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Show I THE UINTAH SURVEYS. George IT. Cannon Tells of MineralB in the Reservation. George M. Cannon, Jr., who has been participating in the Stewart-Jarvls survey sur-vey on the Uintah reservation preliminary prelimi-nary to the opening of that long-forbidden region to the prospector, has returned to the home of his parents In this city, his principals seeking their moorings at Provo. With the resources re-sources of that portion of the reservation reserva-tion into which his labors took him and' to which his energies were applied from the rise of the sun to its setting, Mr. Cannon was moat favorably Impressed. He saw minerals of every varietv with the hydrocarbons occurlng In great qualtlty and has no doubt that under the magic of the miner's touch the reservation res-ervation will be the scene of a number num-ber of most productive camps. Mr. Cannon, who is the son of the popular banking man, experienced a "rough voyage" through the reservation, but while others capitulated and abandoned the field, ho saw the task to a finish. While the work calls for harsh experiences, experi-ences, it is progressing- quite satlsfac-otrlly satlsfac-otrlly throughout. |