Show Theres 1J Money Hn 0 0 01 L fifOE BLAIR 411 Auerbach Blk Buys and sells I Oil Lands r WHITE STAB L I OIL COMPANY L4Y Pioneer Company cJLABELS 1 o SEltDFOtl SAMPLE THE PERFECT EAR TAG Mado of AIU3ILNOU and AXTACIirD IN STANTANEOUSLY cuttIng Itim on tny through the car Jtcgtrs full namo nnd udrtKM numborcl t1C8lrcdO Mrno onljr hv SALT LAKE STA3U CO Intontcos SALT LAKJ2 UTAH AS91iSSJI T KO 0 Shoobridco Honnnzn jVtlnliicr Company Principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Notice la hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors of tho Shocbrldgo Donan Mining company com-pany held May 22nd 1901 an asnoanment No 9 of two cents per share woa levluil upon ho capital stock of till corporation payable at onco lo tho superintendent H G Iloffron at his office 700 JUcCornlek block Salt Lake City Utah Ohihalf of this assessment or ono cent per share 1 being for f > xp nsw for month of April and onehalf or ono cent pcrnhare being for expenses of month of May 1501 Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on June 24th 1901 will bo delinquent and advertised for oalo at public auction and unions payment la made before will bo sold 01 July 15th 1901 at U a m to pay the delinquent assessment as-sessment together with cost ol advertising adver-tising and expense of sale RICHARD L COLBURN Secretary G S IIJNES President l L DEr1XQU iNT NOTICE Diamond Consolidated IMlnlncr Company Location of principal placo of business Salt Luke City Utah Notlco There arc delinquent upon the following described stock on account of assessment No2 of four I cnts POI sharo lovlcd on the ISth day of Februnr 1 01i payable on or before the Sth day of April I 1901 the sev oral amouns sot opposite tho names of tho rcspecthe shareholders as follows I No of No of Name Certificate Shares Amt 0 R Zlpf 80 SCO Jl000 f O R Apt S2 500 2000 I Bocca Simon 173 50 200 E Newman 171 50 200 I D Loowensloln jj1 50 200 Sum Berman 522 1000 4000 I W A Johnson 627 iOO 800 Rose Ambcrg 533 6 100 Louis Ambcrg 520 100 100 I Louis Ambers 537 100 400 Max Ambcrjj f3S 25 100 Joe Ambers 539 2i 100 f Soohia Brown 540 25 LOG WH Shippel Jr f < 72 100 400 I Albert Maser G21 1000 4000 Joeeph Simon fu15 TOO 400 I Joseph Simon A630 100 100 I Joseph Simon i GS7 KO 400 Joseph Simon 16 100 400 Joseph Simon G39 100 100 Milton Bcjach CrJ7 25 100 Ferdinand Bcjach COS 25 100 I Herman Bojach G59 25 100 I I P P Huston i57fi 500 CO00 1 i P P Huston G77 20 800 l P P Huston G73 200 800 I I Cora Ambcrg 772 23 loJ1 C E Pearson 7M EOO 2000 C E Pearson S17 1000 4000 I Mrs 1 > Herman S20 COO 2000 Nay Mickehe 812 400 1GOO IJ R Trlslcr S31 100 400 I And In accordance with law und an or dcr of the bo rd en directors made on the ilSth day of February 1JOl no many sharoa I rdf each parcel of Bald stock ao may bo necessary will bo Bold at tho secretarys oficc No 1G1 South Main street Salt I Lake City Utah Thursday April 25 1901 at 12 oclock noon to pay tho delinquent assessment together with costs of advertising ad-vertising and expenses of sale JOS OBERNDORFER Secy No 1G1 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah Dated April 9 1901 f402 I Salt Lake City April 25th 1901 i Pursuant to im order of tho board of I directors of tho Diamond Consolidated Mining company made this day tho date of sale on delinquent stock as above advertised ad-vertised is hereby postponed till May 25th 1M1 at 12 oclock noon By order of theboard JOS OBERNDORPUR I Secretary JOE BOLSTERS MINING COMPANY I Notice of Special Stockholders Meeting Notice Is hereby given thai a special meeting of tho stockholders of the Joe Bowers Mining company will bo held at the office of said company In T R Jones Companys bank No 150 South Main street Salt Lako City Utah on the 25th day of June 1901 at tho hour of 4 1 oclock p I m for tho purpose of electing elect-ing a board directors to servo until the next annual election and until their I successors are elected and qualified Also I I any other business that may come before said meeting By order of the board of directors W P LYNN Secretary Salt Lake City May 21 190L i g272 NOTICE OV SPECIAL STOCKhOLDERS STOCK-HOLDERS MEETING I West Mountain Gold nnd Coppoir I Company By authority of the Board of Directors of tho West Moimtaln Gold