Show TIMONYS NATINEE James Carr appeared in a checkered Jumper and a smile He had been found asleep on the Tabernacle grounds and as his appearance did not add much to the picturesque surroundings surround-ings he was taken In Better get a bed next time suggested sug-gested the Judge but you may go now although the court does not believe be-lieve your statement that It was only a few beers that you had H John Calr John OMnlley Tom Don ohuo and William Shermall had been found engaged in what to them appeared ap-peared to be a pleasant pastime emptying emp-tying a small keg of beer In the icehouse ice-house of the Rio Grande Western Railway way company They will beautify the Thirteenth East terrace for five days being convicted of trespass a S Joseph Seal who runs an express wagon was charged with trespassing on the Oregon Short Line yards He claimed to have a right to bo where he was because he not only had a license to run an express wagon but also one to carry passengers which allowed him the some privileges as hackmcn The case was fought out by Prosecutor DIehl and Attorney Ray Van Cott and at its close the Judge facetiously ie marked that he had an Idea when the case opened It was of a very trivial nature but from tho energy displayed by counsel he was about to change his mind I is evident from the evidence evi-dence he said that while tho defendant de-fendant has a receipt for money for a license to run a passenger vehicle he has not got the license and that makes difference However 1 do not deem It necessary to Impose any fine in this case even though the defendant defend-ant is technically guilty I do not believe lieve he will again trespass and besides be-sides that the fee paid to his attorney will be punlsliment enough But what will I do about the money mon-ey I paid for the certificate he asked I I were you Id go down to the Treasurers ollice and demand It remarked re-marked the Judge but at the same time you will have good luck if you get it S S S The case of George Penrose who was charged with the thoft of a bicycle I bicy-cle belonging to Nephi J Pratt was dismissed as the defendant had recovered I recov-ered his wheel and did not care to prosecute S S S William Brown the fellow who was charged wit vagrancy and who Detective De-tective Sheets testified had brought a young girl here from Ogden and placed her In a house illrepute was again up I was also shown that he had lived with the same girl at a Second South roominghouse for a couple ot days the proprietor of the same testi lying to this and that he was a boon companion of one Shorty Clark a notorious fellow The defendant offered of-fered no testimony and went up for 100 days S S It Helnrlch Vosbcrg an aged German of pleasing address was arraigned on the charge of obtaining money under I false pretenses and It was shown that ho had come here from Cleveland He went to Hulbort Bros the trunk makers mak-ers where he bought a dress suit case for 7 for which he gave n draft on tho Second National bank of Cleveland Cleve-land for 15 receiving 3 In change The draft was returned dishonored it being said there was no such bank What arc oU doing out here asked the Judge O I became Interested in the Mormons Mor-mons and wanted to find out more I about them was the answw Vosbcrg was sentenced to fifty da sIn s-In tho county Jail or a fine of 50 He pleaded very earnestly with the I Judge for a mitigation of the sentence I but hla Importunities were vain 4Uut Judge he Insisted 1 would rather go straight to hell than go to Jail for fifty days Its too bad remarked the Judge but real I have no Jurisdiction I oyer the place which you have selected as your preference I There Is another case pending against Vosberg wherein It Is alleged I that he worked George C Lambert on bogus check of S40 4 4 S A few drunks were disposed of and i the dpcket end |