Show h IF I STILL FAVOB A CHANGE = I I Presbyterian Commissioners J i I Settle Another Question I MINORITY REPORT DEFEATED I l All of the i Amendment Substituting i Section B 0 Mnorlty Viows Save I PicparaU0 of the 1 suggt fl Plcpar Summnry of the Roforme d EtLttll Is Lost by n IajOritY of 37Whole 1 Week U till Next I Subject Goes Over 11 to Commissioners Pay n Visit I f 1 Princeton University u il l I I ThePrCSbYte I PhuIde1IlIia Iarl took an I Itoda todaY n Ii semllY oJ I 1 ra r lSsem rl f pn elslng thc conC s other slon of step faith ty erCCUng the mlnollt offered as n been i report which had I majority substitute arnendmentfor the 1 31 Tho r 21 to was I I Ii report The vote recommendation is as follows I i I fB We recommend that a committee I brief sum I j be instructed to prepare a reformed faith bearing I1 mary of the 1 Jl the same relation to the confession I catechism bears to T which the shorter ca and formed on L the larger catechism model of the consensus I j the genera creed prepared for the general assem lor of faith of j bly of 1892 or the articles I tho Presbyterian church of England I L both of which documents arc appended subniIt I report an4 to the committees commltteob1 ro iI ted to tho assembly to le referred to t 1 committee appointed i the t 1 L With the consent o1 the assembly the II t motion ns changed So that the yoto r b I was taIefl on the cinestioll of strlldng 1 1 the recommendation I from the ma t rl t out recommetdaJ of accepting the i f jorlhr report Instead I I I minority report se a substitute During I Jr lo the discussion of the subject Moderator I I I Modera-tor Hlnton gave the gavel to Vice rI Moderator Pitcairn while he addressed i tho commissioners In favor oC the 1 I amendment Dr Minton said tho f recommemlatlon meant simply the es > I If tabllshment of a new creed I After the anuouncement of the vote Rev Dr J G Moffatt Informed the assembly that on Monday he would I f present an amendment with the object c of uniting the commissioners In I ordor I that a unanimous recommendation might be sent to the presbyteries Rev Dr Herrick Johnson presented 4 a logical amendment favoring the retention re-tention of the recommendation analyzing analyz-ing the confession I of faith demonstrating demon-strating the necessity in changes in certain clauses and showing the benefits ben-efits to be derived therefrom Numerous Nume-rous doubtfijl commissioners were I brought over to the ranks of the revisionists I revi-sionists by Dr Johnson address I An effort was made to postpone tho vote l until Monday but the commissioners commis-sioners I became impatient and Insisted on the putting of the question The I i moderator was unable to decide by a f 1 viva voce vole and a division being j called for a rising vote was taken ir I I When the result was announced the i revisionists cheered lustily and called for a vote on the adoption of the majority I I f ma-jority report On tho advice of them I I the-m however It was decided to postpone consideration of this important import-ant matter until Monday Rev Dr William McKlbben oC Cincinnati I I Cin-cinnati who with 3D C Humphrey of I Louisville submitted the minority report stated his reasons for disagreeing I i disagree-ing with the majority on recommendation recommenda-tion B In the minority report he said we have relief In relation to r I elect infants relief In the matter of oaths relief regarding tho Pope and I I the misleading statements concerning I good works Is not this the relief I t Which the assembly asked when the battle for dismissal was fought 1 p Dr McKlbben said he thought the minority I mi-nority report would be satisfactory to a larger number of Presbyteries than the majority report I f George B Stewart president of the Aiburn N C theology seminary who Is classed as a leader of the i liberal party of the church made a strong plea for the majority report I I He had signed it because It was a compromise and was the best he could get and did not offer the neces sary lrellef The i sentiment for a new t J creed ho said is growing yearly Ho pointed to the fact that in 18S9 there I vas not a voice lifted for a new creed At the last assembly there Waa I marked sentiment for such a proposi tion President Stewart said he wanted texture revision He did not anta declamatory statement but he would take it If he could get noth t ing better e Rev Dr > I n Marcus A Brownson of this 1 j city opposed both minority and ma I jority reports because he sa leT the I membership and wealth oC the church I bad increased under the old conIes j I sor as ho feared It could not wero i i f change made If thIs assembly is 4 I lugged Into the revision movement I Ii I will tKp Su con SSl wIth the 28 1 twentieth 3 1 century fund said Dr Drowns t I n This threat elicited re II I from proachful cries of Oh and No I the commissioners RcrF c Hubbard of > Buffalo advocated t the reground jecUon oc the minority report on on the I ground that it commits the assembly to a definite I position on the question ofa I I j a summary statement while the majorUreport merely asks the as the embly to continue COflEitjtrttjon of subject I I At this poInt ViceModerator PIt caiIn took the chair and U10 door was I given to Moderato Minton who 1 i t brIefly spoko i ngalnst recommendntJon P of the majol1ty report Hog ihnlntalned i tj that this assembly had broken aU I I Precedents In having eJected l I I moderator Who dl dU1 not know I Z 1erehce the cliff betwecn the old thS and the new I School f i DC theology except what he histogy knew i1 from hIstory He was a Cl1l1d he enid or the reuncd church For him 5 < lf he tltouht the lined In movemcnt as OUt S recommendation D 18 fraught 1th the utmost dun I dangcr ThQerroLs In the confession errOlS f incldenlal and oC faith were only nority he believed the mi I leport offered the relief I He i was afraId of the Jdeo of the COrn I Jlromll I Rev Dr HerrIck Johnson of Chicago a member the ho committee rcvffi on revision I r for cxplalned Inserting the roMOM of the majorIty I recom InCilijatloll B He i I carefully faith and nnalY7ecl showed as Cortfegsroi1 tJJ derlve1l Cram n Mhort creel1 beneOts to be I t1inr the ctsentlals or the VCSlminiter doc t1inrpro Tohnsoh cited the I creed of 1592 concensus and confession or the P 8b Presbyterian chUlch or examples England us j t vlleh mIght or brier sYHlel118 of oetr1JO I be followed I s embIy by the as 1 Wlthn summary Dr Tollrr I ROll flnld the system Would he belter uU 1 UIllCrstoo4l Would he IS310l invaluabe on 1 fields such QU1a IL drec i1 would dlusllmto nIl douht regording the sub crlplion to the sYRtemodo lrin It would also relieve the conscience of rood tlon men OWtJ now troubled about oldlna Dr GeolSC T Purvcs oC New York followed Dr Johnson after ote on the which a The minority report was taken lnotlon as originally put l3ubstit1te wns to I the mlnollty 1 for the of the report majority but b of both 1dcs an alComent the n1Qtlol I Wa3 tiO that the chanB d tlon vote WOflIdb tl1 qUiJ trhIn oCstrlklng out rccommend 1on 113 irrhclwo rCJJortsnsr ell I liIng but this r commendatfon on every The motion to strike out the recommenda tionwns lost by a vote of 23i to 2 d Joseph H Vance of Chicago movod the previous question on the Original motion the adoption of the majority report In Its entirety j but after the moderator said ho hoped the matter would be laid over until Monday the motion to move the previous question was overwhelmingly defeated As the assembly had agreed to adjourn ad-journ at noon today to accept an invitation r in-vitation to qslt Princeton university adjournment was taken until 0 a m I Monday |