Show A1VL OF PRES DENT I I Special Train Due at Ogden I at 630 This Evening STOP WILL BE ASHORTONE As tlia Train Will Remain in Ogden Only 0 Pew Minute tho President Does Not Desire to Meet Callers Gov Wells and Senator Kearns May However Presidential Train tho Most Magnificent That Ever Crossed tho Continent Consisting I Con-sisting of Seven Cars I I I General Manager E Dickinson of the I Union Pacific last evening received a telegram stating that President Mc I Klnley will not be In Ogden until C30 I this evening Senator Kearns last I evening said he had received a telegram tele-gram yesterday stating that the President Pres-ident would arrive In Ogden about 7 oclock this evening but his train would only remain there long enough to I change engines probably five minutes Senator Kearns also said that he and Gov Wells and probably some others Intended going up to Ogden to meet the President but later the Governor received telegram stating that as the President was taking the shortest route home and as his stop In Ogden would be for only a very few minutes there would be no opportunity to meet callers The Governor and Senator Kearns may however go to Ogden but had not fully decided last night THE PRESIDENTS TRAIN The Presidents special Is the most palatial train that ever crossed the II continent I consists of seven carsr named Atlantic Omena Diana St James Pellon Charmion I and Olympla The Atlantic is a I combination car the most expensive bachelor car ever built In America I i Is seventy feet long and contains in addition to a baggage compartment a I smoking compartment twenty feet In length with chairs lounges cabinets and a wellstooked library also a buf fet barber shop and bathroom The Omenla and Diana are compartment com-partment cars having each seven state looms and two drawingrooms elabo lately furnished In gold and upholstery uphol-stery The magnificent dining car St James said to be the finest ever built buit by the Pullman company In the mid dle of the ran I is seventy feet long will seat forty people comfortably comfort-ably and besides the dazzling splendor of Us fittings has table service of cut glass and elegant silver The Pellon and Charmion are twelvesection double drawingroom sleeping cars with fittings and equip ment equal In elegance to their companion com-panion cors < The Olympia Is 1 also one of the finest fin-est cars of Its kind ever built and In truth a palace on wheels I is the regulation length seventy feet and contains five private rooms and a sofa section with accommodations for nine people also 0 private diningroom and an obseivatlonroom sixteen feet long fitted up In magnificent style The two larger private rooms are fitted up In magnificent style also with brass beds dressers mirrors and wardrobes and havo private dressingrooms The President occupies one of these and ard Mrs McKinley tho other The Olympia was the Presidents car for only half the Presldents it was replaced by the Campania similar in construction and fully equal In magnificence to the OlympIa PERSONNEL OF PARTY On the train are William McKinley President and Mrs McKinley John Hay Secretary of State Lyman T Gage Secretary of the Treasury John D Long Secretary of the Navy Ethan Allen Hitchcock Secretary of the In terior James Wilson Secretary of Agriculture Ag-riculture Charles Emory Smith Post miisterGeneral P E Knox Attorney General C W Melville BearAdmiral and George B Cortelyou secretary to the President their wives and Dr Rlxey and wife and Dr M A Dlgnan Also Howard M Thompson of the Associated As-sociated Press Walter E Clark New York Sun Press association It H Hazard ScrlppMcRao Press association associa-tion W W Price Washington Post Frank B Lord Washington Times Henry L rest Washington Post R L Dunn Leslies Weekly James H Hare Colliers Weekly Morell Ma rean manager Western Union George W Ribblc manager Postal Telegraph company and H A Strohmyer photographer pho-tographer FAST TIME MADE The Presidents train does not make fast time the average speed being I about thirtyfive miles per hour There I was an exception to this however on account of Mrs McKInleys lllncia when the Presidents wife took sick at Dol Monte and no one thought she would live a special train was ordered composed of one of the fastest engines on the Southern Pacific road with two cars the Olympia and Pellon engine en-gine 1117 a big locomotive built by the Schenectady Locomotive wOks with 75Inch drivers 10x28lneh cylinders I and carrying 200 pounds of steam guaranteed to run ninety miles an hour This engine took evident Mc Klnley and his sick wife from Del ronte to San Francisco In very quick time the run from San Jose to San Francisco fortynine miles being made in thirtyeight minutes The engineer en-gineer who was put on to make this run was J P Hays one of the best engineers In the country Ho had or ders from the superintendent of the rond to take tho train through as fast an the engine could go with safety and he gave the President of the United States the fastest ride he had ever experienced ex-perienced |