and Copper company a special meeting of the stockholders stock-holders of tho corporation Is hereby called for tho following purposes to wit First To amend tho articles of Incorporation Incor-poration of corporation to provide that any and all of the mines and property prop-erty of the corporation may be sold upon such terms and payments of cash or stock in other corporations or both as shall bo approved by a oto of twothirds of tho Issued and outstanding Block of this corporation cor-poration at any regularlycalled meeting of tho stockholders of the corporation SecondUpon tho adoption and filing of said amendment to the articles of Incorporation Incor-poration to adopt and ratify an agreement agree-ment to sell the mining claims and property prop-erty of the corporation to Charles E Knapp hcreloforo negotiated and entered Into by authority of tho Board of Directors Direct-ors I orsSold meeting is called for tho 27th day of June A DV1M1 at 2 clock p m at room 103 Auerbach building Salt Lako r City Utah UtahAUGUST AUGUST LENKE President W E JERMAINE Secretary gl3I7 NOTICES Notice Is hereby given by the City CoUncil of Salt Lako City of the Intention Inten-tion of such Council to make tho follow ingdescribed Improvement to wit Extending and laying sower lateral on tho north side of Third South street between be-tween Fifth East and Seventh East streets and on thc cast side of Sixth East street between Second South and Third South streets In Sower district No1 and defray the COSL and expense thereof estimated es-timated at two thousand four hundred and thirtyfour and twcntyfivo hun drcdths 213425dollars or ono and thirty Jmndrodths L30 dollars per front or linear lin-ear Cool by a local assessment fora depth of twentyfive feet upon the lots or pieces of ground within the followingde scribed district being the district to bo affected or benefited by said improvement Improve-ment namely Afl of lots 12 3 and cast S2 > A feet of lotM block 47 lots 1 and 2 block 4C lots 3 4 5 and north 140 feet of lot 2 block 4G1 hit B Salt Lako City survey All protests and objections to tho carry ing out of such Intention must bo presented present-ed In writing to tIm City Recorder on or before the 4th day of June 1901 being tho limo set by sold Council when It will hear and consider such protests and objections ob-jections as may bo mode thereto By order of the City Council of Salt Lake City Utah Dated April 23 190L J O NYSTROM City Recorder Sower Intention 62 r777 NOTICE OF SATE OF REAL I ESTATE Salt Lake City will offer for sale at public auction In tho City Council chamber cham-ber In the city and county building on Monday Juno 17 1901 at 10 oclock a m the following real property LIST OF PROPERTY Plat A Salt Lake City Survey Part of lot 5 block 71 Commencing at lhCiN AV corner thence S 155 feet thence E 120 feet thence N 155 feet and thcnco W 1L0 feet beginning together with right of way ovor 10 ft drive along south side This Is i the old City hall corner Part of lot 5 block S2 Commencing at the N AV corner thence S 7 rods thence E iVi rods thence N7 rods and thence Y 7V6 rods to beginning This Is tho S E corner of North Temple and 5th Vfst streets Part of loW C nnd 7 block 150 Same being a triangular lot with 211 feet frontage front-age on street opposite and south of tho Warm Springs grounds Plat C Salt Lake I City Survey Part of lot C block CO Commencing at the N E corner thence W 20 rods thonco S 5 rods thence E 10 rods thence a 2 rods thence E 10 rods thence N 7 rods to beginning See plat showing subdivision at ofllcc of Land and Water Commissioner This is the S W corner of North Temple and 5th West streets Pint D Salt Lako City Survey Lot 3 block 80 < 5 Iots 2 and 3 block 128 LolJ 1 block 147 Lot 3 block 1KI Platl Salt Lake City Survey All of block 10 excepting 1 rods by SA rods at tho S W corner This property situate at head of Main street Soo plat showing subdivision at ofilcq of Land anti Water Commissioner Pint uF Salt Luke City Survey Block 31 excepting Commencing 10 rods S of the N W corner thence E 10 rods thence S 5 rods thonco W 10 rods and thence N fi rods to beginning See plat showing subdivision at tho office of the Land nnd Water Commissioner I Plat uK Salt Lake City Survey Part of lot 3 