Show ALLEGED STOCK DEAL FRAUD WARRANT ISSUED FOB ARREST OP A PETERSON Charged That He Obtained S250 for 10000 Shares West Morning Glory Which Was Sold for Assessment A warrant was yesterday issued from Justice Kroogcrs court for the arrest of A Peterson on the charge of obtaining 250 by false pretenses The complaint was sworn to by T J Price who alleges that Peterson sold to him J McCill and William Glbaon 10000 shares of the capital stock of the West Morning Glory Mining company at 2V cents a share Price said that when he took tIme stock certificate to the secretary of the company for the purpose of having the stock transferred ho was told that the 10000 shares bad been sold for delinquent assessment last June and had been transferred to other parties long ago Price says Peterson Pe-terson represented to him that he owned the stock and that all assessments assess-ments on It had been paid |