Show HARRIMAN IND SIBERIA J Union Pacific Adding One I More Link I NEARLY CIRCLES THE GLOBE I All That Is Lacking Is an Atlantic Steamer Lino and Rail From European Euro-pean Port to St Petersburg Wants j Ito I-to Effect Traffic Deal With Siberian Inn S I-nn Hand Southern Pacific Excur cion Rates Are LowGoulds Plans Local Sugar Rates Are HeEstab J il lished Over Western Notes r I fr 1 Xew York May 2A Bostellmnn general superintendent of the Trans L cihorirm railroads Asiatic division and I thcnlnetccu I steamships connected with I r the railroad service f In and around Port I Arthur has had an Important conference I 1 confer-ence with 13 II Harriman Mr Bos icllman leprcscnts tho Russian Government II i Gov-ernment In a semlolllclal capacity and his mission In New York Is understood under-stood to be to promote amicable traffic arrangemenis with tho Union Pacific lines and the steamship interests controlled con-trolled by the Union Pacific Mr Bos I lellman said last night that In his opinion there was little hope for a rpccrty development of American commerce com-merce between San Francisco and Chinese ports until the freight rat of Jlla ton is lowered It Is understood I that he and Mr Harriman went over the subject fully and that Mr Lou I I tell man told Mr Harriman that the Russian Government desired the most i cordial relations to exist between Us I railroad and steamship lines and the I lines leading to the Pacific seaboard Mr Boptcllman also saw men Identified > Identi-fied With the Northern Pacific interests r and made particular inquiry about the great freight ships being built for that company at New London I f Mr Bostellman said 11 will have to ask to be excused from discussing official affairs We ore doing nicely with the rallroad across Siberia and Manchuria and I hope to have an allrail route within f the next fifteen months We shall 1 eventually build around Lake Baikal I I It Is a formidable and expensive engineering i I engi-neering undertaking but it will be j t done The rails on the eastern Siberian Sibe-rian section of the line are sixtyfive j Bounds to the yard On the western Russian end whore the traffic for the I present Is heavier the rails arc of the i heaviest type Our best sleeping and parlor car trains are now superior to f those In this country We took first r prize for them at the Paris exposition as against the Pullman and the Belgian gian company Our mall and telegraphic l f tele-graphic services are greatly Inferior to those In this country |