Show TOLSTOIS FAn F-An Eastern paper gives an account of Tolstois religious beliefs lie believes that God Is spirit a unique God of love the principle Of all things ands and-s s he wants to serve God with all the force of his soul But he repudiates repudi-ates the sacrament and says If he Christ who drove t tho moneychangers money-changers out of the tcmplo were to return re-turn today and see what Is dono In his mime ho would certainly with far greater and moro legitimate wrath Ming fur tho banners crosses cups tapers and Icons all the Instiumunts of their sorcery all that helps them to direct men away from God and his teachings And finally rhc says I may bo that my beliefs offend afflict af-flict or scandalize some persons It may bo that they disturb i or displease but it is lot In my power to change these bc llels any moro than It Is possible for mo to change my body 1 must live and shall be obllgo to die and before long l yet all this Interests only myself I can rot believe otherwise than I do believe at the moment when i am preparing to return re-turn to this God from whom 1 came I do not say that my faith has been the only incontestably true faith for 1 times but I do not ace any other simpler or clearer none which responds bettor t tho requirements of my mind and heart If suddenly there should bo revealed another I an-other faith better capable of satisfying me I would adopt It at once for truth Is time only tIns that Is of Imnortunco to God As for returning to the doctrines I from which I emancipated myself at time price of so much suffering 1 cannot do plco Tho bird that has taken Its flight can never return to the shell out of which I it came r |