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Show 1 .fcr , . p Justice George "Ur. Bartch and daughters, daugh-ters, the Misses Olive and Ray. leavo.next month for the East. After spending several sev-eral weeks visiting at the fair. In Washington Wash-ington and New York, they will go to Boston, where the girls will enter school, Miss Olive the Boston Art school oud Miss Ray the Boston Conservatory of Music Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Peabody and "children "chil-dren leave the latter part of next week, for a month's visit In New York and Boston. Bos-ton. t Mrs. C. II. McCoy has returned from a delightful two months' visit with relatives ami friends In tho Bast, While amy Mrs. McCoy also enjoyed a trip to tho fair. o Gill McCook of SleubcnvUle, O., is a cucst of Ben U. Siegcl at 630 East lirst South utrcet. , O 6 Mr and Mrs. Arthur Brown oT Mcrcur are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hal W. Brown of this city. Mnny Salt "Lake friends will be Interested Inter-ested In learning of the arrival of a little daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Earl, formerly of this city, but now of Denver. Dr. Plummer. rector of St. Mark's cathedral ca-thedral at Lake City. Minn.. Is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. " . Delano of ibis city. Mr. Delano and Dr. Plummer are old-time friends. The home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Robinson Robin-son was the scene of a very enjoyable nnislcale Utst evening, when their littlo daughter, Ruth, entertained about fifty of their friends with an Informal programme. The little girl is quite a genius for one of her vcars. and the skill displayed in the numbers given by her would have done credit to one much older. Assisting tho ' voung pianist wore her teacher, MIsb Louise Larrlson. Miss Elizabeth. Lamson, violinist, and Miss Mary Mayne. reader. Sweet peas and nasturtiums were effectively effec-tively used In decorating the rooms, and tho hostess was asBlatod In serving re freshments during the evening by a number num-ber of girls. t C. P. Peabody leaves today for Npw York, after a visit with ld8 brother, A. II. Peabody of this city. Mrs. Ellorbcck and daughtors. the Misses Geneve and Ada. are home from Brighton, wlier& tliy have been guests of Miss Lucy Van Cott for a week past. A party of high school girls, chaperoned by Mrs. Connelly, have gone to Wasatch resort on a pleasure and sketching trip, and are located In one of tho hotel cottages. cot-tages. Among them are tho Misses Lilian Connelly, Louise Jennings, Erma Read. VIolot Nott, rPcarl Rothschild and Jennie Brcclcen. t Mr. and Mrs.- Charles S. Burton are j home from a pleasant visit with Brighton friends. t Mrs. W. C. Johuson of 127 B street has returned homo after a fortnight's stay In tho mountains. Miss Margaret Johnson is also home again, after an extended trip through the East, including a visit to tho World's fair. Allan Spencer is enjoying a week's visit with Horace Whitney at Brighton. Miss Eleanor B. Welch of San Francisco Is a guest of Miss Ada J. Murphy for a few weeks. Miss Murphy gave an enjoyable enjoy-able lake party for Miss Welch tho other night, tho guests numbering twelve, a 4 Dr. and Mrs. U. V. Wllhee camo down from Ogden yesterday and ore guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pike on First street. 8 Mrs. W. F. Beer and children are enjoying en-joying a pleasant outing In Provo canyon. e Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Harvey entertain at dinner this evening In honor of. their guest, Mrs. R. E. Samson of Nebraska. a Miss Bessie McCune gives a dancing party this evening for her young friends at the home of her parents, Mr., and Mrs. A. W. McCune. o Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Andrews are home from the East, where they visited relatives rela-tives and enjoyed a trip to the fair. Miss Martin and' Miss Ethel Martin of 123 B .street nro visiting friends at Bingham. Bing-ham. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Cott arc home from St. Louis, where thoy have been visiting vis-iting tlie fair for some days past. 0 Members of the Thistle Social club wore enjoyably entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. NIcol Hood of Sugar House ward last evening Miss Lizzie Milne, who has been visiting visit-ing at her old home in St, George for sov-eial sov-eial months, has returned to the city, to the manifest delight of many friends. She will tnkc her old position as stenographer at tho offices of the Monarch Consolidated Consoli-dated Mining company. |