Show SALT LAKE LAK GETS CBS fiRST IT DEFEAT DHU T Td d Smelter Town Trims Bunch Before Big Crowd at Murray Utah State League LeagueS Won on Lost P C Salt S ti Lake 4 1 i ao Ogden S 2 MM Murray Furray j 2 l z tOO ft Fort art Douglas 1 I 3 50 The rejuvenated r Murray baseball team put it all ail over Salt Lake Like yesterday at atthe atthe atthe the Murray furray ball park Hummel and anti Lum Lumley Lumley Lumley ley were w ro the battery for tor Salt SAIL Lake while Pearson and Scott did the honors for tor Murray Murra Scott was hurt in the first half halt of at the t e third and had bad to retire from the game Critchley a new man b being Ing sub substituted d he clearly cI that he be was no novice behind the bat Salt Lake started out to win bringing In two runs rune In Ie the first while they hut chut out Murray Morray for tor the first two innings In the last half of ot the third Murray got busy bus with the willow and rapped out four fourS runs before the visitors were wore aware of ot the fact tact Salt Suit Lake did not score in the fourth but the did in such euch sucha eucha a manner that they had the visitors com corn completely completely demoralised errors errora being chalked up against all alt of the team Castro was the chief offender In this Inning the brought In tn seven runs The Salt Lakers were to score again until the sixth when they were lucky enough to bring In Inon one on run For the rest relit of the game they were shut out not one of at them making third base In the fifth Murray netted one more morer r in and also another In tn the sixth Mur Murray Murray Murray ray ran can an now boast of or having a team that is ready to ge go up against the beat of ot them Three new men were ware In evi 81 evidence dence deuce at yesterdays game They were Jackson the new twirler Donavan who was placed on second base and Critchley a new outfielder Murray played with ith a vim yesterday that denoted that they would make a game fight tight for tor the pennant Hummel was pounded freely tree by the Murray sluggers and hit at times when hits meant m ant runs while Pearson for Mur Murray Murray Murray ray pitched giltedge ball bail throughout the game The weather was ideal and a crowd estimated at OO people witnessed the game Billy Dutch hem held the indicator and did satisfactory work Fol Following Following Following lowing is the lineup Murray Salt Lake Donavan tb Castro Catro ss Towner cf ct Lumley c Thayne Ib lb McKean rf rt Taylor rf Yr Osler Osier ef of Hunn Gunn Smith tb a o Manley If It run HiU ss s Kaeter Kaefer Ih Th Jackson J If It Stewart IJ Pearson p Hummel p Score by bv innings Murray IS 13 Salt Sait Lake OO 3 Dutch |