Show STOCKS CLOSE FIRM ThoWook Was nu Active One With a Largo Business The week on the mIning exchange closed with the transfer of 5211G7 shares of stockfor 247 C77thc day which was confined to the morning call AVlth the sale of 38171 shares for which JV < X32 vas checked out While the trader was manifestly apprehensive ap-prehensive and showed a disposition to hang up the ildtlie pending the revival re-vival of orders from the East news from the campswas most reassuring It Is doubtful indeed If at any time the mines have stood more firmly under un-der the market and while two or three old puymasteiK have temporarily absented ab-sented themselves from the dividend paying column 5t Is not dilllcult to enumerate as many that arc coming in No feature of the week was more gratifying than the firma lone of the traders at the close DulyWest that hadcome out to a bid of Jo35oivMon day sold up to 3GGO In the tilling of orders 1or 1100 and closed with 010 asked while h BuUionBcck was moved up to 4 on the lodging of suits for 2300000 against the neighbors who are accused of mining ores of that value from Us territory AJax broke after ceiling up to 5120U on Monday but rallied and closed with 115 bid while Galena of Fish Springs held up to HVz cents on a new development that promises as much apparently as the original from which not a few dividends were derived Grand Central I Cen-tral for which but 40 was to be had at the opening1 of the week cold up to S54G yesterday while Lower Mammoth chat hud been marked down btlow L sbld up to 400 ½ with ft fraction better caked at the close The I dividend for which May Day is going into its stocking failed to stimulate it as expected the amount being too small for the Cuss that has been made by the insiders While 33 G Woolley upon the curbstone offered to bet that in its treasury was not sufficient with which to pay it when the dividend was posted Star Consolidated suffered keenly during the week but had but little on Us shelves at the figure to which it had been hammered while Mammoth held up superbly as did the Yankee which brought 3 and closed with 295 required to coax It out Northern Light that sold down to OVi cents on Monday broucrhr llu tnt it I later day while JOQ Bowers shed its winter underwear and moved from 351 up to 5 cents with Tesora softening and selling at SO cents Martha Washington under heavy unloadlngs was let down to 4I cents at the close on rumors that other assessments were to follow that which is now being paid while Tctro spurred to 13 cents and closed an offering at 12 cents West Morning Glory was shoved from 3i to 4 ½ cents and iHen allowed to recede while Sacramento with a divi dend of kcent moved up to 43 cents and then back to 39U cents at the close with Mercur bringing 321 on the local market and 350 in Boston Century exhibited itself in astonish ing teats of strength throughout the week and closed with iSi bid al though it had responded a bid of 5J40 on Monday the week closing on the following market Bid Asked Anchor s 200 t i 4Jax 11 = 116 Albion 4 Allco M 50 BullionBeck 3oo o loss Tweed is Buckeye m Ben Butler uy Blackjack M 1o i Boston Do La Mar 00 Centennial Eureka 2350 Chloride Point Congor Consolidated Mercur aifu Century 1sI Creole 103 Diamond > aly 110 1i DalyWest 610 Dalton c Lark j Da1to Dexter 71 Daisy Jil Emerald ATI Eagle Blue Bell 70 S5 Four Aces ov ° Galena nr 15 Grand Central clit Golden Eagle L V 01 ir > i Horn Silver loi Jlcrculea 01 liomestakc M 67 ingot io25i M Jpo Bowers 03 < Kremlin V fri Ilttlc Pittsbnrg mi Lower Mammoth 4 my 107 Little Chief jV 17 Mammoth 2f it 2i3 Manhattan coii 01 May Day s v Martha Washington Oi4 ni V < l > if Northern Light 4 ot 1dJ4 jj 03 Ontnrlp 101il Pctio 15 RichmondAnaconda JT rtcoHomcsuke 73 in Babbits Foot o Sunshine J5 Swansea 3 osa 31 South Swansea C7l 67 Sunbeam Tnlted 50 55 Sacramento MI Silver Kim i Star Consolidated jo i Shower Consolidated 124 17 Sliver Shield 0 eLm 8 12 lfora s0 s1 1tah 70 Valco West Morning Glory W 03 Yankee 201T lK Sales were recorded as follows at the clDStliurcaii J tJax 100 at ll3i jI atS1114 1C4dt 1J1 IQ at at l11 100 at l15Jj 200 at li Consolldiitpfl Morcur m at 320 Galemma lo ait 13e CO at 14e iOO at ljc seller tej lays f itt 11e Grand Central < 1 1M it Z40 itO at 34G Lower Mainmotl lw 4O3Jj 100 PSl 4I1 W4 at ZL0I i 200 tSoJllC affiuat 10I 1 too at p iI MtIayrDay 1CO ILt Sic TOO at Sc ICO at r S3 in ° al iL00 St Mi j iLI ic uij LL al ½ c SlIver Shilelil 12Oak5 2Xt at South Swansea ECO at We 100 at T4c Star Consolidated i4X at i9c f00 at iSfe 100 at 4S3c 10 at 49t Tesorn 100al Sic flea Butler 2lY at 1l4c r t 11c fOo at 1le 501 at 12c 15C0 at 1Ic Jon UOVers O0 211 at 5c IC at Marthmi rahliItto1i 2tXi at nc 10W aL fc 2000 at 4e 100 ut 44c VestiIorning Glory Jxe at 2c bOOst 2hc 0OJ at 2c iOO at 1e Ynnicea