Show MARK TWAIN ON MONEY New York Sun Mark Twain Twan at a dinner in New Now NewYork NewYork York said that the recent reent financial panic had been caused by the removal from the coinage of the motto In God We Trust Afterward with a smile smie he append appended ed to that statement Of course curse I 1 am joking The panic was caused by a wrong idea Ide of ot the use ule and value of money mOne That IB is the cause of all aU money troubles The spendthrift says that money mone being round was made to roll rl The miser says SIS that being flat fat it I was made to stack up Both are wrong Strangely wrong too In the ideas about money are the veteran Austra Australian Australian lian han gold diggers digger Those simple old fellows though worth perhaps a half million milon or more live lve in the simple dug dugouts dugouts dugouts outs and shanties of ot their lean len early days They have no conception of ot the value for their money they could get in the w of motor cars cals diamonds and opera boxes boxe Their conception of luxury is a trip to town a silk sik dress for the wife and maybe a whisky spree Once lecturing I landed at an Australian port There was no porter in sight to carry Seeing a old fellow leaning against the post with his hands in his pockets I beckoned to him and said See here herc if It carry car these thee bags bag up to the hotel Ill Il give you half hal a crown The man scowled at me mt He le took three or four gold sovereigns from his pocket threw them Into the sea scowled at me again and walked away without a word |