Show I j I UNIVERSITY NOTES I II i i iThe IThe The registration of the university summer sum summer mer mer Iner school has reached which is the largest lar ost number by 21 since the beginning of the summer courses The Increase in registration is principally due to the school of physical education but the num number number number ber enrolled in the regular courses ismore Is Ismore ismore more titan than in other years Work on the addition to the gym ym gymnasium la fa I now in progress and It will he be completed before the opening of school The new wing is to house the lunch room and provide for a suitable eating place for the students student The present lunch room Is open for tor the summer BUmmEr school More lore than UI students who reside out of ot the city are served dally daily At the Hie commencement at Harvard uni university venit which will be held tomorrow Christian Chri tian Jensen a Il member of last years graduating class will be he graduated from tram Harvard ard with a It masters degree Jensen Is the first Utah graduate to obtain the master degree d ree In a year after atter ing the course coune at the university His ills rec record record record ord puts the Utah school on a par with any of ot the eastern colleges whose grad graduates graduates receive a masters degree after a year ear of postgraduate poat work 0 Miss Wheeler of the cooking department of the university will give a luncheon n Fri day dB for Dr Henry The rhe lunch luncheon luncheon eon will b be prepared pr pared by the student st denta of Jf the cooking claa who will also allO assist al lt In serving It The guests will be mem mom bers bars of the faculty acuity Mrs George Geore R Mathews the widow of Professor Prof NOr George R Mathews former pro fessor of French and German at the tini uni vu sity and th thO the only university professor who has ha died in active service was in th city eUy yesterday She visited the university where she was a former ormer student Mrs Mathews finished her course cour e at Stan Stanford Stanford ford tod soon after her husbands death eath and amI later took a Ii masters degree there She afterward entered Harvard and was waa awarded a Ii PhD along alon with at U valuable fellowship Mrs Mathews is ms now an in instructor instructor at Vassar and has been cot con connected with that school for a number df of years Asa As a result of the dramatic tryouts tr outs held yesterday at the university a cast was cheese to play The Time Amazons at the Salt kit Lake theatre on July Jul 16 18 According to the director Professor Babcock Babcolk the summer School hool people are considerably more mature maturo than the ordinary college student and the production of dashing comedy is expected to be one of ot the chief cef dramatic events of tin tIll season Those who were successful In yesterdays contest are Elizabeth Peterson Irma BItner Margaret Evans Louise Mille Milie 1111 Nan Clawson Clifford Ashby D W Cummings H L Marshall Ralph Hart lIart Hartley Hartley ley Ic James Griffiths Griffithe and d Samuel Taylor Tal r |