Show I i I the Ohio that was launched i I yesterday takes with it to sea the good luck which attaches to the UnIon I I I I Un-Ion Iron work ships she will be I more of a glory and terror than was the Oregon for she will be bigger 1 I I more heavily aVmed nnd with enginrts that can give her a speed almost like n swift jpassonger ship The I OJynipla1 lod XthV way Into Manila harbor Avfcw dn ya later s the bre ion i-on from tire other side of the world more than tj J vial cipher I glorified example I I ex-ample und soon npw much moro I elaborately equipped tho Ohio JJ I wait for another war to show Itself Tho world will hope that no opportunity I op-portunity will ever be given It but all iho time the world will keep in thought that there is such a ship and that the winds which mako aeollan murmurs In her great guns every day geat gns aro really but recording the dreams 1 I which those guns have that sometime I some-time they will In the day of battle awaken such a roar for the old flag I as will cause what the Olympia did and what the Oregon did Lobe Lo-be at least for the hour forgotten In contemplation of the later wonder from the Union Iron works |