Show I i 11 II i LOWORADE ORE HAUL dl f > Effort Making to Get Reduced Rates on It i1 I i IMMENSE TONNAGE READY s I Salt Lakers Visit to tho Copper Belt Result in a DcmlSlugham C 1 May I 1R1 Gold and Gs First lot of Copper E Gj Oreni SilverBullionWalter Edna Mr Du il Pays 1000 for tho Bols VIsIling His MinesProgress Ei Incorporations at tlio GalenaHew i Minin Notes ft going on between NgoUat10fl now raf TIntic and the 2 I the rodUCOrS of I i managers of the railways resulUng how tho I favorably It is cnsy to see tscarnps may be doubled output nC Us Increased to I and the army of employed number before the twice its present The oie Produccra tho season W close oC much and the have not asked for rr trainc managers must realize It how distasteful to them a confession ever j former seek is a of it All the between the camp and the tariff to find smelterS that will enable them low grade ores now iP a market for their have skimmed the u that not a few 11 I I cream Not a Icw of those who have liberal joined the movement have been Ii i the many of the railways for 1l f I patrons their ores j I years that the quality of enable them to meet to i was such as and this class of the 5250 rate upon q ore said a producer yesterday they are yet willing to pay the old tar a L1l I tariff What they want is a graduated h such has long been in force upon I 1 lines in Colorado that operate between I the camps and the smelting centers Under this rule the rich ores have been made to lighten the burdens of the Indiiforcnt and If it has succeeded l4 i In Colorado why not In Utah where the burden Is all down hill There are hundreds of thousands of tons of 1 i ore at Tintic showing a better general average than the greater volume of ores that are forwarded from Lead yule to outside smelters and yet the i TIntic producer is unable to move hla low grades Speaking out in meeting I I vesterday President Packard of the Star Con said that with a concession from the railways he is I prepared 10 i contract for the delivery of nearly k 200000 tons of ore that will average 15 He Is but one of the laqgc number num-ber who are ready to forward the same class of ore If not in such great abundance With these ores admitted to a market the number of persons employed in the camps of the district can be doubled in six months and a concession from the railways can Just 1 noV do na much to promote the thrift 1 of the diggings as all other agencies i It is up to the trafllc managers said a producer and In the Increased output the earnings of both roads 4 must be promoted It was claimed during the afternoon That the smelters had signified a willingness will-ingness to join the producers of Tlntlc t1 In their effort to procure a sliding tariff but denied by another producer who claimed that the smelters were already getting concessions on contract ores In the meantime the negotiations L negotia-tions will interest every person doing business In the State and the result I will be eagerly awaited |