Show S S S CURES OLD SOLD SORES ORES S No old sore can heal until the cause which produces it has been removed External applications of salves washes lotions etc may reduce the inflammation I mation and assist in keeping the place clean but cannot cure the trouble because they do not reach reath its source Old sores exist exi t because the blood is i t infected with impurities and poisons which are constantly being discharged I into the place The nerves tissues and fibres of the flesh are kept in a state of irritation and disease by being daily fed with the matter I through the circulation making it impossible for the sore to heal S S S cures chronic sores by its purifying action on oil the blood It goes down into the circulation and removes the germs impurities and morbid matters which are responsible for the failure of the place to heal healS S S S makes the blood pure fresh and healthy then as new rich bloo carried to the spot the healing process begins all discharge ceases the inflammation leaves new tissue begins to form the place fills in with firm I healthy flesh and soon the sore is permanently cured S S S is purely vegetable the safest and best blood purifier for young or old Sores and Ulcers and any medical advice free to all who write THE rHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA GATo To be lie Effective You Donut Need to o be Harsh I Nature is never violent tion They are just as harmless as food When any bodily function goes wrong she corrects it ways If the bowels are calloused you may need eed one twice a day for a aD Please do as Nature does time But you 11 need them less lesson Dont D on t seek see k to aid al d her h er with h violent 1 ent and less physic with salts castor oil or pill For Cascar ts restore the natural functions cathartics Soon you wont vont need them They ruin the stomach at all They harden the bowels just as con constant constant are candy tablets They are sold stant irritation will callous the th skin by all druggists but never in bulk Be sure to get tet the genuine with C C C on every tablet bowels their Then the cease to supply The box is marked like this own laxative chronic con constipation constipation constipation You can aid the bowels just as effect effectively effectively effectively ively in itt a gentle way That way wa is The box Is 10 cents The box SO 50 cents They act without pain without boxes sold annually r r rI I Bulletin of Excursion Rates via vea IIi IIiI I I I I 1 I t 4 1 tm TEACHERS EXCURSIONS June SE 5 andS and July 1011 Denver Colorado Springs or Pueblo 2250 2350 Omaha or Kansas City St Louis Chicago St Paul or Minneapolis 1200 JULY FOURTH RATE sell July 3rd and limit July DEMOCRATIC DE NATIONAL CONVENTION Denver Sell July Jul 3 4 and 5 Ii t Round trip 1775 ELKS NATIONAL CONVENTION Dallas Tex T x sell July and MYSTIC SHRINE St Paul Sell July 10 and 11 Round Roundtrip Roundtrip trip t ri p DAILY EXCURSIONS TO PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS 3 11 and 23 August 8 I and amI S See agents for limits and further particulars Cl ciT i TICKET OFFICE MAIN ST STr STo I II o u r I GAS RANGES R Special sale on Gas Ranged Range Ranse For the next ten days UTAH LIGHT RAILWAY CO Basement South Temple Notice SILVER KING CONSOLIDATED MIN MIl MINIn MIling Ing In company of Utah room Atlas block Salt Lake Lako City Utah There are delinquent upon the following described stock on account of assessment levied on the day of ot Mb Y 1908 the several amounts set opposite the names of at atthe the respective shareholders as follows No of at No of Names shares Amt L A Amsden 26 50 J 2500 Mrs 1 Annie Bogan Began 1569 1563 R T Burton BOO roo Mrs I rs Mary F P roo Mrs rs Mary F Mrs frs Mary F 00 53 0 Mrs Mary tary F 50 5 0 2500 Mrs Mary F 2300 OO Mrs Mary F 0 2000 Mrs Mary F MO 00 2000 BOO Mrs Mary F P Xi 2000 Mrs Mary F 00 2001 2000 Oo Mrs Mary F MO OO 0 2000 H E Kennedy 9 2300 2600 Jennie March ZiO 51 5 James P Quinn 3 34 0 2500 Julius Rosenthal 3 53 IOU 1000 Daniel Simon T g ll 1 1 Mrs Julius Schiller 1 12 15 s Geo Jr 50 2500 2600 Geo Gee jr 0 Gee Jr 1000 Geo Ceo Jr 1000 Geo Jr 1000 Geo Goo Jr 1000 And in accordance with law and the or order order order der of at the board of at directors made on the day of at May 1908 so many shares of at each parcel of ot such stock Jis as s may be necessary necessary necessary essary will be sold at the office of ot the company room 40 Atlas block Salt Lake City Utah on the day of oC June 1908 1905 at the hour of ot 3 p m to pay the delin delinquent delinQuent delinquent quent assessment thereon together with the tho cost coat of at advertising and expenses of sale sala G W BROWNING Secretary 4 Atlas AUas Salt Lake City Utah Notice of Special Stockholders Meeting Notice Is hereby given that a special stockholders meeting of oC the McCornick Building a corporation under the laws of ot will be ba held at the office of oC the corporation in the banking rooms of Mc McCornick McCornick Cornick Co bankers Salt Lake City Utah on Monday the day of June bog 1808 at 3 p m for the following purposes to wit 1 To elect a full board of ot directors of If said corporation in lieu of at the present board In which there are two vacancies 2 To consider the question of purchasing ing a parcel of at land fronting 18 IS feet 5 Inches in width on Main street next ad adJoining adjoining adjoining Joining