Show I I I I I I WORK I ON IMPORTANT BUILDINGS Seasons Activity Advancing With Rapidity at Sites of Big Structures MILLIONS WILL WILLBE BE SPENT IN DOWNTOWN DISTRICTS HOME CONSTRUCTION KEEPING PACE WITH THE BOOM IN BUSINESS SECTION 5 Rapid headway is being made In the vast building movement in the business district of Salt Lake which will result In the expenditure ex of from t tl ti i this season In the erection of new office buildings theatres hotels churches and other structures In th tho tho residential districts the activity among home builders la equally equall brisk and an large sums are being spent in the con eon construction construction of beautiful dwellings throughout the city and in suburban sections sect ions Downtown at some of ot the building cites excavations are being made for tor foundations while at other places workmen are re busily engaged In laying the foundations or in putting up steel sten superstructures Since The Herald two weeks ago ag printed a list of the more important building projects touch much progress has been made and a number of or new build building buildIng ing enterprises have been announced List of Big Projects I I Business men and others who are in interested InI sted in itt the advancement of Greater Salt Lake have watched the tremendous tremendous tremendous dous wave of building activIty with gratification and are keenly alive t teach ls 1 each step that is being made in carr carry carrying carryIng Ing out the numerous projects A par partial partial list of or buildings now under con construction on and those for which plans plan have been prepared or are under lon con consideration is as aa follows f 44 4 MM 9 4 Newhouse e block Samuel 4 Newhouse S NOO 4 4 4 Boston block Samuel New Newhouse Newhouse f house 4 4 Rio Grande Grands depot 4 4 Oregon Short Line 4 Administration building Lat 4 4 Woodruff f Realty Co l MI MICalla 4 1 4 Callaway Calla Wit Hoock Francis Francus Fran ta tar 4 r 1 4 building les l 4 Riter TIller apartments a 1 Ki 4 4 Paris Millinery Cos Co build 4 4 lag ing SUM 4 f Intyre ios 4 4 Auerbach theatre JoIO JO i 4 4 F 1 Auerbach A t Urn Bro d dart 4 4 4 ment mOnt store 4 4 Salisbury building buDding l 4 Commercial Club 4 f hotel l 4 4 L D S Church office bIM 4 4 Ing lag Richards and South 4 f Temple streets I 4 4 Young Mens lenK Mutual Im lm 4 4 provement society W 4 4 West Temple Realty Com Corn Compan 4 1 4 puny pan building 4 4 4 building 4 4 Peery estate building 4 4 Crane building 4 4 First Baptist church 4 Salt Lake Jake Security Trust 4 4 4 Co apartment house h M I H II Walker building nhia 4 4 stories atones 4 4 JOl Joseph eph Smith Memorial build 4 4 ins Ing 1000 4 Orpheum theatre 4 4 Kimball building 4 4 Postoffice enlargement ap 4 4 on made mode 4 4 Mining exchange 00 O 4 4 block 1500 4 J J Daly Dal block 4 4 4 Mormon church power plant plaat 4 4 New school buildings 4 f 4 No estimate 4 4 H 4 M t M H H 4 Skyscrapers Coming On Since the recent completion of ot the Judge building at Third South and Main streets the two Newhouse skyscrapers are the nearest to comple completion completion tion ton of any of the structures structure in the list The Newhouse block at the southeast corner of Main street and Exchange place is now being roofed n ofed The steel superstructure Is practically completed ed cd and the stone front has been laid at atthe atthe atthe the fifth floor On the Boston block blok at the northeast corner of Main lain street and Exchange place the steel super superstructure superstructure I structure has also al o reached completion and the workmen are engaged upon the roof The stone has hiss been laid to the fourth floor As both the Newhouse and the Boston blocks are buildings this will leave considerable work yet to be done by the time masons mason before the time skyscrapers can be opened But although It tt will be some tim timp before tenants can move into the t blocks there is 18 already alre dy an eager de demand d mand for offices In the structures It 11 j i isaid said that Mr will wili re ree large returns from the time buildings from the leases leaB S which h have already been signed sl ned 9 Will Wilt Build Hotel With the approaching completion nf If the skyscrapers comes the news tha Mr e will soon com men f work upon the Newhouse use hotel h I will cost about l The old Walk Walker er home has been torn down so at as t I tI I Continued Cont on Page 3 I r RUSHING WORK ON IMPORTANT 1 NEW BUILDINGS I I YA y 1 t th i L t I h r o Let z f P i 4 i I a j 1 it t a n h i iL wr b i i a T TM L I I M 2 j 1 I t t I I i o t I i t F p I 1 S 4 c I U t I K KA A i w K i r i a r w d r rI rs r II I I I I i Ii a s sat sata F t M Mt e i 4 I My e ev v M a i L it ya y 4 t e N I A a i 4 t w n s I 4 ky 7 t tI 1 I j a w yew wY M w t t I 1 K lK E P a 1 i e a af f t tr r r 3 t 1 I I 1 j Rushing work wok at Auerbach theatre site 2 Progress of excavation for foundation of Ick block 3 Putting up frames for concrete pillars at Oregon Short Line passenger station 4 Completed foundation of O 0 S L station 5 Starting steel superstructure of Paris Millinery building 6 Scraper work on excavation for Rio Grande Orande passenger station Continued From Page 1 clear the HI hotel site Mitt at Fourth South and anil Slain Bain streets and Mr Ir Newhouse It has available with which to