Show I TEDDY TURNED DOWN BY HIT ELIOT President Effort Efort on Behalf of Harvard Crew Proves a Failure New York Vork June 23 A special dispatch from Boston to the Tribune says sars Despite Despie the appeals of President Roose Roosevelt Roos Roosvelt Roosevelt velt and Assistant Secretary of State Slate Robert Bacon Fish and Morgan the two crew men suspended for violating the rule rul against removing books bles from the Harvard Hanard reference library will wi not be permitted ta ti t row in the boat race President Roosevelt made marIe a personal ap deal j eal to President Eliot Elot by b telegraph as M MoOn soon oOn as he heard of oC the suspension but buthe buthe buthe he met with wih a curt refusal from the Har liar Harvard yard vard arl executive to make any change In Inthe Inthe inthe the ruling The full ful correspondence corre consists consist of two telegrams one from the president to President Eliot Elot the other an answer from President Eliot Elot President telegram read red President C W Eliot Elot Cambridge Mass MassIs assIs Is it not and an would it I not be more fitting and just to substitute another punishment for Fish Ish and Morgan if I as is stated they the merely merel took away awaya a I hook book bok which they the were permitted to use ue in lit the library It I seems to us and we feel eel sure that it I is unfair u and unnecessary essary esar to make others other suffer for an of offense offense of this kind for which some sonic other punishment might surely sureh be found Signed THEODORE ROOSEVELT ROBERT BACON President reply rep was wa as follows To o President Roosevelt Roosevel White House Hous man does a dishonor dishonorable dishonorable dishonorable able thing One violated in his private in interest Interest terest and In a crooked way a rule made in the common Interest while the other gave a false name and did not take sub subsequent subsequent subsequent sequent opportunity to give his own The rhe least possible punishment was putting them on probation but that drops them from the crews crows A keen and sure sense sene of honor being the finest result resul of college life I think the college antI and graduates should condemn effectively dishonorable conduct The college should also teach that one must never do scurvy things In Inthe Inthe Inthe the supposed interest or for the pleasure of others Signed CHARLES C ELIOT ELIT |