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Show Desire to Return to Cripple Creek, They Make an Appeal to the Shoriff of Teller County. Official Will Not Give the Guarantee, but Advises Men to Not Return Re-turn to District. CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., July 28. Sheriff Edward Bell will not guarantee protection to any person who has been driven from this, dlntrlct because of his alliance or sympathy with tho Wertem Federation of Minors. Ho made this plain today when he received a messago from Patrick Carvel, one of tho hundreds hun-dreds deported after the Independence depot dynamite outrage. Carvel is now at Colorado City and notified Shoriff Bell that he wished to return to the district and resume his residence here and would do so If the authorities would guarantee to protect him from violence. No Protection for Deported. Sheriff Bell not only Informed Carvel Car-vel that he would not cuaranteo to protect him from harm, but strongly advised him never to return to tho district. dis-trict. At the same time tho sheriff observed that It would bo discreet for each and every man who has been deported de-ported to remain away from tho dln-trlct, dln-trlct, as he did not think he had a sufficient suf-ficient number of deputies to protect them. Will Defend Right. Joseph Fleher and John Miller, two . strike breakers who wero driven out of Hollywood Tuesday night by a mob, returned to Victor today and announce they will stay this time and dofend their rights with revolvers, if necessary. neces-sary. James Schmidt and James Fisher, tho othor two men who were forced to leave, are still absent. The men deny that they were beaten, but admit that threats were used, and they were warned never to return to the camp. Thoy say they did not recognize any of the members of tho mob. |