nence construction upon the mag m g J building It will be the fittest finest hotel in the west and one of the finest in all the country Mr Yr Newhouse will also join Martin Perk of the Orpheum vaudeville cir clr cirt t c tit lit in the construction of a beautiful pew theatre at State street and Ex Exchange Exchange change hange place This is the theatre con eon concerning which much has been written for far several sever I months past It will be east tast of the Commercial clubs new building at Exchange place and Cac Cactus Cactus Cactus avenue Mr Newhouse ehouse has not yet announced his plans improving his property at the northeast corner of Fourth South and Main streets streeL and at atthe atthe atthe the northwest corner orner of ot Postoffice place nd Main street It is known however that the Doull Drug company compan which occupies the cornel corner opposite the post postoffice postoffice postoffice office holds a lease leaS in which Mr New Newhouse Newhouse Newhouse house reserves the right to have the tenant vacate after a brief notice Nothing is being left undone to ex expedite expedite the work upon the new Auer Auerbach Auerbach Auerbach bach theatre in Third South street be between t tween State and Main streets For a awhile awhile while hile last week the teams were were kept at work upon the tho excavation for forthe forthe the Ulf foundation As the excavation grew deeper it was necessary to reduce the number of t teams but as many were retained as it was possible to use While the laborers are at work wont upon the excavation other workmen are busy with the concrete retaining walls and with the foundation Every Eve y inch of space Is being used and every opportunity tu is being seized to hurry along the work The multitude of toilers crowd crowded ed together but working without hitch or delay is one of ot the interesting sights of the building movement Only the most skillful generalship on the part of the men who have the direction of the work makes it possible for so many men busied with such varying tasks to labor successfully together The Auerbach theatre has already been leased It will cost and will be bo an attractive structure Space on the upper floors which will twill not be required for the theatre will be con converted converted converted into bachelor apartments and andin andIn andin in the basement there will be a keller Short Line Depot The Oregon Ore on Short Line is making con considerable considerable considerable progress upon its depot but work is ia slower upon the Rio Grande station The massive foundation of the Oregon Short Line depot has been finished and the workmen are now busied with the reinforced concrete pillars upon the first floor This has necessitated the building of long stretches of wooden frame work which will be later torn down The new passenger station is south of the present depot and will cost from to At the Rio Grande depot site excava excavation excavation excavation tion for the foundation still continues At the present rate of progress It will take considerable time to complete the I work The depot site is between Third I and Fourth West streets and Second I and Fourth South streets The building build buildIng building Ing will cost about Mormon Office Building The interior brick walls of the admin administration adminIstration building for the bishopric of or orthe the Mormon church have in some places reached the second floor but the work oik on the exterior stone walls has been slower This building Is to cost about On the ground floor will willbe willbe willbe be the offices of the presiding bishop and other church officers and a large banking room On the upper floors will willbe willbe willbe be banquet halls assembly rooms and i iother other arrangements for the gatherings and entertainments of ot the and girls organizations of the church The Mormon church authorities are having plans prepared for the new of office office fice flee building at South Temple and Richards streets which will wUl cost be between between between tween and according to the statement stat ment of Bishop Nibley and arid will be six stories high Monson of Logan are arc ar the architects Rutherford Hanson are preparing the plans for the Young Mens Mutual Improvement society building and gymnasium at Temple and Allege ave avenues avenues avenues The cost of the structure will willbe willbe willbe be from to Work upon these two buildings will commence as soon as possible Independent Power Plant It is improbable that work worle upon the Joseph Smith Memorial building at South Temple and Main streets will wUl begin this year because of the numer numerous numerous numerous ous other building projects which are arenow arenow arenow now engaging the attention of the church authorities The building will cost about The site of the power plant which Is to be used In tn heating the church buildings has not been decided upon but a conduit under Main street connecting the temple and tabernacle with ith the buildings on the block to the east of the temple temple block has been com completed completed coin This will be used In connection connection connection tion with the power plant Block Excavation for the foundation of the block is almost completed This building is to be a structure to the north of the McCornick bank