Show N tonight Champions Champ ons are competing at Saltair I Will wail see you at Saltair tonight EXPERT KODAK FINISHING Harry Harr Commercial Photographer Ph Photographer tog 11 South Main Tandem race at Saltair tonight Its Up to lo You to satisfy yourself that the special special special cial sale on Money Back Shoes at l p Are Arc as good as any ones you will see Our window will convince you your money 1 back if its not so Davis t w REMARRIED ON STAGE Couple With Child Figure in Theatre Advertisement As an advertisement the new manage management management management ment of the Utahna theatre In this city offered a prize to any an couple that would be married on the stage Monday Monda night nightA A couple applied Ret Re Hastings of the Park Presbyterian church was the officiating officiating clergyman The Fhe grooms name was given as Clyde C Howard and the brides as Miss Jacobson and the ceremony was performed At the county count clerks office the records show that the license was is issued Issued Issued sued to Clyde C Howard and Anna M 1 Howard It has lIas since leaked out that this is not the first time the couple have been joined In wedlock About four years ago Clyde Clide C Howard married Anna M 11 Jacobson and some time later they thEo were divorced The wedding Monday night reunited them The bride is but 21 I and the groom 23 It Itis ItIs Itis is said that the interference of or outside parties In the domestic affairs of or the Howards caused the separation in the first instance They have a child 3 years cars old GAS RANGES Special sale on Gas Ranges For the next ten days UTAH LIGHT RAILWAY CO Basement South Souti Temple Tempe Bicycle Excursion To Ogden Thursday June 25 via Ore Oregon Oregon Oregon gon Short Line Round trip Train at p m Special returning after the races Saltair bicycle races tonight L SPECIAL HAT SALE For the balance of the week weekending weekending weekending ending June 28 all BROKEN LOTS OF HATS AND VALUES FOR Shannon SEssex I I 26 East Second South I i I I C R Savage Co Main Cameras Camera and Photo Sup Supplies Supplies Supplies plies Largest stock In the west We do your our finishing right rights s GAS RANGES Special sale on Gas Ranges For the next ten days da UTAH ITAH LIGHT RAILWAY CO COI Basement South Temple Our wagons clean len carpets on o the tJ floor National House Cleaning Co I I i Teas I II IAre I 1 I Are 1 Natural I Uncolored I 11 I Japan I Teas I II I i I FOR SALE CHEAP CH EAP A Law Library Not large but good and sufficient for forthe forthe forthe the ordinary practice of or law JONATHAN C ROYLE So Main 0 Saltair bicycle races tonight Wedding Presents Preson Pre ts I If I you want a suitable present you ou will find our display of or eli sil silverware most tempting The 1908 1905 designs are In and we always have a complete stock and show the choicest selections I AtT LT LAK yn COKE I The Smokeless Fuel should be used In every stove i grate and furnace I SPECIAL PRICE For cash with order or C 0 o D 5 25 Per Ton extra if sacked and car carried I ried Halfton lots net per ton Coke slack net per ton delivered j Fill Your Bins Now I UTAH GAS COKE GO 00 I Main St Phones Salt Palace I WESTERN CONEY ISLAND Free Attractions Daily Balloon Ascension Parachute Jump at 6 p m Bicycle Track Races Tuesday Friday and Holiday Evenings I Fifty of the Best Riders in the World Special Sp Features Every Ever Race Meet II and We SOc WeTHE WeTHE THE Specialists Specialists I Ride for life on bicycle through fire Band concert concett every Sun Sunday Sunday day du evening Free admission fo to grounds Take Salt Palace Main street Mur Murray Murray Murray ray and State street cars ORPHEUM THEATRE I ITHE THE ORPHEUM STOCK CO COI I THE THREE OF JS I IA A superb company in High Class Royalty Plays Playa Every Ever evening except Sunday Matinees Wednesday and Saturday AT REGULAR ORPHEUM PRICES Upper Falls Resort Opens June 14 No Ko Mosquitoes No Saloon Are you ou going to try for or a large one in the Provo or a small mall one in some small stream ESTABLISHED 1854 ONE PE TO ALL NEVER BARGAINS IN HIGH GLASS APPAREL Each value mentioned represents an astonishing moneysaving ng woo and an Silk m D E ss B and aRd I at t j nh ardo values are tire shon h nu I IMOre Here MOre among this col of ei exquisIte s Silk Dresses e and Juniper that must be he heli i iee Few li ee te to t be appreciate Pong Pea Peau u de df iF Cygne and Taffeta Taff ta included includE Worth fully 83 and si t SJ 24 2475 75 4 dally eta priced this week at atI I 81 sad awl a rl 1 Silk Drees and Jumper n at tiK 1111 IJ In group are arp arps I s