Show s 6t1 iN IJIIS DOORWAY Attempt to Murder Deputy Sheriff Thompson Thomp-son of f Box Elder County by Two Unknown Men i Two Bullets Strike the Officer Inflicting Wounds Which It Is Feared Will Prove Fatal Attack Made Upon Him Just as He Was Entering His Home in Brigham CityPosses Scouring I Country After His Assail ntsTheories for the Attack TRIBUNE SPECIAL Erigham City Utah May 25 Deputy Shcrllf F i S Thompson of this place was shot and probably fatally wounded wound-ed by two men last night Just as he was entering the gate to his home One bullet struck him in the left side of the abdomen came out on the right side the second in the leg Tonight he Is resting quietly but the outcome Is uncertain ATTACKED AT HIS GATE Mr Thompson on arriving at his residence about 1030 oclock last night was met by two men who ordered him to throw up his hands He attempted to do so but owing to a basket which he had on one arm did not respond as quickly as the men desired one of whom fired the bullet striking him as stated RETURNS THE FIRE Thompson dropped his Basket drew n small gun and returned the fire and one shot he is confident took effect but the men succeeded In escaping Neigh bOre attracted by the shooting came to the rescue of the wounded officer and he was carried into his home and surgical aid called A posse of citizens was at once formed and the country Is being thoroughly scoured for the wouldbe murderers Various theories arc advanced for tt the shooting One is that the men i really intended to hold Thompson up I J for the purposo of robbing him Another An-other Js that the two men belong to J I the Abc Majors gang a were after tho keys of the jail for tho purpose of liberating Young Majors who was brought here from the State penitentiary peniten-tiary and placed In the county Jail pending a new trial This theory has the most believers WITNESS AGAINST MAJORS Officer Thompson is ono of the principal prin-cipal witnesses in the pending trial of the youthful murderer of Capt Brown and his friends arc confident that the t Intention was to kill him and thus r movo the one witness whose evidence alono would convict Majors 4 COMMUNITY WROUGHT UP The community is wrought up to a pitch of frenzy over this attempt to murder and there is no telling what tho result will be should the guilty parties bo captured I I Up to a late hour tonight no advices I of the capture had been received here J The police officials of Ogden are aiding I In the search Mr Thompson was n halfbrother of Mayor Thompson of Salt Lake Word tonight is that two men supposed sup-posed to be those who attacked Deputy Sheriff Thompson were seen riding west from here this evening They Were dressed as cowboys |