Show wns TiO Ghost afc Liberty Park ro 5 a ghost they say down at Liberty it3 when tho day IH clone rarrnenU while thro the farmhouse 2 jt hits till near rlso of sun 1 n nft Us sii10VY form will roam Ot nnnn fl the path to the ruined mill o rtVivt i H nnd the old sequestered homo all night at will It I passes 1 TN the form of a maiden young and fair I xnil moves with a willowy grace WIth a streaming wealth ot nutbrown lialr i h nd i sweet and wlnsoroo graceS grace-S Theres a longing look In her hazel cycH A And she searches the whole night 5 throtlglm Till tim 1IrL faint beams of the morning rise ToIi the next night her search renew rnvu room to room in the farmhouse old j rrm81 The parses with noiseless tread rrom tho ruined basement dark and cold To tho attic overhead S 11 vi haste sho makes in her nightly round Till shes searched the whole placo oer sad then down the path she is ever found That leads to the old mills door ej light 13 Iho form of this walker sirammO 1 She bends not a blade of grass ird through It without a stop or change a Unheeded tim moonbeams pass Her head IB bound and her streaming 1ajr Oer her shoulders falls behind i niic hand clasps time folds oer her bosom film As they flutter along the wind Thus backward and forward the dark I night long She passes In fruitless quest trill ihn early sparrows begin their song When her nightly labors rest 4 Adventurous ones who have watched her tbero As she passed to and fro at will ver that she vanishes Inlo air c jljdwuy tWixt limo house and mill VihalJphcr quest 7 who can eer explain WhY she fits thro the shadows dark I Iis a spirit too fair to forecr have pain mirh Inhabits tim quiet park D Heart in the Wrong Place Ills heart Is golden omo one said A And In a golden socket o Twos In the wrong place sure instead In Gold should be in the pocket Exactly J What docs the man of l leisure do L While long days passing arc Wh sit and wnsto the time of him il Who has no Limo to spare ir 1 A MayTime Etching A cottage nestling midst the orchard trees T A mountain with Its dazsllng crown of K snow A meadow waving In tho evening breeze That comes scentladen from the vales S below L Some cloud specks darkening In tho sun a last glow ad A flock of pigeons wayward In their 7 flight I From gnblcd barn to cottage to and fro 11 + Their wings still flashing In the bright a cunUshL No A graveled walk bordered with flowers if bright I I Some lilac bushes decked with blossoms gay ia woman standing in the gathering night Gazing adown the valley far away Her alight form dressed In robes for purest while = A vision sweet of evening and of May Passing of the Bottle Hovasy Indeed could they Jurors secure KJhc precvleni follpwed wotiljl l be And th < bfillle be passed down the lino as was done 1 In the courtroom of Nielsen J P But stay Goddards studios only next door m And a dentists room Just down the I hall Eo perchance they Just had the bottle to To a Jvirymt x vcep there atall t Very Similar Socety Jn summertime I And Insurgents oer time sea jrp similar In omc rcspcctb An ever they can be < i V Porhnps a different object The lieari of cither nils Eiu when the valley gels too hot They both take to the hills Dead by the Roadside Dead by the roadside saddest words of of all I Crushed ncath Ufas burden ere the JourneyH end i JJopu beckoning ahead yet doomed lo fall Tin deepest sorrow fate can know or send Dead by the wayside oh the meaning deep 1ar on tIm way the weary feet had como Touched by deaths hand to sink to dreamless sleep While tolling ever on from home to I homu 0 Dead by tho wayside pitiful the fate Life s objects unailalncd lifes workS work-S undone Hut Us the end that all mankind await To sadly on the road fall one by one S A Case of False Pretenses j Twas said that the Elks would have a Croat bath Ann in JL strange fluid disport Jvci a secret but whisper it not in Galh ihclr intention was not of that son Of crtino twas all right for tIme 33 P 0 fi TO Fay water they fain would have trIed What hey really intended tis plalnas can be Was iho fluid lo take on the side t lent now for the secret with wonderful care When their famous wash should bo done Alley clioKc a day when tho pools were all bire And ho wilier refused lo run rco Crenm Soda With a Stick in Ito It-o cooling does the constant 11z of the MHItL fountain seem lth bienth of thermal summer fills the lund jt E iioiuing words of welcome to soda S and Ice cream And to roolneas that delightful is and grind Ttie Iniiles cultivate It you can nee them lay anti night I P iu ory lOn nd KO and every age iiiio looks cf calm contentment come Into tycs fo bright fls with dainty grace Ihcy sip the bcvcr 3ut nv oh my can It be true ns some vr li if f That Us not coolness which they all desire i Thtt the fellow with the apron who then concocls time fizz 10 Ifioolnoss sometimes adds a touch Jflre an imbD thit highballs even but by mother mime aid punches nmdo of wlro when It is mcml i ro mlx l in with the sweetness till it cpazoI to bi > tame mraflf15 the whUtzy Into the ladles head 1 Pointed Hhymcs I i Thf Pea lnnL some would have us share J Worse than many battles ore v lch no out for those with steady gaze I all your words und actions praise In TIHBIlOs twill bo wen re Limo nvctso of being green 1 ie itii l a iran speaks with golden tonguo s ncurd trough tagcs lmts among 1 J an llilnka lies