Show PRESBYTERIANS AT PRINCETON I General Assembly Commissioners Visit the University Princeton N J May 25The general gen-eral assembly of the Presbyterian church which has been In session In I Philadelphia visited Princeton this afternoon The eight hundred delegates dele-gates many of them accompanied by their tflves and daughters camo by special train and on being escorted by members of the faculty to Alexander I hall 1 were there received by President Patten in behalf of the university andy b and-y Dr William Paxton for the theological theo-logical l seminary Rev Dr H C Minton moderator of the assembly said the delegates were glad in anticipation of the visit to Princeton and happy In the experience experi-ence He eulogized both the university and seminary as being disseminators of Christian knowledge and religion In speaking of the spread of Presbyterian Presby-terian seminaries he said San Francisco Fran-cisco is our most western seminary today to-day but as we are in an age of expansion ex-pansion I am foolish enough to predict pre-dict that far beyond the Golden Gate new seminaries will be planted by our grandchildren After exercises Jn Alexander hall the delegates were shown through the campus and buildings of the university univer-sity and seminary President and Mrs Patton tendered them a reception at 5 clock and at oclock supper was served for them in the university casino ca-sino They returned to Philadelphia tonight to-night |