the premises of ot the corporation on the north and of ot erecting thereon a building to be used in connection with and as a part of ot the present holdings of at atthe the corporation at an estimated cost of 3 To consider the time question of ot a sale for forcash forcash cash of ot the balance of at the treasury stock of oC the corporation having a par value of i W S McCORNICK President C K Ie McCORNICK Secretary Dated Da May 2 6 S 1908 1008 I Notice of Assessment I INGOT GOLD MINING COMPANY Principal office Dooly block Salt SnIt Lake City CUy Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of oC the directors held on the day of oC June 1906 1908 an assessment of or one 1 I cent per share being assess assessment assessment ment meat No 5 was levied upon the time capital stock of oC the corporation payable imme immediately diatel to G H II Dern secretary of at the time company at his lila office Dooly block Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may lay remain unpaid on Friday Fric Fria y July 17 will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment is made before so many shares of at each parcel of or such stock as may be necessary will be sold on the day da of August 1908 1906 at t p m of at said day to pay Imy time the delinquent assessment thereon together with the cost of ot adver advertising advertising advertising and expense of sale saIl G H DERN Secretary Dooly block Mock Salt Lake City Utah First publication June 16 1908 Dividend Notice e eTHE THE SALT LAKE SECURITY Trust company has declared its regular semiannual dividend at the rate of ot seven 7 per cent per annum payable on July 1 1908 at the office of ot the tho company 31 34 Maui Main street Salt Lake City Utah to stockholders of at record June 20 1908 1 F E GURRIN President F S BASCOM Vice President JOHN HICKEY Vice President PresidentE E D WOODRUFF EDWARD HOME HOIE HOMER R U C GEMMELL W A WILSON EDWARD Directors Notice of Annual Meeting THE ANNl ANNIAL AL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Salt Lake Mercur Railroad company will be held at the of office office fice flee of the company McCornick block Salt Lake City tty Utah July 14 H 1903 at 10 a m U for the purpose of ot electing directors directors directors tors and for the transaction of ot such sueh other business as may properly come before such meeting L L NUNN President SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCK STOCKholders STOCKholders STOCKholders holders of Welmer Weimer elmer Copper C company compan companA A special s meeting of ot the stockholders ers era of ot the Weimer Welmer Copper Company Compan is hereby called to meet at the office of at atthe the company Herald Salt Lake City cUY Utah July 6 1608 1908 at 12 m for the purpose of at ratifying a bond and lease and for such other business as may ma properly come before the meeting By JAMES D PARDEE President IN THE MATTER OF THE GUAR GUARdianship GUARdianship of ot the person and estate of ot Al At Alberta Alberta berta Winifred Walker alker a minor d The undersigned will sell at private sale salean salean salean an undivided Interest in and to the following described real roo I estate sUb slUt situated atad In Salt Lake county count Utah to wit Commencing at a point 33 z feet north of ofa ofa ofa a point feet west of or the southeast corner of oC lot 6 In block ii 2 plat platA A Big Field survey said point of ot be beginning beginning b ginning being 30 feet teet west of or the west westline westline westline line of Main street as now established and from said point running north 2541 SU SUI leet I more or 01 less to the north north line Une of said lot 6 thence west along said north line of at lot b to the east line of ot West Vest Tempi street thence south on the east line of West cst Temple street 2541 2611 2 tl feet more or orless orless orless less to a point 33 feet north of the south southwest southwest southwest west corner orner of said lot 6 and thence due east to the time point of beginning containing SOS 38 J 8 square lods more or lead lett together with a right of ot way for use by the grantees of said minor in common with said minor her heirs and assigns for tor travel by foot vehicle or otherwise to and from said above described parcel over overtime the time following described strips or parcels of at real rea I estate to wit 1 A strip of ground 86 6 feet teet wide by 2511 feet more or less Iss long running north and south and adjoining said firstly above abo described parcel for its full length on the east 2 A certain other strip of or ground 33 feet wide running due east oost and west from Main street to West Temple street and for a portion of at the tho length thereof ad adjoining adjoining adjoining joining said firstly above described strip on the south and being the th southerly souther 33 feet of or said lot 6 for tor Its full length On and after Friday the day of July 1908 and written bids will be received at atthe atthe atthe the office of or Bradley Bradlo Harkne Harkness s room Atlas block West Vest est Second South street Salt Snit Lake City cn Utah Terms of ot sale cash on delivery delhery of guardians guardian a deed WINIFRED S WALKER Dated June th 1098 1008 Guardian Notice Noti e of Special Meeting of Stock Stockholders Stockholders Stockholders holders A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ers