Show = = = riIi HAND MAY ExiErn E I I Good News for Utah Is at i lt1Cha Hand h1 I Sj CCr toda 10U Close ROAD WAS NOT TRANSFERRED i ntts lIe Ot t lb t a Was Not Included in Western Sale l 4t1Jr as It Was Bought by Owners of the It l1I Western for Themselves They Can I rr Eztend It to Utah Quito EasilyA I jUiilroad Story From the World I t i5 3r 0 ril Which Is Mixed President Burt I w and Contractors Burlington Deal j ln progresses Bailroad Notes glInw 1flg gl i Denver Colo May 18Thc statement 5 state-ment that the Denver Rio Grande I kllway acquired onehalf Interest Jn ient the Colorado Midland by tho purchase 4e of the Rio Grande Western road IB au > I thorfttlvcly denied It is added that 3RD 1 the Bio Grande Western company acquired an interest In thAI never AlX 11 Midland but such an Interest was acquired oue ac-quired by some or its large stockholders law stock-holders who have no Intention > of U207 i 7 transferring it to the Denver Rio FE 3STO J Grande company tfl This places the Rio Grande Vestal etl I Vest-al I i ern deal In a new light and If true It el3 may mean something of Importance 1 for the betterment of the State No K party of men Is more fully alive to I J1 I the resources of Utah the railroad situation and the passes Into the State than that group of men making up the eiZ 211 Palmer Dodge Peabody syndicate < They know also where coal Is to beTS be-TS found and In this respect It has not ns I been officiallY announced that they have relinquished their hold of Utah 111 coal properties It would be an easy thing for the Midland to be i extended 7i E r to Salt Lake and If such Is the intention inten-tion of Its owners the fact would bo 1 balled with Joy j The brief telegram from Denver therefore Is of deep Interest to Utah ON people who see In It the possible continuance Ub con-tinuance of active railroad competition tk 1 competi-tion under the agresslve and good i 163 management of Col Dodge and others Nothing Is known of the matter here |