Show TWO NEGROES NEGROS DONE TO DEATH Georgia Mob Makes Short Work of Men Accused of Heinous Crime Way Cross Croy Ga June Jun 27 At sundown tonight two negroes were by i mob of at least 1008 1000 persons pe n Th lynching occurred OH OR the th eastern out outskirt outskirts skirts skirt l of the city The negroes negro s wen wet Walter alter Wilkins and Albert Baker wh where were ere brought here from Wayne Vayne counts one of them charged char ed with outraging the daughter of Wll Thursday evening Th Tb negroes were lodged in hi the Watt Vat Wa county jail during the day and lat this evening were ere taken out by Wayn county officers officer for the purpose pU of ot tar ear tarrying them to Jessup Te aup for safe ra keeping The negroes were joking the and a hundred men pounced up them others holding the guards Th The negroes were wera started on en the run aero acro College hill bill Dragged to Oak Tree For nearly half a mile the m mh Vt dragged drugged them to the first oak tree in iT inthe the old Cherokee nursery nUli ery Here an at attempt attempt attempt tempt was wag made I to break bre R the handt uT which held the negroes together hu hut without avail NO Nor one had a 8 rope bu bua a heavy vy trace chain which was Wali locke locki I around one of ot the negroes was broken apart and a loop was soon mad madl around his neck neek Some one mounted the tree and from the first limb caught the end of ot the chain tying It aroun I the he limb while hUe others held the negi up lip from the ground He was the i turned loose leone loot e Me hili hii feet about two feet from the ground Hundreds of Shots The other negro still stilt handcuffed t the body of the hanging man with hands clasped around the tree The mob stepping back about ten paces opened fire on the men hundred hun of shots being bing fired fred into their bodies bodiE Many tried tre to prevent th killing of the negro who was claspIng lift tree tre there rf being much doubt of oc hi I connection wih with the outrage The negro Albert Albrt Baker was waa arrest arrested arest areste e ed id yesterday morning and carried be bp before fore tore the girl for identification He was waa with several s other negroes at the time and amid she readily pointed pinte him hini out out |