Show PAYS FOR BOND I Hiskey Iskey H First F of Men to Pay In Full The first subscription for Commercial club bonds was re received received by the Utah Savings SaYings Trust company trustee on June 26 the sub subscriber subscriber subscriber scriber being U IT U Hiskey East Second South street Mr Hiskey has been a resident of Salt Lake City for forthe forthe forthe the past eighteen years and for more than eleven years was connected with the Sanpete Valley Railway company until the road was transferred to D DR DR DR R G interests About two months ago he accepted the agency of oC one of the leading American fire Insurance com companies companies companies and entered the fire insurance field He has offices in the McCornick block and has issued a souvenir post postcard postcard postcard card in which he has made novel use lof of the single U LT on the mountainside and his initials double L r |