Show UNIVERSITY BIDS REJECTED THERE WERE NONE FOR COMPLETE COM-PLETE BUILDINGS While There Were FortyTwo Bidders 0 Bid-ders None Wanted the Brickwork or Stonework 0 Fortytwo bids for the construction of various portions of the two now buildings for the University of Ulan were opened by lie Regents yesterday at noon and as there was a bewildering bewilder-ing array of figures all were referred to Secretary Allen and Architect Dallas Dal-las in order that they might be tabulated tabu-lated It was then found that there was not a solitary bid for either or both of the museum or workshop buildings as complete structures or for the stone or brick work in either of them Under the circumstances the Regents Re-gents deemed it advisable to reject all the bids and the secretary was instructed in-structed to so notify the bldclqrs and return the certified checks to them We regret that the action taken was necessary said Chairman Sharp last evening as it will delay our work considerably But under the circumstances cir-cumstances there was nothing else to db We shall solicit bids again very soon and shall push work as fast as possible |