same fe very vry handsome ef i I all th t h S a sad ami w ll it tailored J tut aonie with lace luce steves es anti and andye an F 3 ye yoke worth fully s i e and aid j o i Spa gpo Sp priced etc n 1695 0 at a Ii i Rajah Linen LIna d Suits Suite 11 on White Rajah Linen handsomely with t blue Mu Rep makes makH th thO jauntiest tailored wash wa h suit auit imaginable well worth 55 Spatially 1100 priced e this w week ek at a 1250 ite JI Rep ni Tailored Sut Su a at WOO oJ Prett Suits Suit of Rep In white and ami andI light blue Mue coats coat are effectively ma i I with th the new sleeve and fastens with willi I two buttons gored KOred skirt well worth wort I It Specially I priced l I t thU Tee week at li ru to i 00 Ores Dress Skirts Ladies Jadi Dress Skirts all this seasons goods 1000 mad in n the latest models and for l I It PS es than the lost ost of or ill Is iI worth wOIth lip HP p to fc t s i 00 Sp 8 3 Q 75 Jf 1 for this week at 4 l J J 4 3 1 4 4 t 44 G 44 O i e 1 C 4 44 O 0 4 C t G 0 O 44 O OoH 4 oH oHi I eo itsue 4 OO 4 4 l O 44 4 bt b 4 o GO t u i luff luffe i t 4 TUE ERALD e iff i ENGRAVING COt CO hi 1 4 ilin t HERALD BUILDING tit ii 4 O i i 4 fi i f ii O OT t T i rt o t iiii 4 O 4 Zinc Etchings iii x ift t o o ot A ft J fr ii t Half Tones Toness GG g 04 V Yf o i o oAt ii At i sill VT s oo U 49 t i 4 n i lh O r 1 G 0 io ce til COMMERCIAL b i 4 b 4 i WORK PROMPTLY DONE DONEl 4 e ii u t to l 84 l 4 t 44 4 G 4 4 4 o t 4 e GOr o 44 4 4 t 40 4 t 44 44 4 G 9 44 OtOO 4 t 4 4 3 4 O 4 4 4 44 OO 6 t THE NEW LYRIC I IJohn John E Clark Manager WALKER BROTHERS THE BANKERS NE Incorporated Established E 1563 MOVING G PICTURES THAT TALK CALK I CAPITAL SURPLUS lOO AND SING I 1 Absorbed the Salt Lake City Branch Opening today Sinclair and Cavert of ot Wells Fargo Cos Co a Bank the minstrels Roberts jl and Arthur Harry Lauder Lander I Imitations Collins and Marian Harlan Flor Fbi Florodora Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent odora Selections and the first run I moving pictures Continuous vaudeville afternoon at I Traveler let Letters of ot Credit Issued 2 23 30 evening at 30 Available in All AU Parts Part of or the World Admission afternoons 10 rents cents I We 6 Invite your account evenings 10 cents and 20 cents I OUR OUK ADVERTISING SERVICE BINK ll WILL HELP BUSINESS ESS We 11 11 plan write and place advertising for fol L S any an line on commission or contract FRANK FRA K KNOX K OX t RESULTS COUNT and we can an prove proe I JAMES A MURRAY Vice Preside Pre to you that we are getting results re for W F EARLS merchants in this city Our proposition G A CULBERTSON Aast Cashier is open to jou ou I CAPITAL PAID IN A thoroughly modern savings depart department department department ment conducted in connection with thi thu think bank Deposit boxes oozes for rent C THE DESERET SAVINGS BANK 4 DIRECTORS I W v V w Riter President Moses Thatcher Vice President General Adv Elms Eliae A Smith Cashier Agents L S Hills HUis John R Barnes John John Juhn D Gil s Mgr I r 6 Maui Main si 11 Cutler David D ld A W Carlson I George Romney John R Winder Inder Reel Rt J Smoot E K R II Eldredge W V F James Four per cent nt Interest paid on savings saving U S DEPOSITORY deposits P PD Deseret D National Nati una I Bank Ban k Established The Oldest J 1641 st and Largest Large LargeR an iI Offices Salt Lake City Utah R G DUN CO GEORGE RUST RIST General Manager Capital i Utah Idaho Wyoming and Nevada Surplus Offices in Progress Building Salt S alt Lake L r S Hills President City Cit Moses Thatcher Vice President H S Young Cashier Edgar S Hills Asat Cashier J L W Burton rt Asat Cashier SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR r CO GO RENT REN BANKERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH State Bank Established 1872 1813 OF UTAH I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH ESTABLISHED issa IBS Established 1890 UTAH COMMERCIAL SAVINGS accounts of Banks Firms BANK SOLICITS S and Individuals and extends to CUll CUD every reasonable courtesy Win Wm F Armstrong President Pr and facility Byron Bron Groo Casne Cashe Joseph F Smith President COMMERCIAL BANKING IN ALL ITS Wm B Preston Vice Ice President BRANCHES Anthon H Lund Vice President Foj Fo p pet pe reit et interest on ot savings de Charles S B Burton Cash r posits pollis s Amounts solicited Satisfactory Henry Henr nn T McEwan Assistant Cashier 1 i service guaranteed A chance to get geta ji a first class piano Have Rave bill of oC sale in full rull Will 11 trade for or land horses horse or other othe property Address Piano P O 0 box city p Saltair bicycle races tonight |