building at First South and Main streets and will cost about Plans have been pre prepared prepared prepared pared by Richard the archi architect architect The building is to be put up by W S McCornick and Samuel McIntyre Mr McIntyre re intended to put up a build building buildIng building ing of ot his own Independent of the Mc McCornick McCornick McCornick Cornick enterprise but as this would have left an strip of at Main street frontage belonging to Mr Mc McCornick Cornick between the new structure and the McCornick bank it was decided to alter the McIntyre so 80 that the McCornick ground could be built upon at the same time On the Callaway Hoock Francis store building the north foundation wall has been completed but the work on the south wall has been delayed be because because because cause of the work of excavation on the adjoining property for the le McCornick block This building will cost On West Temple Steel and other material is arriving so rapidly for the new building for the wholesale department of ot the Paris Millinery company that it in 10 expected that the structure will be finished fini some seine sometime sometime time in October It will be five fie stories high and an will cost The building is located on West est Temple street be between between tween First and Second South streets The foundation has been finished and the workmen are engaged upon the steel teel superstructure James E Jennings and Dr Union Worthington have succeeded in getting the needed additional ground for Cor their building to the north of ot the Paris building This building will be five stories high Architects are now engaged upon the plans Commercial Club Building Delay In the arrangements for the commencing of work upon the new Commercial club building has been caused because of the necessity of ask asking asking asking ing the architects who submitted plans to send in new estimates The build building building building ing and finance committees of the club which now have the plans under con consideration consideration consideration feared that the plans as originally submitted would entail the expenditure of a larger sum than As soon as the plans for Cor the tle build building building building ing are definitely decided upon the work of construction will be pressed as rapidly as possible President Halloran of the Commercial club says sas that when he called the new club building a structure he Included the value of the site about and the cost of the interior furnishings fur furnishings furnishings about He said that the amount spent upon the building would be Old buildings are being cleared from the Commercial club building site so as asto asto asto to put the ground in readiness for the work of excavation New Store It will take some time to complete the plans for tor the new department store building of F Auerbach Bro on Main street between First and Second South streets The architect will not only design the building but plan for its construction without inter interfering Interfering interfering fering with the business of the Auer Auerbach Auerbach Auerbach bach store which will retain its pres present present present ent location all the time that the new structure re is going up Owing to leases upon buildings which oc occupy occupy occupy cupy the store site work of construction construction construction tion will not begin until next spring The Salisbury building which will be north of the Newhouse N on lower Main street will be a three or building according to the present Intentions of the Salisbury company but the foundations and walls will be sufficiently massive for forthe forthe forthe the height of the building to be dou doubled doubled doubled bled at some seine later time Although the site for tor the building has been cleared of old structures the excavation for tor forthe forthe the foundation has not commenced This la is because the plans have not been completed A five or build building building ing may be decided upon before the work of construction commences Substantial Work upon the Peery building at Third South and West Temple streets will probably be resumed In a few days The foundation has been completed com completed completed for tor some time The building will cost J J Daly stated yesterday that he had not yet decided upon the site or orthe orthe orthe the cost of the business block which he will erect upon his recently r purchased property at Fourth South and State streets There has been considerable delay In the preparation of the plans for the building which Mrs Sarah A McChrystal tal will erect at South Main street The work of tearing down the old structures upon the property has not yet commenced The building will cost PlaTIs Pl have been completed and all ar arrangements arrangements arrangements I made for the construction of ot the twin buildings which the West est Temple rem pIe Realty company is to erect in inNest I i West Nest Temple street between First South and Second South streets Work II of construction will be commenced in ina ina ina a short time Time to Build Is Now Urging that those who think of build building building ing ins should begin at once the American Lumberman says sas Silent workshops Idle Idie crews and dust covered piles of merchandise in the warehouses mean stagnation for any country |