of ot tho the Meteor Mining com corn company company pany is hereby called to be held at Room Judge building Salt Lake City Utah on July 23 1906 19 at 4 p 11 m for forthe forthe forthe the following folio whig purposes 1 To consider and vote upon the time adoption adoption adoption tion of ot an amendment to the articles of ot incorporation of the time company so as to revoke and repeal the present Article VI which now reads as follows That the amount of or the time capital capita stock of ot said corporation shall be which shall shah be divided into shares of or the therace face race or par value of each and substitute an article to read as follows That time the amount of the capital stock of or said corporation shall be which shall be divided into shares share of the face or par of ot fifty 60 50 cents each 2 To grant authority to the time board of ot directors to sell the proposed Increase of ot I shares for cash at the beat beet obtain obtainable obtainable obtainable able figure the proceeds to be used in inthe Inthe inthe the further development of or the property and the acquisition of ot adjacent or additional property If necessary 3 To fill vacancies les on the time present board of or directors or elect a new board boan of di directors directors directors rectors and elect officers of the corpo corporation corporation corporation ration to serve until their successors sors are elected and qualified and to transact any other business which may properly come conle before said meeting S O 0 SNYDER A E KIMBALL President Secretary Dated Salt Lake City CIt June 22 2 1908 GODIVA MINING COMPANY Notice of Special Meeting of Stock StockS Stockholders Stockholders holders A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TilE stockholders of the Godiva Mining com corn company company pany will be held at its office in the Brooks Arcade building room IS third floor corner Third South and First East streets Salt Lake City Utah on the day of July Jul 1908 at 2 p m for the purpose of oC considering and voting upon the adoption of ot an amendment to the agreement of incorporation of ot the company so as to revoke and repeal the present article V Y of at the agreement and substitute an article authorizing ing lug an Issue of ot capital stock to the UM amount of at divided into 1000 shares of the par denomination of 1 per share The meeting will also consider and determine upon the use of the new capital capita stock by providing the ratio of at exchange of at the new for the theold theold theold old stock and what amount of ot the new stock shall be held and sold for tor the uses of the company in prosecuting pro its lIB authorized business The meeting will willa a also o transact such other business as may maybe be necessary to carry out the purposes es aforesaid E W PACKARD J E BERKLEY Assessment No 32 WABASH MINING COMPANY PRIN PRINcipal PRINcipal cipal place of at business Salt Lake City Utah Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors held heldon heldon heldon on the day of June 1908 1905 an assess asses assessment ment of ten 10 cents per share was lev hey levIed led on the capital stock of at the corpora corporation corporation corporation tion payable on or before the day of 0 July 1908 to W Mont Ferry secre seers secretary secretary tary at room Atlas block West Sec Second Second ond end South street Salt Lake City CIt Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the day of or July 1908 1900 will be delinquent and adver advertised advertised advertised for sale at public p auction and un unless unless Unless less payment Is made before will be sold soldon S soldon ld on the 1st day of August 1908 1900 to pay pa pathe the delinquent assessment together with all cost coat of at advertising and expense of sale W MONT FERRY Secretary Location of offices Nos Atlas block Salt Lake City Utah Notice NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION upon the qu ion tion of if f incurring bonded in indebtedness ind d Whereas Th h f ity ty l c un 1 of t f Salt Lak Lake City tall b 1 by as aa ordinance daly passed by said council on the thc day of Jun 1908 and approved by the mayor maor of ij id city on the day of ot June 1 did i ider I ider der a special election to be held heid in Nt tui ill city on the 2 th U day of ot July 1996 1908 for tie the purpose e rr or submitting ut to such qualified electors t f sai i i city as u shall have pail paid a property tax ta in said city in the year ear li 1911 lithe the tbt of incurring a bonded m imm in the BUm sura im of four hundred and thousand thou and dollars dolla for tie Ite purpose e of increasing roving rovin en enlarging n 11 extending petter i and ad to the present water and wet wai waI i r works worb system of said MId city and also allio t i question of incurring a bonded indel t i iness ness in the sum of one hundred and t two iw i r thousand dollars for the purl of or completing increasing extending aim and adding to the present sewer system i t isaia tI I saia city 1 lt constructing pumping station installing two pumps pump and necessary nece op operating 1 crating machinery therein and estat 1 a i and constructing main sewers in inthe inthe the northern portion of the city and J Whereas Said Saki ordinance directed an all allol i required the mayor maor and city recorder of ot f Salt Sait Lake City to make |