Show THE FOOL STATESMEN The world has looked on wbnderlng ly at the action of tho powers In China during tho last three months The I United States representatives have done their utmost to haVo things adjusted ad-justed and to have tho foreign troops removed They have set the example in removing their own It seems clear that the men who control things in European Governments believe that by some turn of events will they have an excuse for partitioning and seizing upon China It Deems to us that If they realized what that would actually mean they would hurry to get away They ought to know that they cannot assimilate the Chinese but that if I the trick is tried the great danger will he that tho Chlnce will be assimilating them If they teach the Chinese to weave woolen and cotton cloth and to make machinery for weaving woolen I arid cotton cloth that persistent race will not stop with supplying the wants of their own people but they will want I to supply the world at prices which no I generous race on earth can compete I against It Is HO with everything else 1 Nations do not know what kind of a i J i hive they arc trying to make swarm They figure that If one man will buy j I I 2 worth of goods 400000000 will mean 500000000 and that Is true But by llxlng the open door In China and getting I get-ting out and loaning China money enough to gd to work thtit country will buy a good deal of raw material but If they set those people at work at skilled labor those people who arc as Imitative as monkeys and as automatic as the movement of steam engines I they will be taking the first steps to starve their own people to death And why those statesmen do not understand under-stand this matter Is Inexplicable to us Japan as swiftly as possible took up American and European customs They have their labor strikes They want their pro rata of the accumulation of the world and they spend It when they get It John Is a different Institution He Is the worlds great absorbent There Is nothing he loves so much as money and there Is no other human creature on earth that will do as much I work for a small amount and if some wise genie would bow down and wills i per Into the ears of the Emperor of Germany and the Emperor of Russia and all other powers of Europe that they know not what they are doing that they had better make the best terms they can with China quick and get away that genie would be doing a mighty service for the poor of the generous gen-erous nations of the earth |