block 1 Same being a corner lot 100 feet by 13551 feet with 100 feet State street frontage See pint of same at the office of tho Land and Water Commissioner I Lots 11 12 13 and 11 block 2 i Lots 1 2 and 3 hlock 3 All sales will be subject to confirmation confirma-tion by the City Council which reserves tho right to reject any and all bids Terms sale 10 per cent of bids to be placed In the hands of Land and Water Commissioner of Salt Lake City at time of sale balance to be paid In cosh upon confirmation of sale by tho City Council Should purchaser of any property fall to make payment of balance of purchase price within ten days tfter he la notified that sale has been confirmed and deed lo ready for delivery the ten per cent dc t posited shall be forfeited as liquidated damages The Land and Water Commissioner will be In his office nt tho city and county building dally fronilCTto 12 a m for tho purpose of furnishing Information to prospcctlvo bidders t J O NYSTROM City Recorder i DELINQUENT ASSESSMFNT NOTICE NO-TICE Shower Consolidated Gold nnd Silver Mining Company Secretarys Ofllcc Salt Lake City Utah May 1 1001 Notice There arc delinquent upon the followingdescribed on account of assessment No3 levied March 19 1001 the several amounts set opposite the mime of tho respective shareholders as follows viz 1 No Name cert Sharon Am David F Sallcer277 lOOU 2hOO I + C Ellis 263 3000 CUfW I T R Jones 3b3 2GO 500 T R Jones O 1J7 4o DO T R Jones 1S1 4000 SOOO J 13 Thompson 40C E00 1000 II W Doachcr 191 COO 1000 II W Dodchcr 211 100 200 I JL W Doscher 153 200 4IO H W DoHcher 455 300 GOO C II Blanchard 130 5000 10000 I W J I Browning 4I1 SCO 1000 U S Joseph 390 100 200 T EllIs Browno 415 1OCO 2000 A U Crabbo 432 501 1000 A H Crnobc 135 tOO 1000 C F Ercanbrack 5Il0i 2000 C F Ercanbrack 310 i 500 1000 I C F Frcanbraok 511 KM 10OT I C F Ercanbrack 513 500 1000 C F Ercanbrack D1S MO 1000 C F JSrcanbrnck 5231100 2000 C F EI aIl 1rack 527 lOW 2000 I CF Enanjrack 52S 1000 2000 I CF Ercnnbrack 520 1000 2000 George E Husler I 10 500 1000 Mrs Emily Kane 76 45 60 MVM Spvmonr Johnson 77 100 200 Yr C Borden J2 1 313 G6fi Clarence Dcntlmj 1000 2000 Catherine NccdhamlOl 00 1000 P A Hill 4 235 200 100 Richard Hartley 32 < 3 100 200 Thos Ames Jr 210 00 1000 L A Stanley 27 j200 400 W rr Smith lruHtcc2S 200 400 W F Smith trusteeKG 100 200 Albert Nordqulst 331 700 1100 E E Darling 215 2fO 100 1 D Miller 2M 200 4 100 E D Miller tGt 100 200 E D Mlllnr M2 100 200 Frank Crcckor 371 ICC 321 C B Durst 183 200 4 I10 Lena lingua 159 500 1000 Lena llaguo 434 100 800 Lena Haiuo 509 700 1400 Lena Hague 511 500 1000 Lena Hague filO 200 4 CI l Lena Hagno117 400 00 Lena Hague 526 200 101 I Hhrry Hagiio 319 500 1011 Harry Hague 330 300 fiOO MrsJ T Thurmond 370 lono Si Qj Mrs L B WadlcIgh2S2 500 1000 CMias Hegg S03 LOO 1000 Luco Jennings 311 400 Sro Mrs P W Markol 231 1000 2000 I Mrs P W Markcl CSS EOO 1000 Mrs P W Markol 336 1000 200 Geo W Barratt 337 500 1005 Geo W Barratt 33S 500 1000 1 Geo W Barratt 339 17G 352 Then E G Lynch SIS 2POO 500 L L Ormsby 372 1000 2000 Harriett M Rose 417 2110 1 00 Helen CrawfordSi 200 400 A Anderson 397 100 200 Mrs C II Srhcu I2S 100 200 Mrs C HSchcll15 COO GCO Carrlo L CunnlngtonISS 23 40 E W Young 473 100 200 Ellen Ifs 512 20 40 F W Mansnr 521 100 200 John Lofgren 522 rM 1000 And in accordance with law end tho order or-der of the board of directors mudo March 19 1901 so many shares of each parcel of above stock as may bo necessary will bo sold at auction at tho office of the company Walker Bros bankers Salt Lake City Utah at 11530 a m Friday May 31 1901 to pay delinquent assessment thereon together with costs of advertising advertis-ing and expense of sale p7 W E LAKE Secretary ASSESSMENT 3 Sharp Mining company Principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Location Loca-tion of mines Rush Valley mining district dis-trict Utah Notlco Is hereby given that at a meeting meet-ing of tho board of dlreotorsof the Sharp Mining company held on tho Gth day of May 1901 assessment No 3 of onefourth W cent per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation Issued outstanding payable Immediately loA lo-A L Jacobs secretary of thc company at his office 40S Progress building Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the Sth day of June 1901 will be delinquent and advertised adver-tised for sale at public auction and unless un-less payment Is made before will bo sold on the 1st day of July 1901 at 2 oclock p in to pay tho delinquent assessment thereon together with the costs of advertising adver-tising and expenses of sale A L JACOBS Secretary First publication May 7 1901 gS72 SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS MEETING MEET-ING Opl1r MinIng anti Milling Compnny Notice Is hereby given that there will be a special stockholders meeting of tho Ophlr Mining and Milling company held at tho companys office 31G D F Walker building Salt Lake City Utah on Thursday the 13th day of June A DI 1001 at 4 1 oclock In the afternoon for tho purpose of amending tho articles of incorporation In-corporation so as to increase the capital stock from ono million dollars 1000000 to one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars 1250000 > and so as to Increase the number of shares from one million 1000000 shares to one million two hundred and fifty thousand shares L250000 of the par value of ono dollar Jl per share Also for the purpose of ratifying the bylaws of the company adopted by the directors at a special meeting of the directors held at the office of-fice of the company In Detroit Mich on May 13 A D 1901at 10 oclock in tho forenoon Dated May ZOIA DlfOl 1 HAMILTON CAR1IERT President M L T3FFINGER Secretary ASSESSMENT NO 0 Martha Washington Mining company principal place of business Salt Lako City Utah Location of mines Tlntlc mining district Utah Notlco Is hereby given that at a meeting meet-ing of tho hoard of directors of the Martha Mar-tha Washington Mining company held on the 10th day of May 1S01 assessment No G of three and onehalf 3A cants per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation Issued and outstanding outstand-ing payable Immediately to the treasurer treas-urer at his office room No 419 D F Walker building Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on Tuesday tho 11th day of June 1901 will bo delinquent and advertised for Halo at public auction and unless payment Is made boforo will bo sold Saturday tho 29th day of Juno 1901 at 10 oclock a m at tho treasurers orrlce to pay the delinquent assessment thornon together with tho costs of advertising ad-vertising and pxpenso of sale l ALVIRAS SNOW Secretary First publication May 11 1SOL > g521 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Little Chief Mining and Milling Company Com-pany Principal placo of business at Salt Lake City Utah Location mine Tin tic mining district Juab county Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting meet-ing of the board of directors of the Llttlo Chief Mining l and Milling company held April 251901 an assessment of ono 1 ccnl por share being assessment No 7 was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation Issued and outstanding payable pay-able Immediately to Joseph Oberndorfor secretary of tho company at his office 161 South Main street Sail Lake City t UtahAn Utah-An stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on tho 29lh day of May l Olwlllbo delinquent and advertised adver-tised for sale at public auction and Unless un-less payment Is made before will bo sold on Juno 15 1501 to pay the delinquent as Kcssmcnt together with costs of advertising adver-tising and expenses of sale J OBERNDORFER Scoy No 1P1 South Main street Salt Lako City Utah Dated April 26 1MI fl4l ASSESSMENT NOTICE Silver Shield Mininc and Milliner Compnny Principal place of business McCornlck Cbs bank Salt Lake City Utah Notlco hereby given that at a mootIng moot-Ing of the board of directors of the Sll vur Shield Mining and Milling company held at Salt Lake City Utah on the 20th day of May 1901 an assessment of ono cent per aharo was lovlcd on lie capital stock of the corporation issued and outstanding out-standing payable at once to J W Lang ley secretary and treasurer at McCor nick COH bank Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on Saturday the 22nd day of June 1001 will bo delinquent and advertised for sale ut public auction and unless payment Is made before will be sold on Saturday tho 13th day of July 1001 at 1 oclock