Consolidated 100 at 3297 100 lit 296 Shares EOlO 5S17I ScllliiB value 51370032 ON THE STREET The curbstone during the afternoon was again practically deserted al though 2SOO Sharon brought 1344 Corn stock of Park City which has been very little In evidence since the reor guYiIxalion of the company found a market for 500 ui Sloo while 500 Ccn tury of Park valley brought S193 with 2000 Joe Bowers selling at B cents Tho days sales on curb and cxchaniro reached a total of 40074 shares tE brought lI1O182 Th weeks i4ale o curb and cxQlmnRe numbered 551107 shares for which 2S703S77 was paid Coppers Are Dull TRIBUNE SPECIAL Boston Mass May 18The uncer miniy regarding the AmalgamatQd merger pending appeal to the New Jersey court of Errors and Appeals has caused a general dullness In the Boston market although the belief that the Amalgamated companv will ultimately be permitted to effcct Its consolidation of Butte ilontari results la a firm tone In the market Stocks lacked animation and price J > changes throughout the copper list were unimportant Hornblower < fc Weeks brokers 53 State street Boa ton and 10 Wall street New York fur nltjh the following quotations Sales High tOW CloBP Amalgn tCd 2JOO S1WM l1523 11057 ½ Blngham 20 2373 2300 37f ocJiltl 0 TW Cent Eureka 103 CO0O DalyWest 3CO 3uOO Utah 75 2J20 v United States OO9 19 Meretir 3f5J i2 Mohawk 500 J2i Curb Boston I2CO The Opnir Meeting The shareholders of the Ophir Mining Min-ing comPanY whose Stalellne possea Ions have attained the leading position posi-tion among the mines of that camp will meet on June 13th In this city when the capitalization of the company com-pany will be Increased from 1000 000 shares of the par value of S1 to 1250000 shares at 51 The increase it Is said Is for the purpose of providing provid-ing means with which to pay for the new mill and to further open up tho property In which over COOOO tons of1 ore are now exposed Likes the Highland Boy The News Bureau of Boston quotes he I following from remarks made by John JE Dudley Ryder at the recent meeting of shareholders of the Highland High-land Boy In London and who Averc addressed by him after a visit to the mines at Blngham and smelter in this valley II have no hesitation in saying that we have First A valuable mine with about live and a half years of ore already al-ready developed in It at the present rate of smelting with every prospect of the ore continuing at depth Second An excellent smelter with most modern equipment Third A zealous and thoroughly efficient staff a We have entered the dividendpay ing stage and I have every reason to hope that we may go on regularly paying dividends from now on 1Wlth regard to the future it mainly main-ly depends upon two things a our further development at depth and b the price of copper As to the sinking now progressing below the seventh level experts believe that the ore body goes down to great depth certainly the volume seems to widen though the percentage of copper may lessen slightly Careful study of the copper situation situa-tion persuades me that the price is likely to be maintained for a considerable consid-erable period as the big producers up pear to be acting together with that object in view The large aircom pressor was put into commission upon the 21st so that all Improvements at the mine so far as machinery Is concerned con-cerned arc for the time being completed com-pleted I have just received a cable from Mr Broughton slating that the Highland High-land Boy company has decided to purchase pur-chase the Tampa property which adJoins ad-Joins ours as our ore trends that way and so we shall avoid all possibility of a lawsuit as to rights He also informs in-forms us that they have sunk fifty feet In ore on the winze which favors the expectation of profitable lower levels Joe Bowers Delinquent Sale The sale of delinquent shares In the Joe Bowers Mining company which recently re-cently called for an assessment of 2 cents a share is scheduled for tomorrow tomor-row and that a large number will go tinder the hammer Is evident from the list now running in the advertisement From the asSessment the company will derive 11000 From the Insurance company com-pany R has coming to It 5000 thus affording af-fording a total of 10000 from which to pay a judgment in the sum of nearly 18000 As it is the desire to proceed with the further development of the property at Diamond Tintic district the company will probably call for another an-other assessment at once Ore and Bullion Settlements The week in the ore and bullion market mar-ket closed with settlements amounting to 292704 as compared with 325751 for the previous one In addition to this the management of the Highland Boy I forwarded copper gold and sliver bullion bul-lion of the value of over 50000 while the Con Mercur has In transit