on the winning side iii i rVln WPU 1lc guts a bride t Worwurd Is sore dismayed 1 0 limiti timm gaimmo is hot hail piacd t i flu olllr fellows canh rhata always sIlent in manner rash pre55 Ia oft the time lo know Torn a good thing to just let go Ofl1e Itt lives are like the farmers crop host Is niwayn pt t on lop meant each word they sav be a queer world every way Twould stranger ho tho through and through If men did what they qay theyll do Wfiy It Came Easy I sought for a kiss from maidens lips No remonstrance from her J hcctlcd As a bee the tweets from the flowers lips I sought for a kiss tint succeeded Twns after long months to complete my bliss To bo mine foroer she decided She owned to mo fairly she liked the kl33 Exactly aa much as I did A Love Story J They stood nt the old gate ho and she tinder the boughs of the cherry tree And the birds sang pwcet In time evening air And a summer beauty was everywhere Adown the walk ncath the lilac shade The flowers a pretty picture made Dotting each side of time vineclad door Mlh Its rustle scat standing out before Beyond the house ncath the orchard trees Were tho homes of the busy honeybees And loud were their hummlngs at evening even-ing hour As they culled the sweets from each old time ilowpr All things were the samo as In days of yore 5 When they stood there twenty years before be-fore II They had lovers boen In the days pone by Pledged and flighted to marriage nigh She was then fair both in form and face With a Saucy tfr iind a nameless grace With a laugh us light and a heart as free I As a village maiden cojild over be j A being of Impulse of fancies wild Of the village squire the only child Free as a bird In the upnor air Her childhood passed without thought 1 or care Loved of all for her spirits bright Their homage she took as her bounden right i And yet with all slip was kind and good As an angel pure in her > maidenhood Many lovers before her knelt Pleading the passion the love they felt Tim the answer they plead for she never gave They rose from their knees as they came her slave S in But her heart was touched one summer day When a stranger youth chanced to come that way Of the old squires friend the vouthful heir S Who came from abroad the home to share Twas her fathers hopes and of him now dead That some day these two should meet and wed And it seemed their desires would happy 1 prove For the hearts of the twain were ripe for love i I IL And long rre the autumn wlth golden sheaves I With Its mellowed skies and its sere grown leaves They had plighted troth and ere came again The springtime flowers to the hill and plain She who none else eer could win beside ladprpmlsed at last to become a bride jv Alas for hopes that the wisest share No life so bright but some clouds there are Our fondest dreams are perchance most rash Fate from the lips the cup may dash The most trilling things docs she employ em-ploy To change into ruin what once was joy Tho love Is the life of both youth and iwilnt Oer the lives of both It must bring restraint I re-straint 1 The old squires daughter no time had seen When her slightest wish had a law not been l And the right of a lover to say her nay She could not brook for a single day So a quarrel came oer some tiifle vain And the troth plight was taken back again V The years passed by and he wandered i far j Had headlong plunged In the ranks of war Adventures had sought In polar seas i Had mined In the far antipodes lI I Ambition not love had no filled his life That he gave no thought to a child or wife And not till his head was flecked with gray Did he back to the village eer make his way VI Long years had the squire in the churchyard church-yard laid But still unwed was the village maid She answered nay to each lover bold No temptation found In eer place or gold She lived her life in the village there Till silvery too was her once dark hair She condemned herself for her sorrows all But her love once gone was beyond recall re-call VII He calmly paced tip the village street And there at the gate they chanced to Ineet Sj S 5 One long deep pare In eaclothcrs eyes And ungci and dj > iht forever dies On his face she looked thro her blinding tears Ha sighed with regret for the wasted yoara Then down the path as in days of yore Hand clasped they walked l to the open door I Spoiled Her Summer S Alas her summer Joy Is spoiled Her heart was beating high With expectation when she saw The time was drawing nigh She thought what Joy the hours would bring S Ere summer time was oer Out In the backyard gossiping With one vwho lives next door But now she feels so sore depressed Cheated In every sense Between tIme places workmen came And built a high board fence Weeds Something Else j Four walls do not a prison make Sang Lovelace long ago The mind can eer exouisiontJ make 13en from a dungeon low < 1 Four walls tho built of marble white Heneath a lordly dome Time ft I ltd with o Jcctf howecr bright Don t constitute u home Doesnt Go Far When oer a yotincr man falls In love llns none r youll hear him pay AVhen from the lady of his choice loa ncvor fxr vay Always TJp And whether thn stocks go up or down home broker chapK are jJriv The blues they sill know how to drown In an oldfashioned way Let fortune frown let fortune smile Bitter of sweet tint cup Their little fingers nil ihe while Youll fln < l > a re going upii I i f t |