p m at the office of the company McCornlck Cos bank Salt Lake City Ulah to pay the delinquent delin-quent assesSment together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale J W LANG LEY Secretary and Treasurer McCornlck COK Bank Salt Lake Pity Utah g224 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or the respective signers for further information IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE division In and for Salt Lake county Stito of Utahln tho matter of the estate es-tate of James Thompson deceased Notice No-tice The petition of Frank Thompson administrator ad-ministrator of the estate of James Thompson deceased praying for dn or tIer of sale of real propqrty of said dccc1 I dent and tint all nerfioiiH Interested ap J I pear before Ito uiild ourt to show cause why un order should Hot bo granted to soil na much as shall bo necessary of the following descrlbcd roal estate of aald deceased to wit Lots 5 to IS both Inclusive In-clusive lots 31 to 39 both Inclusive In block G lois 5 to 1 both Iricluslvo lots 59 to CO both Inclusive lots 85 to W both Inclusive In block 5 lots 62 to CC both Inclusive In block 4 1 nil of Perkins I Grand VInW nddltlon ri subdivision of part of block 1 Ar 5acre plat A Hip Field survey Also part of lot 2 block 22 platA Salt Lake City HMrvoy commencing at tim southeast corner of said lot 2 running i I Ihcnco wcHt rods thcrtcc north 10 rods thence oiifil C rods thonco south 1Q rods 1 to the place of beginning with a right of way beginning 711W feet east of the 1 i southwest corner of sold lot 2 running I i thence north 20 rodsf jhcnco east 12 feel I thencd south 20 rods thence west 12 fcoU to the place Of beginning has been sot t I I for hearing on Friday the 31st day of i May A P 1001 at 10 oclock n m nt the county courthouse in the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Halt Lake county Utah Witness Glerkofsuld courtwlth the seal thereof afllxctK tltlfllGth day ot May A D1901 fSealJ JOHN JAMESClerk By J IT Eldredgp Jr Deputy Clerk Stephens Smlth Attqrnijys V g913 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate Division In and for Salt Lake county coun-ty Stain of IjtnhIii tho matter of the estate ou Charles Van jUstine lloccased Notice Tho petition of A CL Swing praying I for thin admission to proba of a certain document purporting tobe the last will I and testament of Charles Van Alstlrte I deceased andJfor the granting of letters testamentary to A C 1 EwIng has boon sot for hearing on Friday tho llth day of June A D 1901 at 10 oclock a mat m-at the county courthouse In the courtroom court-room of said court In Salt Lako City Salt Lake county Utuh Witness the Clerk of nald court with the seal thereof afilxedt this 15lh day of May A D 1901 fiscal JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldrcdge Jr Deputy Clbrk D IL Wcngor AttyL gStX IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE division in and for Salt Lako county Slato of UtahTnthe rnatter of tlio estate es-tate of L C Patterson deceased Notice The petition of J D McCarty administrator adminis-trator of thd estateofL C Patterson deceased praying for the setflcment of final account of said J D McCarty administrator ad-ministrator and for lid distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled has been set for hearing on Friday Fri-day tho 3Ist day of May A D 1901 nt 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse court-house in the courtroom of said court In Salt Lako City Salt Lako county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this IGth day of May A D 1901 goal JOHN JAMES Cleric By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Cleric Prick Edwards Attorneys g915 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate division In and for Salt Lake county coun-ty State of Utuh In the matter of the estate of James Lewis Ellison deceased Notice The petition of Barney B Quinn administrator ad-ministrator of the estate of James Lewis Ellison deceased praying for the settlement settle-ment of final account of said Barney B Quinn administrator and for the distribution distri-bution of tho residua of said estate to tIm persons entitled has been set for hearing on Friday tim 31st day of MayA