gold bullion from which the company will derive as much as 100000 this representing repre-senting the cleanup and earnings for the month of April The days settlements settle-ments were reduced to 17000 divided as follows i McCornlck CoGold silver lead and copper ores 3700 T R Jones Co Germania bullion 7GOO gold silver lead and coppper ores 2500 In the metal market silver ruled at GO cents an ounce lead at 390 per hundred hun-dred pounds and casting copper at 1S3 cents a pound < Progress at the Galena Chan Gardanlcr brown as a berthas bert-has returned from the properties of the Nevada Mining company at Galena Lender county Nov and reports dc1 velopmonts all progressing to most satisfactory sat-isfactory conclusions The main abaft has now attained a depth of 200 feet and with the flow of water Increasing a pump will be Installed while a new I level Is run under the ore body and Its active extraction begun Along the strike of the vein the ore body which thus far has been hugging the hanging wall has been followed up a distance of 1250 feet and the outlook is most encouraging en-couraging The Grand Central Deal The attempt to add the control of the Grand Central of Tlntlc to Its other accessions haj boon practically abandoned by I the Blngham Copper and Gold Mining company said a prominent shareholder yesterday and while the option will not be relinquished relin-quished until June 1st under the contract con-tract no one believes other than that it hits failed That the purchasing crowd has been unable to successfully exploit the undertaking In 1 hardly occasion oc-casion for surprise the reopening of the scrap between the Grand Central and the Mammoth having been followed fol-lowed by 1 an upheaval In the East that upset the calculations of the syndicate syndi-cate even more formidable perhaps than the Blngham In the meantime no harm has been dont > vhllr finm camp jamcs the assurance that the mine never looked as wull This Is logical It has been In the show window win-dow and with the option formally released re-leased it reasonable to look for the conipanyfl return to the dividendpay ing column lCertalnjy if there hs been any disappointment by the Grand Central crowd over the failure of the purchasing crowd to land It it lemainn unexpressed from the big fellow down Mr Bogues Report X Warren LBogue local managerfor thoilno and Smeller Suppjy cdm nany has returned from Colorado and confirms the reported sale of the Smith Interest in the complmy ro tile Messrs Seep and Messrs Cary for S1G7000 A number of years ago the c hlg house which way founded in a I modest way at Denver was sold to the Mine and Smelter Supply company for 10000 From that time It began to expand until Its branches now em hrace Salt LakQ El Paso and the City of Mexico Mr Bogue who ban made many friends in Utah since the doors of the branch were opened In Zion will continue to servo the company here and to do all In bin power to pro mole jiie Interests of the diggings Mr Josephs Experiments The Mercur Miner says T B Joseph has Just completed a series of experiments experi-ments with his new leaching process on Mereur ores with very satisfactory results Tho most Important fact established es-tablished by Mr Joseph Is that the values can be extracted from tho bne ores of the cVrrtrlct without roasting He tried somO 6f thC blackoreo from tho Daisy mine on the West Dip which carry from 250 to 4 in gold and was able to extract all the values but GO cents ih six days leaching with his new solution From other tests that have been made Mr Joseph believes he can get tho tailings down to 20 cents The process works equally well on oxidized mixed or base ores so that there will be no necessity for keeping tile ores separate They can be leached just us they come from the j mine If a commercial test of the base ores 1 of the West Dip should prove as sitls i factory as Mr Josephs laboratory tests it would he a great thing for that part of the district Development and prospect work have proved the existence ex-istence of an ore body extending from j Soldiers canyon around to Sunshine i a distance of over ten miles The vein runs from ten to twenty feet In thickness thick-ness and has been explored In places to a depth of from COO to 700 feeL It is known to carry values running from 3 I to 9 per ton If the Joseph process will fulllll Its promise of extracting 85 per cent of the values at a cost of 155 It will leave a clean profit of 1 on even 3 ore Besides the advantage the Joseph process has of extracting th values from uijroasted base ores it has the further advantage that it Is l considerably consider-ably cheaper than the cyanide process the chemicals required arC less expensive ex-pensive than cyanide The precipitation precipita-tion of the gold from the solution Is also a cheap and simple matter |