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Show ASSESSMENT NO. 6. New York Bonanza Mining company, a corporation. Principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice Is hereby given that at a meet Ing of the board of directors of the New HH York Bonanza Mining company, held at Salt Lako City, Utah, on the 29th dav of June, 1WI, an assessment cf two (2) cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of tho corporation, Issued and out-standing, out-standing, payable Immediately to H. Bar-nett, Bar-nett, secretnry of the company, at his of-lice. of-lice. Sft! D F. Walker building, Salt Lako City, Utah. Anv stock upon which this assessment may" remain unpaid on tho 2nd day of August. ISO I, will be delinquent and ad-vertlsed ad-vertlsed for sale at public auction, and, unless payment is made before, will be sold on tho 25th day of August. 1904. at 2 p. m., to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with costs of advertls-Ing advertls-Ing and expense of sale. JH H. BARNETT. Secretary. 303 D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lako City. Utah. yl3 (H IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Third Judicial district of the State of Utah, county of Salt Lake. Roy Jonos. plaintiff, vs. J. G. Armstrong. Exchange Bank, a corporation. W. S. Crutcher nnd Hl Relando Preston, defendant. Summons. The State of Utah to the said defendants: You are hereby summonnl to appear JH within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you. if served within the county In which this action Is brought, otherwise within thirty days after service, and' defend the above cntl-tied cntl-tied action; and in case of your failure so to do. Judgment will bo rendered against vou according to the demand of tho com- ill plaint, which, within ten days after scrv-ice scrv-ice of this summons upon you, will bo tiled with the Clerk of said court. C. S. PRICE. Plaintiff's Attorney. ( 'aM p. O. Address. 51 Hooper Building, 1st fll South Street. Salt Lake City, Utah. yH45 BH |