery, and enable him to cat whatever he wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause thcfoodloasslmllatoand nourish nour-ish the body, give keen appetite, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar coated. in n Take No Substitute. ! Keep tSie Dust Off v With ono of our lino ostrich, t or turkoy feather dtiBtera. No U need of cleaning house twice a I year if you uso a little euro between be-tween times. Wo have every variety of duster for every artlclo in your living rooms, from tho handsomest pictures to tho largest pieces of furniture. furni-ture. Also a fine line of carriage car-riage dusters. All of these sell from 35 cents to $1 the duster. gSCOSMMrS I Where the Cars I Stop. UTAH BtDOIftG-'Mro COb v-T" Eotter than any Eastern make. Will cost you less money. Ask your dealer deal-er for them. Look for our trademark. trade-mark. Utah Bedding & MTg Co,, Bait Iako City, Utah. The new way of dcaMf shown at your grocer's trt jK ling's Best; it is still new K sense of not being generS Money back. Km I THE PIANOS An. Ideal Instrument fori Summer Home. J PRICE $250. ! Motrostylo Model, 9300 Purchasable on modorata nrJl payments. Carstensen & Anson C (Incorporated,) 5? Temple of Music. i ..74 MAIN STRUT Succeraors to Daynea MuMejl ...Another... Souvenir D AT Calder's Pa Saturday, July U Each lady visiting park presented with elegant souvea this day. jS ADMISSION, j GOOD IN TRADE. f Salt Lake Photo Sun J COMPANY JOBBERS AND RETAILM PHOTO MATERIALS, KODAKS, SUPPLIES, EIOTW ING AND DEVELOPING!! 3rd So. and MainSl EBB I WitK I Rp Hosier'! B Flour j Bread Is S Never Stti I I DO YOU SEE : I EQUALLY WEL I "With both cyee" It not both c I be defective, certainly one IM 3 further neglect meann serloia 3 Jury to your sight m Come at once and nave ji M eyes examined. '( I RUSHMER'Sj I 73 west first sornii'.; I Tel VtZK. j I Nelden-Jsdson DrttfC I WHOLESALE DBTJGOIST 1 CIGARS A SPECIALTY K POSTOFFIOE BOX 37ft R EDW. C. SMITH. Pres. J K JOHN P. COBB. VU:c-Prts. B JKO. J. JUDSOfc. Trea. . K F. L. PEAIIL. Sec. i , " I I be Crystal . 230 MAIN STREET fc, X ttns Opened. g.i I S Open day ard -ht ...ned! ' !J Tray Ordera SoUcl iV-a ' Skll LME TIKI EXCHANGE 1 i E IN V ONH CalifornirTnmi EaBteroJl U y. oate. W corn, bnzUT' jSB I cleaned, then erwM, and belter for honrt taj 1 oats. Try it. p-ftfja M H 330 So. 3rd Weit. VlLdH |