May-A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the county coun-ty courthouse In the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county coun-ty Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this 14th day of May A D 1E01 fSeah JOHN JAMES Cleric By J U Eldrcdgo Jr Deputy ClerkS Clerk-S P Armstrong Atty gllS4 TN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE Division In and for Salt Lake county Slate of Utahrn the matter of the estate es-tate of Mary Ann Amott Jaques deceased de-ceased Notice The petition of Frederick J A Jaques rraylng for the Issuance to himself of letters of administration In the estate of Mary Ann Amott Jaques deceased has been set for hearing on Friday the 7th day of June A L1 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse In tho courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereofaffixed this 2lst day of May A D 1901 fSeal JOHN JAMES Cleric By J U Eldrcdge Jr Deputy Clerk H S Tanner Ally g24G IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate division in and for Salt Lake county coun-ty State of UtahIn the matter of tho estate of Catherine S Williams deceased Notice The petition of P L Williams praying for the Issuance to himself of letters of administration In the estate of Catherine S Williams deceased has been set for hearing on Friday the 7th day of June A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse In the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness tho Clerk of said court with the seal thereof alllxcd this 25th day of May A D 1001 Seal JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk P L Williams Attorney gll53 STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Utah Railway company will be held at tim office I of-fice of the company No CD South Slato street In Salt Lako City county of Salt Lake State of Utah on the second Wednesday In June being Juno 12 1901 at 2 oclock p m for tho election of directors di-rectors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting G W VALLER1 Secretary Dated May 23 1901 gl2G9 DELINQUENT NOTICE Sacramento Consolidated Mining Coin InLay Principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Location of mines Eureka Utah Notice There are delinquent upon up-on the followingdescribed stock on account ac-count of assessment No 2 of onefourth oL one cent per share levied on the 20lh day of April 1901 the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows followsNo No No Amt Name Cert Shares Due Ben Argylo 122 G500 1625 Jan W Clark S3 10000 2300 Ella Haymond SI BOO 125 Ella Haymond S5 500 125 L T Jacobs c 27 5000 1250 Llcwollvn Jones H3 G500 1C25 J A Key to 53 1000 250 J A Koyto 09 1000 250 J A Koyto 100 1000 250 J A Kcvto 101 1000 250 J A Keyto 102 1000 250 Pat Ryan S2 13500 3375 Pat Ryan 104 10000 2500 August SwcnHon 123 G500 1G25 Hubbard Tultlo 121 GSOJ 1G75 And in accordance with law and an order or-der of the board of directors made on lie 20th day of April 1901 so many shares of each parcel of such stock aa may bo necessary will bo sold at public auction at the olllco of the company at room 12 Walker bank building Salt Lake City Utah on Turaday the llth day pf June 1301 at 2 oclock p m to pay the vie llnqucnt assessment thereon together with the costs of advertising and expense ex-pense of saleS sale-S J CARPENTER Secretary First publication Mny 2G 1901 gU2l OFFICE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Salt Lake City Utah May 20 1901 Pursuant Pur-suant to resolution of the City Council scaled proposals will bo received by the Board of Public Works at Its office In time city and county building until 10 a m Monday Juno 3 IfOl for the furnishing furnish-ing of cit materials and the construction of all plpo sewers ordered by the City Council during the year 1M1 Separate bids will be received Klrul For furnishing pipe und npoclals Second For constructing all work the city to furnish pipe and specials Third Furnishing all materials and performing all work Bids to bo rccplvcd In accordance with General Instructions to UiddcrH and plans and spcclficatlona which may bo obtained at the office of the Board of Public Works The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids By order of the Board PublicWorks JOHN E DOOLY Chairman PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NorcEs Consult County Cleric or the respective signers for further Information IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO I I bato division ln and for Salt Lako county State or UtnhIn the matter of the ontato of Richard D Earls deceased I Notice The petition of L E Hall admlnls i I rater of the estate of Richard D Earls 1 deceased of praying for the settlement f final account of said administrator and for the distribution of the residue of said catato to the persons entitled has been not for hearing on Friday the 10th day of May A D 1901 at 10 oclock a mat m-at the county courthouse In I the courtroom court-room of said dourt m Salt Lake City Salt Lako county Utah Witness the Clork of said court with tim seal thereof afilxcd this 23rd day of April A D 1501 Seal JOHN JAMES Clerk Bv J U Eldrcdge Jr Thomas Adams Attorney f317 IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT court of the State of Utah inland for Salt 1 Lake county In the matter of tho estate es-tate of Jonathan M Williamson deceased de-ceased Notice of sale The undersigned will sell at private I sale the followingdescribed real estate I I to wit 1 Beginning at the soulhcaat corner of lot 1 brock 30 plat A Salt Lake City i survey JindYunnlng thonco north 110 feet tlionco west 10 rods thonco south 110 feet I I thdnco cnat10 rods to the place of bo ginning being lio feet faclnp on State street and 10 rods facing on Fifth South street Salt Lako City and county State ofUraU oaor after Friday May 24 1P01 and written bids will bo received at lie otflcu of Boyd Park No 170 South Main street Salt Lake City Utah Terms of wile Cash Ton per cent of the purchase pur-chase money to bo paid on tho day of sale balance on confirmation of sale Salt Lako City May 11 1901 BOYD PARK Executor of the Last Will of Jonathan M r Williamson deceased Pierce Critchlow Barrctle Attorneys for Executor g776 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE division In and for Salt Lake county State of UtahiIn the matter of the estate es-tate of ICnut A KJos deceased Notlco The petition of Clarence Lorlng pray I ing for the Issuance to himself of letters or administration In the estate of Knnt A Ivjos deceased has been sot for hear I Intt on Friday the 31st day of May A D I 1901 at 10 clock a m nt tho county 1 courthouse In the courtroom of said 1 court In Salt Lake City Salt Lako county coun-ty Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this IGth day of Mfty A D 1D01 1SCtlJ JOHN JAMES Clerk By J U Eldrcdge Jr Deputy Clerks Clerk-s Ilson Smith Attorneys c91l IN THE DISTRICT COTIPT PROBATE Division In and for Salt Lake county State of UtahJn tho matter of the estate of Horace Rockwell deceased Notice The petition of Henry W Lawrence I executor of the estate of Horace Rockwell Rock-well deceased praying for tho settlement settle-ment of final account of said executor and for the distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled has been Hot for hearing on Friday tho 31st day of May A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse In the courtroom of said court in Salt Lako City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this 20th day or May A D 1901 Seal JOHN JAMES Cleric By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk Bennett Howatt Sutherland Van Cott Attorneys g203 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate division In and for Salt Lako county State of Utahln tho matter of tho estate of Wilson S Smith deceased Notice The petition of the Moline State Sayings Say-ings Bank a corporation of the State qf Illinois praying for the distribution of tin following described real estate to the Moline State Savings Bank a corporation corpora-tion by virtue of a certain trust deed foreclosed by said Molino State Savings Bank a corporation as aforesaid to wit ConYmenclng at the northeast corner oC lot two 2 block eight CO plat B Salt Luke City survey thence east ono hundred sixtyfive 1G3 feet thence south seventyfour arid threefourths 7ii feet thence west ono hundred six tyfive 1G5 foot thence north seventy four and threefourths 74i feet to place of beginning has been sqtfor hearing on Friday the 31st day of MayA