Show POLITICIANS TO RULE i We call the attention of thoughtful people Democrats Republicans Americans and those of all political beliefs to these paragraphs in a reso reo resolution reSo reSolution lution adopted at a meeting of ot Amer American loan ican politicians Friday night That we respectfully request quest r the mayor not to appoint James Devine to the office of ot chief of the Salt Lake fire department nor any other person to that or any other office or position who is not before such appointment vouched for by the city committee and the chairman of the election district as aforesaid That we respectfully request the American party members of ot the city council of this city to refuse to con confirm confirm confirm firm any appointment made by the mayor maor or the head of any other depart department department ment mont of ot the city elty government unless such appointee Is vouched for as afore aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid said That Tha it is the sense of ot this conven convention convention tion that it is the duty of the mayor and the heads of all other departments of the city government of ot this city be before before fore tore they appoint any subordinate to any office or position to require from such proposed appointee or 01 applicant for appointment a certificate In writing from the chairman of the city commit committee I tee and the chairman of the election district In which such sueh person resides that he lie Is a member of the American party of the state of Utah in good and regular standing The resolutions which contain a good deal more of the same kind of matter were Introduced by b H J Dininny city attorney While nothing better could have been expected from a man of Mr calibre it is nevertheless disappointing that one holding so im important portent and so dignified a position should so demean himself We cannot imagine such resolutions emanating from Judge Ogden Hiles from Judge C C Dey De Frank B Stephens Judge W V C Hall or any of the other distin distinguished distinguished distinguished and able men who have held the office of city attorney Any An of them would be far above the methods of ot the ward politician And we submit that the public will be pardoned If It It lacks confidence in the legal learning and opinions of a city attorney who would descend to such proceedings By B the terms of these resolutions the appointing power is taken from the themen themen themen men to whom the law has delegated it and placed in the hands of or Inner cir circles circles cles cbs of ward and district bosses of or small bore politicians who think more of ot the party to which they profess a poising passing than of the city their elected officials have solemnly sworn to serve to the best of their abil ability abilIty ity I h If the mayor maor and council allow themselves to be bullied and nd bulldozed and intimidated ted by that crowd they do not deserve the support of the gen ten general general eral public Devine is merely merel an incident in this matter According to the morning I American organ he made an excel excellent excellent lent chief of the fire department one oneo of o the best we are told by that au authority authority the city has ever had We Ve are by b no means Interested in his appoint appointment appointment ment mont at this time because in our judgment there are others just as ca capable capable capable pable of filling the position as Is De Dc Devine Dej vine The big point is that when the American party goes on record as against the true American Amerlean spirit of tolerance and fair fall play and square dealing though we dislike to charac characterize tense Fridays gathering as tho tIm American party the organization departs from all the principles it has professed and on which it has won vic vie victories victorIes tories in this city We 8 submit too that efficient service cannot be expected from city depart departments departments ments monts controlled by b petty politicians Men Ien who are responsible to a ward wa l or ora ora ora a district leader rather r than 1 to the chief of their department men who know that as long as 3 they are faithful f to their party they can retain their po positions positions positions regardless of ot their individual qualifications cannot In the very na nature nature nature ture of ot the case give good service And nd this Is the party that hat Is asking of Salt Lake Lak City to charge e themselves with a debt deot pt f for public improvements Really the atlon is almost laughable |