Show AT THE HOTELS Knulsford H ISrlcI J C hOward W II Reed J P Baker M A Rolfo and wife Hugh Gallagher J P Hayes 11 LIbmnn II J Thayer and wife J Flshol V G Burl Chicago John A Gordon and wife J R Mills and wife B B Shear Denver D B Hallett Boston AV I Stono W II Burke Philadelphia S Bell and wife Montreal Alex Rodger United States army George Jones New York J Fisher San Francisco George M Brown and wife Atlanta Ga Mrs Frank Tallmagc Mr Thomas J Duncan Mrs F 13 IJyes Columbus O B O llurd and wife Cincinnati A Pascoe and wife Miss PnscQC Miss Raynor Carbondale Carbon-dale Pa C L Thomson England B Levlson Jr New York Henry Jacobs San Francisco IT G A Brlnsmer Carroll Car-roll la 11 P Blersmlth Krnsas City Arthur J Nash Bodlou P A Li Mann helm Great Falls C F Williams Sacramento Sacra-mento S S Kcnyon E Cosgrlff Raxvllns Vyo I C E Uldcr Chicago J L Flnnncr Boise Emerson Logan and wife Chicago II A Boyer St Ixuils C S Ward MimI Mim-i neapolls Slg Wcllncr Chicago S S Burney and wife West Bend WJs ElF i El-F Vail and wife Si Paul R M B Thomas London E Mark Omaha Mrs S M Mlckelson Miss Edith Mlckcl Hon St Joseph Mo E Cohen Now York J T Morrison San Francisco E P Ackeman Case Edwards New York William B Weber Omaha E Klein Clrclnnatl O W Hcnnlng Si Louis Miss Dunham Miss B Dunham Cleveland Cleve-land A F Coleman Kansas City Ad Felkcnslcln Chicago D C Bcclcs Op den R Forrester Si Louis Frank Brown Denver W B Remus Denver C E Burnelt New York C J Schlver Irg Chicago T H Tallett Clinton la J AV Stobculc K C Krlps Knnsns City Mls Stobeule Mrs E Smith Kansas Kan-sas City A G Kllor Kansas City A O Harrison Milwaukee Willis Mungcr Kansas City J A Sim Chicago R L Newman Omnhn W C Browning St Louis M W Winchester Denver J IT McChrystal Eureka M A Molbcnls Sunnysldc ranch W 1L Shradcr Denver Den-ver W it Apploby P Chrlstensen C < I P Berkley E P McCarty Minneapolis John Johiifltonc Sail Francisco 0 A Brown St Loul R II l Jones Kilton M N Kennedy Denver George L Scott Chicago W L Callioun Ogden J S Williams wife and daughter Iowa Cullen Louis B Levrlch Idaho Brunch Smith Silver City Ida Andy Burke Do Liu Mar A B Lewis Frisco Charles Fcsney Cincinnati M F Chestnut and wife Seattle J A Robbins Hamilton Ontario William Williams Silver City Tda Julius Sutton J M Utters San Francisco A J DUrmeyer South Bend Robert Clyde Jfcbcr Thomas Riley Omaha J Evans Provo J A Weed Po calcllo V a Walker I Tom Wise Kansas City Tom Rogers Mcrcur Roscoo Cole Nophl H II Wells Minneapolis T II Jackson Idaho Falls P II Brings and wife Stanton Stan-ton Neb C L Preblc Mcrcur O jt AVhlto House Miss F Noonnn Park City Mlha M Conawny Reno Nov Dr N Mat7cn J E Paul Butte Mont John A Abbott Si Thnmiis Mo S Roberts Arcata Cal Thomas Chamberlain Ka nab J W Overstrect Funk Neb Thomas II Burt R W > Pwiraoiu Michigan Michi-gan J R Elder Montlcello lad J J McLood Park City 10 1 U l Knowlton F P Wlnn Boston Mass George E Wlltse AVhlto Sulphur Springs Mont H Bowen Milford V L Lahoy Denver Colo F Alder Mantl T F Young Kingston Utah K E Rook Gunnleon Mrs L S OflRood Topele S Korkebv Silver City A Chadwick Provo 1C Evans Park City Mrs I Elklnpton Tooole McLnnc Park City J I luff or Eureka Mrs Bentsy Green River Ed Cunningham Chris McGuire Blngham D T Green Salem Or A T Knight Eureka T W > Smith Preston Ida II J Ballard Thompson Springs |