Show t THREE SIMPLE INGREDIENTS Mixed Together Said to Be Fine for Stomach Troubles Nino Nine out of or every ever ten people suffer from Stomach Troubles Sour Stomach Indigestion Gastritis or Dyspepsia and many man from front more serious troubles which started t originally from one of the above troubles trouble We should give our Stomach more attention its a delicate piece of ot machinery that needs oiling up occa occasionally occasionally especially the way wa most of us abuse it ft People are continually doc doctoring doctorin doctoring torin for Stomach Troubles There are many remedies one can take but the simplest and claimed to be the best bestIR bestis iss is a mixture of ot three simple ingredients that you can Ret get et at any drug store They T ey are inexpensive and can be mixed at nt homo home Here they are Compound Tincture of Cinchona one ounce Compound Com Compound Compound pound one ounce and Sherry SherI Wine half a pint Mix and take a teaspoon teaspoonful ful in water before meals and at bed bedtime tune time The above mixture Is now becoming ramous lanious as the Prescription for tor Stomach Troubles The Com Compound pound Is of very high digestive power It cat cai c n be taken alone alGne in three to five drop doses in a little water but preferably preferably preferably in the above mixture Compound Is prepared by the Cooper 1 Company Campan Chicago operative after which date everything Is I 4 C 0 A l I Castle Clear Creek Gate U P RockSprings Rock RockSprings Springs BAMBERGER COAL CO Upper Falls Resort Opens Tune June 14 No o Mosquitoes No Saloon Are you going to try for a large one In jn the Provo or a small one me ne in some small ISmaIl stream streamy y Stomach Troubles disappear after a n change from coffee to a Reason Read The Road to Wel vUle In I Success Su c ss Means Money The public demonstrations dem of the Call Automatic Railroad Switch have been a perfect success Thousand Thousands of people have visited the 0 o S L yards in the past 90 days have watched the most critical tests given the switch Success has crowned the operations Today The Call Automatic Railroad Switch stands head and shoulders above criticism Railroad experts mechanical engineers and the Great General Public pronounce this device the greatest in the history of invention Mr Walter V Turner mechanical engineer of the Westinghouse Air Brake Co Pittsburg Pa paid us a visit on his way to Los Angeles He stated Your invention is one of the most promising of ot the age It is actually brains within itself and there is no reason why it should not be a gre at success Your Last i Opportunity to o Buy Stock of o the e Call Automatic Switch Co at Ground Floor Figures I The e Call a Automatic Railroad SIX Opportunity r Switch is is a Perfect t Success SIX DAYS DA YS To who realizes this the announcement here make one we The Call Automatic Switch Co has met with very Hatter flatter flattering is indeed most important imp ing success and the manager with Mr Ira A Call leaves for fox forthe Such last To the Opportunities never long thinking peo people pIe P le of Salt Lake City and vicinity Mr Ira A Call the in inventor the East July J ly 2 1908 1 venter of one of the most promising inventions of the age is isone Those wishing stock at figures can obtain one of our home boys hoys A boy that is worthy of the th bright fu future same for the next SIX DAYS ONLY No Nos stock rock will be sold for far I Iture ture that is now awaiting a him through t rou whose work and brain b in 1 a share after Jul July Y 2 1908 1808 We P present resent here a great eat opportunity the Call Automatic Automat Switch h Co is IS giving you an opportunity tunit In but a short while it will rank with Y those their of the that stands unparalleled in the history of American invest investments ments past Will Wll I it 1 t be b e another ano th er opportunity t um ty that th a t you have h ave let I e t go by byA UJ t i A small model may be seen at our office CULLEN HOTEL Rooms t tt J i FILL PILL OUT THE SUBSCRIPTION BLANK AND SEND IN AT ONCE I ISTOCK STOCK SUBSCRIPTION BLANK To THE CALL AUTOMATIC SWITCH CO coa 0 a Cullen Hotel Salt Lake City Utah I IThe The undersigned hereby subscribes for Shares of the treasury stock of The Call Automatic Swath Co Coat at per share and herewith please find enclosed J in payment for same State Whether Full or Partial Name of Subscriber I P F O 0 Address No Shares I Kodak Finishing I Salt Lake Photo Supply Co Matt Man If You I ICare Dont Care I II i iI I What your our Jewelry costs or I whether it Is good or not we probably cant do much for you I If It you ou do care then come cometo rot t to us t HB lE 31 j jH jT I I 17 H I IN S I IS S SALT T C in TY i UTA UTAH UTAn 3 j jI I I If It Happens Its in The Herald BUG BUO KILLER Bugs ants roaches all animal and garden insects instantly exterminated These little brown pests that disturb your slumbers plumbers will vanish like a summers dream on one application l Large arge bottles tic Special price to ho hG hotels hotels by the gallon Both phones Remember the number I 44 Main Street I Geo fieo eo I T Brice Drug Dru Co CoA Cot t Am A ma trice the Utah Gem fiem em Phone 65 for the Correct Time SAU tun err ucc r THIS HAs IM SN ln T B Bi BEEN i i THE BEST HEST I Sort of weather for far the I summer resorts but it has helped us to get ac acquainted acquainted acquainted with a lotof lot of coal users WESTERN WESTER FUEL GO CO 1 73 SOUTH MAIN ST Telephone or Morphine Habit cured OPIUM O P I U M Free trial treatment We specially desire cases where other remedies failed Conti Conn Confidential Harris Institute room No NoI I oo W St New Net York I ANCL I REFRIGERATORS ONLY ABOUT 50 LEFT THAT rOAr WILL BE CLOSED OUT AT SACRIFICE PRICES The GURNEY REFRIGERATOR is the Best on Provision Chamber 13 19 Ice Capacity Si Ibs the market IT IS THE ONLY REFRIGERATOR Was W as asAND 2050 20 NOW 1365 13 65 THAT CAN BE KEPT ABSOLUTELY PURE Provision Chamber AND CLEAN FOR ALL TIME TI by reason of 0 f its 1 t S im improved i Ic lee Ice car Capacity ean X iii Ibs r proved construction in the following points Was 2365 NOW 1580 1 I A Removable Ice Compartment a Provision Chamber w 2 Ice Capacity WO ro lb lbs Ibs 2 Cleanliness Was 2580 NOW 1720 3 Free Circulation 4 in the Use of Ice Width Depth De th Height Weight liei t e t y Economy 26 s in n I In 41 in ss u Ib IbA 5 Condensation and Dry Air Was 2755 NOW 1840 r rG 6 G Low Average Temperature S Width Depth Height Weight u f fB Uy 7 Freedom from Condensation on Inner Walls 19 in 20 io 0 in HIt 4 In l IS 1 Ibe 7 71 lbs IbL 8 Freedom from Damage b by Use of Ice Picks i Was NOW 2200 9 Proper Location of Drip Pipe it itt t 4 Width Depth Height Weight Capacity Cawett 10 Sliding Adjustable Shelves k 3 in 22 in 46 in 1 1 lb lbs lot lOS Ib lb 11 Durability d Was NOW 2540 P PR PI WI W FURNITURE CARPET STORE 51 EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET 1 |