May-A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the < county courthouse In the courtroom of said court in Salt Lake City Utah Witness the Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this IGth day of May A D 1301 Seal JOHN JAMES Cleric By J U Eldredge Jr Deputy Clerk IN1 THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO-bate division In and for Salt Lake county State of Utah In the matter of tho es tato of Howard M Twombly an Incompetent Incom-petent person Notice The petition for approval and settlement settle-ment of the 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Gth 7th and Sth annual accounts of the guardian oC the estate of Howard M Twombly an incompetent In-competent person has been set for hearing hear-ing on Friday the 7th day of June A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m at the county courthouse In the courtroom of said court In Salt Lake City Salt Lake county coun-ty Utah Witness lie Clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this 23rd day of May A D 1JOl Seal JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk P L Williams Guardian g317 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Orlcstus Chatlorton deceased editors will present claims with vouchers vouch-ers to the undersigned at No 13 Eagle block Salt Lake City Utah on or beforo the 23th day of September A D 1901 t SAMUEL RANEY Administrator With lie Will Annexed of Orlestus Chattorton deceased Dato of first publication May 25 A D 1001 E1350 IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bato division In and for Salt Lake county coun-ty State of UtahTh the matter of the estate oC Alden B Cutler deceased Notice No-tice The petition of W A Rhodes administrator adminis-trator of the estate of Alden J3 Cutler deceased praying fpc the settlement oC final account oC said administrator and for the distribution of the residue of said estate to the persons entitled has been sot for hearing on Friday the 7th day of June A D 1901 at 10 oclock a m at tho county courthouse In the courtroom of said court In Salt Lako Clly Salt Lnko county Utah Witness tho Clerk of said court with tho scal thereof affixed this 24th day of May AD 1901 Spal1501 JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk N J Shcckell Attorney g34S IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRO bato division In and for Sale Lake county coun-ty State Of UtahIn the matter of the estate of Carl August ErlcksOn do ceased Notice The petition ot Johanna Erlckson praying pray-ing for the issuance to herself ot letters of administration In the estate of Carl August Erlckson deceased has been set for hearing on Friday the 7th day of June A D 1901 at iO oclock a m at lie county courthouse In the courtroom of said court in Salt Lake City Salt Lake Utah county Witness the Cleric of said court with tho seal thereof affixed this 2lth day of May AD 190L fSealJ JOHN JAMES Clerk By C Frank Emery Deputy Clerk Ferguson Cannon Tanner Attorneys NOTICE Notice Is hereby given by the City Council of Salt LaKe City ot the Intention Inten-tion of such Council to mako the following follow-ing described Improvement to wit Curbing Curb-Ing and paving Second South street from Flrat West to Sixth West streets In Paving District No lo and defray the cost and expanse thereof estimated at ninetytwo thousand four hundred dollars 32400 or fourteen dollars 14 per front or linear foot by a local assessment upon the lots or pieces of ground within tho following described district being tho district to bo affected or benefited by said improvement namely All of lots 5 G 7 and 8 block 37 lots 1 and 2 block 48 plat C all of lots 5 G 7 and S block GO lots C t and G block 61 lots 5 G 7 and S block 62 iota 5 and 6 block 03 lots 1 3 3 and I hlck 04 lots I anl 2 bloclc 65 lots 1 2 3 and 1 blek 66 and lots 1 and 2 block 67 pInt A Suit lake City survey All protests and objectionn to the carrying carry-Ing utof such Intention must bo prey rented In writing to tho City Recorder on or before the fourth day of Juno 1901 being the tlmo set by said Council when It will hoar and consider such protests und objections as may bo made thereto By order of tho City Council of Salt Lake City Utah Dated April SO 1 OL J O NYSTROM City Recorder Paving Intention No 2 |