Show I DASHED TO DEATH Fireman in St Louis Slips and Falls Sixty Feet St Louis Mo Hay IS While fitting a fire which threatened the dC lructJ nor n-or till fivestory building at 1101 to lUG Oliver street this afternoon Edward Giecn asslatant foreman of engine company com-pany No 22 nllppcd from a line of hose upon which ho was descending from the roof to a ladder and was dashed to death on tho atone pavement sixty feet below I Tho accident was wltneswed by several thousand people who had gathered to I vntch lie I fire I Half a dozen firms occupied the building t build-ing and they sustained a loss of 100000 which lo aa follower Broadway Furniture I and Carpet company SyOCOO Val llels I Music oomnunv 15000 Low l1s1eln House Furnishing company 116000 on I building J100W other occupnnta 10000 |