Show 1 w The Stenographer J She Size Has Sympathy for Women Who Wo WJ o Don i Want to Vote By DOROTHY DIX SIX 4 SEE said the Bookkeeper that thata HI I a thousand are going In a body to see the President President dent and protest against extending the right to vote Tote to women I hope replied the Stenographer with grim sarcasm that It will do them as III much mu h good rood as III it does us ua suffragettes to ence and untried faith exclaimed the Stenographer If It shea Ibes got any an way wa d of t making a husband TOte rate lust just the way b bs a wife It wants him to Id like to know what It If is and so would some ome other millions of oC women who are Ut married to men I whom wh they thel can no DO more wrap around ther the fingers than thin they th 1 could wrap a steel girder And anyway Any I should think that tie tiet t U UI c t I process of at reducing a husband to a state stae sta 1 iH 1 1 i oten e e And the women In the Turkish harems look down on them present our little annual appeal for tor enfranchisement enfranchisement to the tho President Theres Therell no form torm of ot amusement that I know of ot that Is II so 10 absolutely Innocent and Innocuous as III for tor a lot of at women without I votes Totes to memorialize memorialise m the President and Congress I The anUs antis say 11 went on the Book Bookkeeper Bookkeeper Bookkeeper keeper that Its perfectly horrid to think I of ot a woman doing such luch a bold thing as II I voting and that a ballot is a thing that no perfect lady Udy would monkey with I f fIts Its all In the point Joint of at view and how bow benighted you vou are re retorted the Stenographer I replier The anti look Jook down on us UI and and the women in the Turkish harems look loov down on them as DB brazen I i forward things that even got thee the decency to cover cOYer their faces when they the j t t go out ou in 10 n public and actually speak to tomen j i imen men ment 1 t menI I used to have a washwoman whose 1 husband would get drunk and beat her black and an blue bine and the poor creature feature actually b u d of ot it as a proof that her husband loved her so 10 well that he be was Jealous of at her bar She Shi thought that a bust bus I band was II really neglecting his wife and exhibited a lukewarm rm affection toward ber ter if It be bang ter er up u now and then 1 I note said the e Bookkeeper the ant do not propose e to de deprive deprice price the c i Ti t of at their valuable ser ear services I vices but they ther Intend exerting their In vicariously so 80 to speak speak One lady positively asserts that she Is tl s going to have havea a vote but that it will be through her husband She says going to make her h vote her bee way Is she married 1 inquired the See Ste with Interest I o 0 the paper speaks of at her as Miss Ulas II I Bookkeeper answered the Bookkeeper I thought it was the voice of at Inexpert of ot pulp where he would take his hie politics from tram his bis wife and vote Tote the way she told him to would be a lot ot mere mer unladylike a proceeding than quietly dropping a ballot Into a ballot box x Tie The nan aan an who 1110 is s going to be his hU In to poly poll tics surely has ha my sympathy It is sweet said the Bookkeeper mentally to think of at womans o b her silent influence In e eIt It U 1 Is agreed Sr d the Stenographer Womans Woman Influence is great when It tw backed up b by power 1 have some lome stork In a mt manufacturing rH e company ud and 4 I DOt rl that my w womanly woman I influence Is I great ab about t ar time lime the Toting voting power of ot my mr lit mo fttie i wad of stock will turn the scales But Bur any anyway way I wish I J was an antl suf sef fr inquired the Bookkeeper Because piled the Steno ra p he every one Sl of them that I ever r net met t IU i fat tat lady Id with and real lac Mostly they thel live In swell ewell apartments s is ir r v hotels and have haTe husbands that pat on the head aB and l shove abeTe dos doHi U bUll bills at em em and and say There weary th 4 j sow ow dont you worry Jus Jui go 0 down n and buy bUr you a new Dew shirt wair walar I Ili 11 II see Ite about everything else There there now I And dud when a woman has bas got all ail the clothes she can wear and all the pate d de fops fols res ir she he can stuff she cant see lee for tor forthe forthe the life life of ot her why anybody else shoud want things changed It must wust be com corn to have haie a conscience thata go got e eo 0 stout stoat that nobody can ean expect it to tat tame exercise on Its own account Dont You Jou ou sympathize with the woman who want to vote demanded the Bookkeeper Certainly I do replied the Stenographer pher and the woman in the harem v |